I never noticed this before until I read it on another site...
Lanfear knew that Lews Therin was in Shayol Ghul.
Graendal knew.
Slayer knew.
The Black Ajah and other dreadlords knew.
All of the Light knew, down to the smallest soldier.
Demandred did not know. Talk about being left out of the loop...
Also, how ridiculous!
So much as a major plot error, IMO. Practically every nation on the planet has some prophecy about the Last Battle, and the Dragon Reborn facing the Dark One at Shayol Ghul. (Heck, we even saw the "twice dawns the day" eclipse.) While all the other Forsaken were clothing themselves in knowledge about the events that took place after they were Sealed, Demandred wrapped himself in lust for revenge and went naked to the LB? Unbelievable.
It was a plot device for Demandred to think LTT was leading the Light's forces at Merrilor, to keep him from interfering at SG. When I was reading the book, I kept thinking to myself how lame it was for him to keep calling for LTT.
Where once was Shadow
Now reigns Light
Darkness fades
Into the Night
I made the switch!
Now reigns Light
Darkness fades
Into the Night
I made the switch!
Hilarious point about Demandred
04/02/2013 01:37:54 PM
Not really hilarious....
04/02/2013 11:04:02 PM
Rand appeared on every battle field, Demandred assumed he was there as well... *NM*
05/02/2013 12:51:27 AM