We were told he was a brilliant general. He was always one step ahead, and Mat with all the knowledge in his head had to gamble everything to beat him.
Brilliant? check!!
Brilliant? check!!
He was never a move ahead of Matt, he was a move ahead of the compulsed Generals. As soon as Matt took over he was manuvering Demondred to a set point wihtout Demondred being aware of it. The only question was if Matt's forces could survive until that point. Demondred didn't have a clue what was coming. He was a good General, we have no idea how good, but I think he was not the equal of ANY of the Great Captains, let alone Matt. All he ever really did was throw waves and waves of numerically superior fighters at the light, there was zero finese.
Imagine if Graendal had succeeded with the Seanchan
Without losing the Seanchen, Grendal would not have been available to screw with the Great Captains.We were told he was second only to LTT. If this is second best, how come we didn't get to see LLT in a One Power duel? The way he neutralized Logain's lightning and Taim's attack was masterful.
We did, and he single-handedly destroyed an entire army including chanelers. without damaging the fortifications they we using.
The fact that he was actually impressed by Taim's resolve after the beating tells you he is not the typical villain. And again, in
order to defeat Demandred, Lan had to gamble and do the opposite of everything he taught Rand about the sword.
Amazing with the One Power and the sword? check, check!!
Was the the sa'angreal really bonded to him?
order to defeat Demandred, Lan had to gamble and do the opposite of everything he taught Rand about the sword.
Amazing with the One Power and the sword? check, check!!
Was the the sa'angreal really bonded to him?
Lan did exactly what he trained Rand to do way back in book 2(I think) and Rand used it to win in Falma. Galad essentially did the same thing in his duel as well. It was the "here is how you beat someone who is better than you" move. The only uber-swordsman who never used it was Gawyn because until he met Demondred nobody was better than him, or even close.
We were told he was obsessed with LTT. CHECK!!!
True there
The Forsaken did well in this book. The forces of the Light were less creative.
.I'd say the creativity was split about evenly, but Grendel and Lanfear were quite impressive. Demondred got a bunch of screentime, but I don't think he was really anthing different than Sammael.
Demandred : a review
28/01/2013 04:44:37 PM
You obviously had low expectations. Also, "in a similar vein", not "vane".
28/01/2013 04:48:41 PM
Re: You obviously had low expectations. Also, "in a similar vein", not "vane".
28/01/2013 08:28:58 PM
I have a man crush on him
29/01/2013 12:26:09 AM
Uh, no not quite
30/01/2013 05:53:47 PM
He had so much potential and even showed some of it
29/01/2013 09:37:46 PM
It's easy to look like a great general
30/01/2013 01:33:33 AM
Give credit to Demandred for setting the stage
30/01/2013 01:49:41 PM
He didn't set the stage, Matt did.
30/01/2013 05:59:32 PM
I meant he set Moghedien up as a spy. And he set up the Sharan ambush. And Taim's betrayal
31/01/2013 02:23:52 AM
I actually have a problem with the sword fights
30/01/2013 05:33:30 PM
WTF? Demandred fighting people with SWORDS? How utterly ludicrous is that.
31/01/2013 06:58:00 AM
It seems like many of the male Forsaken are blademasters
31/01/2013 08:02:39 AM
I'm just glad that in the end he wasn't out generalled by Mat...
31/01/2013 08:10:37 AM
See teh conversation thread above, Matt completely out-manuvered him. *NM*
31/01/2013 06:49:29 PM