Active Users:355 Time:31/03/2025 11:58:45 PM
Ha! I've mellowed a bit, though! Larry Send a noteboard - 25/01/2013 04:56:47 AM
Long time, no see!

Yeah, the book was very underwhelming (I actually think it is one of the poorest in the series in terms of prose and plot execution) and I agree with most, if not all, of your criticisms. Although I didn't like the series proper as much as most here, I too am glad for at least getting to know some decent people, even if my sarcasm did tend to provoke a few a bit much at times :D Hope things are well with you, as it has been a while, no?

I saw you got in a pissing contest with someone on another post, much like you and I did a long time ago. (Back when I was a noob at wotmania). I recall you had badmouthed WoT and I felt Compelled to come to the defense. Those were the days....sigh. :)

I like to think I was nicer to you, though, perhaps because of your personality. But yeah, I do tend to draw the ire of the more ardent defenders of the WoT faith at times, but I've been working on keeping it more about the writing and less about personality clashes :P But I did read the posts (even if I didn't comment frequently) that you and a few others wrote back in the day and when I saw your name here, I thought it'd be a good time to respond and say hey :D

You almost have to feel sorry for Sanderson inheriting the unenviable task of trying to complete a fan favorite. Sure, it brings him more fame, but, he also gets to take the heat for not meeting expectations of loyal RJ fans, no matter that the remainder of the story itself was probably going to leave fans unfulfilled, with thoughts of what might have been.

I do, to an extent. When I wrote my review two weeks ago, I tried to focus more on structural issues that involved his difficulties in adapting his writing to the series. I have long complained about how his writing style too frequently fails to augment the potential power of scenes and while the differences between him and RJ's writing aren't as noticeable to me because I haven't read the older books in three years and only once in ten years before then for #1-9, I can understand the frustrations that Dom and a few others have with Sanderson's inability to mesh his writing with the series' style that much.

It's funny in a way. I really did look forward to every book back then. I'd reread before the new one would hit the shelves, spend hours doing research for theories, dissecting sentence after sentence looking for hidden meanings and clues. Then came CoT and KoD, and I realized that the story was never going to venture down any of the promising paths that Jordan teased us with. (Certainly the story would have been better, IMO, had he lived to complete it himself). But, it's apparent RJ had always planned on taking the story down the most obvious route, and the "hints" that inspired debate, controversy, theories and websites, were no more than false trails or scenery decorating the roadside. However, as long as Jordan was driving, I was happy to sit in the passenger seat, take in the view and enjoy the ride.

As a reader and freelance reviewer, I try to be careful to avoid the prediction game too much, as expectations can get in the way of appreciating other elements of a story. That being said, "predictable" is not always bad, as long as the story can hit the technical and emotional registers consistently enough. I just do not think this series did so consistently. I've thumbed through AMoL a few times since I wrote my review (mostly after reading some discussions here and at Westeros) to see what others were wowing (or moaning) over, and what I kept noticing, even more so than when I first read it, is that there would be an interesting scene, but it would not be set up well or it would be surrounded by a lot of wasted sentence space. The Dragon's Peace had the potential to be an emotional scene, yet it felt underdeveloped, with most nuances lost in the repetition of previously-established juvenile character traits. There was no real build-up to the finale of that scene because the characters felt less like complex characters searching for commonalities and more like caricatures of political leaders scrapping. There are many others from the first 2/3 that I could cite, but that scene is one that I thought was particularly poorly-done. Add to that my growing dislike of "battle" scenes, and yeah, not an enjoyable novel, but rather a series of interesting scenes interspersed among a lot of crappy ones.

It has been awhile since I've been here, BTW. (I think my last post was 2010). Been going through some changes. My father-in-law passed away a couple years ago and left my wife a small "gentleman's ranch" in Tahlequah, OK. (20 acres of scenic hillside next to the Illinois River in the NE part of the state). After making several trips from Ca. to OK. to make repairs after break-ins, we decided to go ahead and make the move about a year ago. Been a bit of a culture shock, but I enjoy the serenity of no neighbors within eyesight of my porch. :shocked:

Yeah, I bet that would be a culture shock! I've never been farther west than Kansas City (went there for three days with my youngest brother back in May), but the idea of whole swathes of land with so few neighbors around would be jarring to me and I grew up in an area that used to be semi-rural (35 miles west of Nashville, TN) until the past 20 years. Sounds like you've made some interesting changes in your personal life and that you're content with those, so congrats! :D I'm mostly the same, moving from residential treatment teaching job every so often because a place closes (I like to think not because of me, but despite me :P), so I may be heading back to grad school part-time this summer to work on a second Master's degree, this time in teaching ESL. Had a couple of short story translations published in the past 18 months, one in a big anthology published here by Tor (The Weird, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, both of whom I've come to consider to be good friends of mine), so if you ever wanted to critique the writer/translator's writing style in revenge for my critiques over the years, there's the perfect opportunity! :P

Take care, John, and hope to see you around at least occasionally :D
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 05:22:12 AM 5301 Views
I agree. It wasn' a bad book so much as a weak ending - 23/01/2013 05:33:51 AM 1579 Views
Re: Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 08:26:58 AM 1607 Views
Good to see you still around - 25/01/2013 06:07:55 AM 1511 Views
Re: Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 01:18:31 PM 1561 Views
Re: Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 04:11:13 PM 2836 Views
Agreed - 24/01/2013 01:24:52 AM 1561 Views
Brandon was just following Jordan's example in this - 24/01/2013 02:49:44 PM 1676 Views
Not quite - 24/01/2013 04:47:00 PM 1586 Views
Hi Dominic! - 25/01/2013 12:23:05 AM 1692 Views
Eh! - 25/01/2013 04:01:27 AM 1754 Views
Logain was in Merrilor?? - 25/01/2013 07:31:19 AM 1475 Views
And what about the Kin ? - 24/01/2013 03:18:28 PM 1558 Views
Most of the Kin didn't came to Andor with Elayne and Nynaeve - 24/01/2013 03:40:47 PM 1377 Views
Hey John - 24/01/2013 04:04:39 PM 2002 Views
Re: Hey John - 24/01/2013 05:45:30 PM 2017 Views
Yeah, his writing annoys me greatly at times - 24/01/2013 06:57:50 PM 2163 Views
Re: Yeah, his writing annoys me greatly at times - 25/01/2013 04:55:54 AM 1431 Views
I'm as much of a "mainstream" reviewer as a fantasy one these days, so... - 25/01/2013 05:16:16 AM 1801 Views
Re: I'm as much of a "mainstream" reviewer as a fantasy one these days, so... - 25/01/2013 08:37:48 PM 2204 Views
Totally agree about Mat - 27/01/2013 08:01:50 PM 1417 Views
Re: Totally agree about Mat - 27/01/2013 10:19:55 PM 2217 Views
Re: Yeah, his writing annoys me greatly at times - 10/02/2013 08:10:35 AM 1472 Views
At one point he used the word "arabesque" - how can something be that without Arabic culture? *NM* - 24/01/2013 09:25:54 PM 1047 Views
Indeed... - 25/01/2013 03:14:22 AM 1554 Views
What about misuse of titles? - 25/01/2013 06:19:16 AM 1348 Views
I was thinking of that this morning... - 25/01/2013 09:36:48 PM 1436 Views
You still Trolling the WoTBoards Larry? - 24/01/2013 11:06:14 PM 1411 Views
Ha! I've mellowed a bit, though! - 25/01/2013 04:56:47 AM 1982 Views
Been there - 26/01/2013 09:27:10 PM 1322 Views
Hello - 25/01/2013 06:21:04 AM 1259 Views
Back at you, Mark - 25/01/2013 07:46:12 AM 1343 Views
Were you the one who came up with "Selene was Mesaana"? - 25/01/2013 07:44:01 AM 1671 Views
Yep. That was me - 25/01/2013 08:26:37 AM 1491 Views
Re: Yep. That was me - 25/01/2013 08:54:46 AM 1410 Views

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