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Eh! DomA Send a noteboard - 25/01/2013 04:01:27 AM
Long time no see!

Funny thing is, Rand made the assumption that the Forsaken would try to attack him in the Pit of Doom like they had at the Cleansing. It looked more like he invited Graendal to interfere by announcing himself with an army. Perhaps if he had just put Alivia, Cadsuane and Aviendha inside the mouth of the cavern with instructions to BF anyone that approached?

I get the feeling he was hoping in a way to draw the Forsaken to SG, relieving the other battlefronts.

But the whole thing was stupid. Why bother having armies fight to block the narrow pass to Shadowspawn, when a decent circle could simply have come and collapsed the canyon's walls, making the valley unreachable except through Traveling?

The Windfinders were also MIA for the most part.

In their case we at least know where they were and what they did.

Good point about the river retreat. Why would you need to build a bridge when you can make Gateways that provide the same escape anyway?

The Kinswomen were apparently too tired. A pitiful and oft used excuse through the book, when all they had to do was fetch some of the 1000+ channelers in Mayene and use circles.

Part of the reason Elayne acted as she did is that they wanted the Shadowspawn to follow and try to cross the river. They were sitting ducks then, and they left part of the army there to deal with them and moved on, after they learned of a new army advancing on the city (from the Portal Stone at Shangtai, based on the direction).

Supposedly, that was a plan of the Shadow all along. That's why Brandon had Hessalam show up in a BT scene, to contrive Logain finding out about the plan and arriving to save the day. Why exactly Taim would have written down that Hessalam has compelled Bashere to order a flight over the two rivers to Cairhien, only Brandon knows..

Yes. I kept waiting to hear of Trollocs pouring into all of the countries to make the respective kings and queens want to take their armies and protect their homelands. Did Moghedien spy on that meeting?

She was presumably in Ebou Dar all along.

Using Compulsion on the Great Captains was, IMO, maybe the best parts of the book. It was a brilliant move, done subtly, and did tremendous irreparable harm to the Light's armies.

I agree it's one of the better parts, and long foreshadowed. I think the execution was a bit lackluster at times though - a POV of Graendal daringly entering one of the camps with an inverted MoM and reaching one of the Great Captains would have been awesome (suddenly giving her Lanfear/Moghedien's tricks was a bit "meh", though I really quite like the unleashed demonic monster Graendal turned into at SG. It just lacked a little something to be really frigthening). We really didn't get enough POVs from the Shadow in the book, not only from the Forsaken but even DF. We didn't even get to see how they felt about the "Day of Return" - Alviarin and co. The ghosts are others that completely vanished, the ta'veren's colour swirls too by mid-book or so. The book strongly gives the feeling Brandon was quite overwhelmed by the scope of the thing.

Couple random things. Didn't Leane get captured by Demandred in Kandor? Then she later turned back up at Merrilor with a pov and no explanation? Or did I read names wrong?

Demandred sent her back to the Aes Sedai to give Rand his greetings. That was hilarious, by the way, Demandred showing up too late, a few days after Rand had already entered SG.

The WT AS. Wasn't there something like 1100 AS at the beginning of the series? Losing maybe 200 to the Black Ajah, that still seems like about 800-900 AS fighting for the Light.

A good number of those who stood aside apparently didn't return after the reunification. Many joined Dragonsworn etc. The WT also lost many sisters in the fight against the Seanchan, both casualties and prisoners. Then 200+ BA. Nearly all the Yellows went to Mayene. Egwene had around 200 with her in Kandor, the rest went to Lan and to SG. She didn't offer any to Elayne, a fact Brandon kind of underplayed (the whole resent of Elayne by the WT leadership, I mean. They sort of pulled a Testuan with Eldrene, stopped using her title of Queen to refer to her as Elayne Sedai, and they left her with just the Kin and presumably Perrin's two AS).

The BT is a little harder to figure number-wise. Taim said he was trying to match the WT but I doubt that could have been accomplished in a years time. Then we also don't know how the split went down, either.

It's hard to be sure, but Brandon's numbers seemed on the low side, and he didn't tell us how many died in the (frustratingly) offscreen battle at the BT. Logain had 40 with him at Merrilor, IRRC (that number might be wrong, I'll need a reread). Lan had a few Asha'man, Egwene too (and extra bonded AS with them). Elayne had none before Logain arrived. Aviendha had very few, those tied to Cadsuane's followers like Flinn it's implied, but not even all of them (Narishma and Merise were with Lan, for e.g.).

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Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 05:22:12 AM 5277 Views
I agree. It wasn' a bad book so much as a weak ending - 23/01/2013 05:33:51 AM 1561 Views
Re: Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 08:26:58 AM 1588 Views
Good to see you still around - 25/01/2013 06:07:55 AM 1493 Views
Re: Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 01:18:31 PM 1541 Views
Re: Where to begin.... - 23/01/2013 04:11:13 PM 2817 Views
Agreed - 24/01/2013 01:24:52 AM 1543 Views
Brandon was just following Jordan's example in this - 24/01/2013 02:49:44 PM 1647 Views
Not quite - 24/01/2013 04:47:00 PM 1567 Views
Hi Dominic! - 25/01/2013 12:23:05 AM 1661 Views
Eh! - 25/01/2013 04:01:27 AM 1740 Views
Logain was in Merrilor?? - 25/01/2013 07:31:19 AM 1463 Views
And what about the Kin ? - 24/01/2013 03:18:28 PM 1538 Views
Most of the Kin didn't came to Andor with Elayne and Nynaeve - 24/01/2013 03:40:47 PM 1360 Views
Hey John - 24/01/2013 04:04:39 PM 1981 Views
Re: Hey John - 24/01/2013 05:45:30 PM 2001 Views
Yeah, his writing annoys me greatly at times - 24/01/2013 06:57:50 PM 2139 Views
Re: Yeah, his writing annoys me greatly at times - 25/01/2013 04:55:54 AM 1413 Views
I'm as much of a "mainstream" reviewer as a fantasy one these days, so... - 25/01/2013 05:16:16 AM 1776 Views
Re: I'm as much of a "mainstream" reviewer as a fantasy one these days, so... - 25/01/2013 08:37:48 PM 2176 Views
Totally agree about Mat - 27/01/2013 08:01:50 PM 1402 Views
Re: Totally agree about Mat - 27/01/2013 10:19:55 PM 2194 Views
Re: Yeah, his writing annoys me greatly at times - 10/02/2013 08:10:35 AM 1451 Views
At one point he used the word "arabesque" - how can something be that without Arabic culture? *NM* - 24/01/2013 09:25:54 PM 1039 Views
Indeed... - 25/01/2013 03:14:22 AM 1539 Views
What about misuse of titles? - 25/01/2013 06:19:16 AM 1329 Views
I was thinking of that this morning... - 25/01/2013 09:36:48 PM 1420 Views
You still Trolling the WoTBoards Larry? - 24/01/2013 11:06:14 PM 1396 Views
Ha! I've mellowed a bit, though! - 25/01/2013 04:56:47 AM 1961 Views
Been there - 26/01/2013 09:27:10 PM 1305 Views
Hello - 25/01/2013 06:21:04 AM 1242 Views
Back at you, Mark - 25/01/2013 07:46:12 AM 1325 Views
Were you the one who came up with "Selene was Mesaana"? - 25/01/2013 07:44:01 AM 1657 Views
Yep. That was me - 25/01/2013 08:26:37 AM 1473 Views
Re: Yep. That was me - 25/01/2013 08:54:46 AM 1389 Views

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