Active Users:470 Time:23/02/2025 05:28:10 PM
While I have long agreed about the tinkers, remember that tGS was originally part of aMoL Cannoli Send a noteboard - 25/01/2013 01:13:55 AM
One of the things that has upset me about AMOL is how little time all the respective cultures were displayed. All the beautiful world-building by RJ was scarcely displayed in the last book.
Remeber that "the last book" encompasses all three books written by B-Sand. So just because he made the arbitrary decision to place something in tGS or ToM, don't complain that it was left out of the "ending."

The Tinkers were pretty much worthless chodes. I am truly embarrassed by this because I honestly thought they were going to play a big part at the Last Battle (I originally thought they would find a song that would reverse the turning of the Asha'man). But no, the Tinkers were pretty much worthless.
Um, yes. That's what you should EXPECT from pacificists when the Last BATTLE comes around.

Other cultures that were also worthy of a 'worthless chode' award include:

1. The Seanchan-- they were barely even needed in the Last Battle.
<img class=2' /> WTF? They were major contributors. The military victory was a very near-run thing, and without the Seanchan forces, they would probably have lost. The effectiveness and success of the Seanchan military have been thoroughly established in previous books. Their lack of big dramatic moments does not alter the reality of their contributions. Plus, their fake-defection was used to lure the Shadow into a fatal trap.

2. The Aiel-- Why do we have a stupid 4-book build-up about the battle of Malden and then barely see the Aiel in action at the Last Battle? Was it really necessary to have to defeat the Shaido 3 times throughout the series and then glance over the Aiel almost completely in the last book?
I don't know what you wanted - they held Shayol Ghul to give Rand time to win. Did you want more wallowing in Aiel customs and blather about ji'e'toh? I would also not be surprised that they did not get a lot of attention in the last book(s) because Sanderson does not get them the way that Jordan did. With RJ, even without a spotlight specifically directed on the Aiel, there could have been enough asides and casual mentions to give the book a taste of Aiel presence.

3. the effing Seafolk-- What the hell was the point of this culture when they were barely even featured at all. Laudy frickin' dah, they stopped some wind.
It's technically spelled "la di da". And like just about everything else, the Sea Folk serve mainly to illustrate things about the characters, and provide situations for them to develop against. The Sea Folk served as an adversarial element at a point in the series when Nynaeve and Elayne were riding high on a string of awesome successes. The Sea Folk became the thing that all their sneaky out-of-the-box methods and secret Forsaken knowledge could not defeat, that they had to live with because they needed someone else's help. Crown of Swords was the point where all the characters got a sharp reality check after the triumphs of tSR, tFoH & LoC, where they moved from the easy wins of the battlefield and channeling duel to the more complex situations of their rises to political leadership.

4. the Asha'man. Sure these guys had some good screen time, but then Androl has to ruin all of Logain's glory.
It is entirely in keeping with the themes of WoT, that the people who get the glory are not necessarily the ones who deserved it.

5. Valan frickin' Luca-- How can this guy not be in the Last flaming battle?
Not everyone can be in on the cool stuff.

6. The theories of Terez-- How come none of them happened? I seriously thought Gawyn was going to kill Rand and Demandred was Roedred.

Trust no one. Beware of False Prophets
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Worthless Tinkers - 21/01/2013 06:14:02 AM 1472 Views
Hard words - 21/01/2013 12:52:03 PM 951 Views
You are wrong about the Tinkers.....and some of the others as well..... - 21/01/2013 05:27:32 PM 1144 Views
Valan Luca - 22/01/2013 11:59:33 AM 891 Views
While I have long agreed about the tinkers, remember that tGS was originally part of aMoL - 25/01/2013 01:13:55 AM 1061 Views
Because Terez was an idiot and you were duped. *NM* - 27/01/2013 04:11:18 AM 414 Views
Lawl *NM* - 30/01/2013 07:26:24 AM 361 Views

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