I have been a longtime lurker (18 years) on both Wotmania and ReadAndFindOut over the years, but have almost never posted.
My first thought about the final three books is that they read like fan fiction with some guidance. I love the series, but found A Memory of Light to be very disappointing for many of the reasons outlined in other posts. I haven't seen anything posted about the following so I thought I would share my thoughts.
How did Luc being sent to the blight by Gitara Moroso help the Light? Why was this necessary?
Even when the DO is completely sealed people still have evil within and the ability to harm others so how does it make sense that the DO is needed? Specifically, many of the Forsaken were doing evil deeds like Semirhage and Graendal even before the bore was drilled. Also, Rand’s quote about how even if the bore had not been drilled that war might have been inevitable. Clearly there is evil in the world even when the Dark One is completely sealed away. I just found the conclusion completely illogical and not internally consistent.
Continuing the wheel of time, as is, almost makes the series meaningless. The Wheel continues to turn and basically a large segment of the population will die with the coming of each Age. World progress also reverts during these major upheavals, such as from the Breaking to the Third Age. To continue and perpetuate the system makes no sense and I expected Rand to come up with something clever rather than something so conventional and expected. Even if the Dark One really is needed, which I as mentioned I believe was actually contradicted by the text in places, it would have made more sense to destroy most of the Dark One, but leaving enough of his essence left to avoid the vision he had of a world without the Dark One or perhaps to destroy the Dark One and leave Fain as the evil in the world.
My first thought about the final three books is that they read like fan fiction with some guidance. I love the series, but found A Memory of Light to be very disappointing for many of the reasons outlined in other posts. I haven't seen anything posted about the following so I thought I would share my thoughts.
How did Luc being sent to the blight by Gitara Moroso help the Light? Why was this necessary?
Even when the DO is completely sealed people still have evil within and the ability to harm others so how does it make sense that the DO is needed? Specifically, many of the Forsaken were doing evil deeds like Semirhage and Graendal even before the bore was drilled. Also, Rand’s quote about how even if the bore had not been drilled that war might have been inevitable. Clearly there is evil in the world even when the Dark One is completely sealed away. I just found the conclusion completely illogical and not internally consistent.
Continuing the wheel of time, as is, almost makes the series meaningless. The Wheel continues to turn and basically a large segment of the population will die with the coming of each Age. World progress also reverts during these major upheavals, such as from the Breaking to the Third Age. To continue and perpetuate the system makes no sense and I expected Rand to come up with something clever rather than something so conventional and expected. Even if the Dark One really is needed, which I as mentioned I believe was actually contradicted by the text in places, it would have made more sense to destroy most of the Dark One, but leaving enough of his essence left to avoid the vision he had of a world without the Dark One or perhaps to destroy the Dark One and leave Fain as the evil in the world.
Hated the Ending
22/01/2013 03:09:06 AM
This reply contains a Spoiler!
22/01/2013 06:26:02 PM
Re: This reply contains a Spoiler!
22/01/2013 06:46:54 PM
Not everyone hated Egwene and her death creates some serious issues for the Tower
23/01/2013 05:41:53 AM
Cadsuane isn't that bad
23/01/2013 12:49:55 PM
Yet would not accept Nynaeve because she hasn't taken the Oaths
23/01/2013 09:30:10 PM
Wasn't Egwene exactly like that, too? *NM*
24/01/2013 01:24:47 PM
No. Egwene never once treats Nynaeve and Elayne as though they were not AS
25/01/2013 07:09:56 AM
True, but I meant that she was AS to the core *NM*
25/01/2013 02:10:31 PM
She was a reformist Amyrlin. Cadsuane may also be, she is unconventional
25/01/2013 02:20:23 PM
Re: She was a reformist Amyrlin. Cadsuane may also be, she is unconventional
26/01/2013 11:31:10 AM
Well, shit, isn't that just more realistic?
23/01/2013 03:59:02 PM
Yes yes ... But this is supposed to be a FANTASY ... Not real life *NM*
23/01/2013 09:31:05 PM
But good fantasy has an element of realism, or else you can't suspend your disbelief.
24/01/2013 01:51:04 PM
Luc = Perring = stopping Graendal and Lanfear. no DO = "turned" Elayne = no "choice" = no will
22/01/2013 06:58:24 PM