Was anyone else a bit disappointed with Moridin?
The past few books have hinted at his power, and his machinations, but he really had nothing to show for himself. His entire plan was basically to win the confrontation with Rand at Shayol Ghul. In principle, Moridin is the only true follower of the DO, but you would think he would have tried a bit harder to dethrone Rand earlier on.
Instead, he gave the other Forsaken a few orders here and there, with little effect, and seemingly just to satisfy his pride and show off his Nae'blis-ness.
The past few books have hinted at his power, and his machinations, but he really had nothing to show for himself. His entire plan was basically to win the confrontation with Rand at Shayol Ghul. In principle, Moridin is the only true follower of the DO, but you would think he would have tried a bit harder to dethrone Rand earlier on.
Instead, he gave the other Forsaken a few orders here and there, with little effect, and seemingly just to satisfy his pride and show off his Nae'blis-ness.
He believed what he was told just like the others. He's been such an offscreen player since he became Moridin. Personally I think a lot of posters on the boards had these awesome theories about what he was up to off screen and that got us all thinking he would be more than the books really told us he would be. I think Graendal/Hessalam was the most effective forsaken throughout the entire series and her role in AMOL just sealed that opinion for me. Demandred was pretty much Sammael all over again with a little more screen time during a fight, but despite the Sharan twist he didn't really add much to the onscreen experience.
Moridin isn't a dupe - he's the only Forsaken who understands what the DO's victory will mean, and he really wants it. He wants the destruction of everything, and most of all, he is tired of being spun out to fight Lews Therin over and over again. Before the DO was released he wrote books like the "absence of meaning" and when he turned he called for the destruction of the Pattern. Moridin wants the Pattern to be annihilated down to the smallest detail, and he is furious that the DO brought him back. He wants the final death, but nothing he does allows him to achieve it, and he's really upset about it.
As for the Forsaken, I would agree with you about Graendal. She has been such a massive success in the series as a villain. She was hugely impressive in the Last Battle, with the way she devastated the Light's generals, and also fought on a personal level standing her ground against so many of the Light's strongest women at the same time. Graendal is all over the book - she's like a virus.
I don't really agree about Demandred. I thought he was spectacular. He was intelligent, a master tactician and probably the best channelers we have seen in the series (he probably killed hundreds of thousands of people single handedly using Sarkenen). He's fantastic, and the way he beat up Taim, utterly humilated Logain, killed Gawyn and disfigured Galad was pure class. I know many people were disappointed in Demandred and his Shara revelation but I thought it was excellent, and I enjoyed all his scenes. I liked his showdown with Lan and his demise was fitting and plausible. Too bad he'd been driven insane by his hatred of Lews Therin (he could practically not think of anything else).
Cyndane was interesting too, and more subtle than Graendal, which was surprising. I enjoyed her a lot, and Moghedien was amusing as always. She's just the cutest little thing to see scurrying around, and how she takes advantage of things for a few minutes before being beaten up again.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
16/01/2013 03:20:50 AM
I think Moridin was just another dupe of the DO
16/01/2013 04:03:47 AM
I disagree somewhat...
16/01/2013 08:54:09 AM
Never understood why Moridin didn't just ask someone to balefire him. *NM*
16/01/2013 01:41:18 PM
It doesn't stop you being respun by the wheel
16/01/2013 02:28:31 PM
Then just Travel to Tel'aran'rhiod and commit suicide! *NM*
16/01/2013 03:20:16 PM
But then the DO would bring him back. *NM*
16/01/2013 04:08:54 PM
Travel into Tel'aran'rhiod and kill yourself with balefire! *NM*
17/01/2013 01:12:42 AM
You can not touch yourself with your own weaves? *NM*
19/01/2013 04:04:28 PM
Sure you can ... Androl opened up,gateways and blasted dark Asha'man with their own weaves
20/01/2013 03:43:01 AM
I also don't really agree
16/01/2013 04:50:55 PM
Yet the Dark One told us directly that he had many plans
17/01/2013 12:36:09 AM
Re: Yet the Dark One told us directly that he had many plans
17/01/2013 07:01:14 AM
Demandred and Graendal were the only two effective Forsaken, really.
17/01/2013 07:51:49 AM
I am disappointed that we didn't have more on screen time from Demandred
17/01/2013 05:00:52 PM