I agree with you about Egwene. Egwene is a radical ruler... She makes some great decisions but some rather bad ones too, and every time the decisions (good or bad) have a rather large impact on everyone around her.
Cadsuane is an excellent choice as Amyrlin. She's more of a moderate than Egwene, and with her standing and her wisdom, she'll overall be a better choice to lead the Tower. It's likely she will institute all the changes we have been hoping for - the Oath Rod, the Asha'aman. She won't take nonsense from the Seanchan (neither will Egwene but she's been too personally affected and becomes irrational). Cadsuane has lived through all the changes... She knows about the merits of male channelers, the Oath Rod and she knows about the stagnation of the Tower... Which is why she will be perfect for the transition.
"Transition" is likely the right word for it.
She's said herself that she's old enough to die at any moment.
My thoughts on AMOL (spoilers)
10/01/2013 07:15:35 AM
I'd call that the best possible, reasonable interpretation of Egwene *NM*
10/01/2013 07:44:01 AM