- All right, technically some of these are not fulfilled YET, as of aMoL, like Aviendha's four kids with something odd. On the one hand, her Rhuidean experience explains a couple of meanings for that, which Rand's fate supports. It could be either the super-channeler thing, which might have to do with his pipe issue, or it could be the fact that the physical body of Rand who was present when Min had the viewing, is not the biological father of her kids. That would also explain why one has dark hair from their wetlander side, when their only wetlander grandparent was blonde. On the other hand, there's a lot of stuff supporting that that vision is going to come true...
- Also not dealt with are Min's viewings of Lan, of ruined towers and a baby in a cradle with a sword, which would seem to refer to his past, but which RJ denied. I guess he and Nynaeve are going to restore Malkier, but why have theit kid swear the oath on the sword when war is basically outlawed and the Shadow is gone?
- Logain's laughter as he steps over Rand's body to mount the speaker's platform of the Black Tower doesn't really describe his ascension to glory or to the leadership of the Asha'man, neither of which had anything to do with Rand's body. It is theorized his laughter is because he knows Rand is not really dead, but as far as I could see, he was not in on that scam.
- What did Min see that tied Egwene to Galad, that would incite her to call Egwene a fool?
- Also, Egwene's dream of the Seanchan woman helping her is almost certainly Leilwin, but nothing in their acquaintance seems to fit Leilwin specifically offering her help to reach the place she was trying to climb. It seems like Leilwin would be offering her help with something specific, rather than the general offer of service she actually makes, or the Gawyn-substitute Egwene actually uses her as. Another thing that occurs to me is that Egwene failed to make the best use of Leilwin, and had she been more imaginative or proactive in accepting her help, she might have actually survived.
I don't remember right now if Leilwin was with Egwene when she and Rand faced off at Merrilor, but she was supposed to have a confrontation with him, with a Seanchan woman in her company.
- Rand's "a bloody hand and a white hot iron" and the two dead men surrounded by Trollocs.
- Thom has had almost nothing to do with the White Tower since Min had that first viewing of him.
- Cadsuane's teaching of Rand and all the Asha'man doesn't seem to make much sense.
- How does Narishma "follow after"?
- Mat was supposed to weigh two Aes Sedai on a balance scale and something huge depended on it, on a world-like scale. Seemingly about his rescue of Teslyn and Joline, IDK what kind of massive repercussions that's had, unless it was the first domino in getting him hooked up with Tuon. Or maybe it represents his ignoring Verin's letter but going after Moiraine and the Trollocs attacking in accordance with the former, while he is doing the latter. Maybe if he had stopped to read the letter and chosen to put off rescuing Moiraine to save Caemlyn, things would not have worked out as they did.
- Elayne has not married Rand, nor does she seem likely to (unless the trio are going to find a replacement), but it could be that Min's actual viewing did not use that word, and Elayne is just putting her own interpretation on what she said (a term like "father of your children" might have been taken to mean husband, by the at-the-time sexually-reserved Elayne). On the other hand, a red-hot iron and an axe and a severed hand, have been meaningless. The Band could hardly be said to have been severed from Mat or anyone or anything else, so that interpretation is rather suspect. Neither Rand's nor Galad's injuries seem to have had anything to do with her or any significance to her life. Also, she never forces Rand to his knees, even figuratively speaking. The only thing that could refer to might have been the warder bond, but he wasn't forced and his persuasion was not as easy as the one hand might indicate.
That's all I can think of. I'll spot them the three on the boat, with that being either figurative or a future vacation Rand and the girls will take someday. There's also a couple that seem to have been addressed more subtly than I would have thought, such as the Foretelling that referred to Aviendha and Elayne as the dedicated spear and the lion sword, referencing their roles in Tarmon Gaidon, and the "three as one" reference to Rand's use of saidar, saidin and the True Power.
Can anyone think of other things that haven't come true?
- Also not dealt with are Min's viewings of Lan, of ruined towers and a baby in a cradle with a sword, which would seem to refer to his past, but which RJ denied. I guess he and Nynaeve are going to restore Malkier, but why have theit kid swear the oath on the sword when war is basically outlawed and the Shadow is gone?
- Logain's laughter as he steps over Rand's body to mount the speaker's platform of the Black Tower doesn't really describe his ascension to glory or to the leadership of the Asha'man, neither of which had anything to do with Rand's body. It is theorized his laughter is because he knows Rand is not really dead, but as far as I could see, he was not in on that scam.
- What did Min see that tied Egwene to Galad, that would incite her to call Egwene a fool?
- Also, Egwene's dream of the Seanchan woman helping her is almost certainly Leilwin, but nothing in their acquaintance seems to fit Leilwin specifically offering her help to reach the place she was trying to climb. It seems like Leilwin would be offering her help with something specific, rather than the general offer of service she actually makes, or the Gawyn-substitute Egwene actually uses her as. Another thing that occurs to me is that Egwene failed to make the best use of Leilwin, and had she been more imaginative or proactive in accepting her help, she might have actually survived.
I don't remember right now if Leilwin was with Egwene when she and Rand faced off at Merrilor, but she was supposed to have a confrontation with him, with a Seanchan woman in her company.
- Rand's "a bloody hand and a white hot iron" and the two dead men surrounded by Trollocs.
- Thom has had almost nothing to do with the White Tower since Min had that first viewing of him.
- Cadsuane's teaching of Rand and all the Asha'man doesn't seem to make much sense.
- How does Narishma "follow after"?
- Mat was supposed to weigh two Aes Sedai on a balance scale and something huge depended on it, on a world-like scale. Seemingly about his rescue of Teslyn and Joline, IDK what kind of massive repercussions that's had, unless it was the first domino in getting him hooked up with Tuon. Or maybe it represents his ignoring Verin's letter but going after Moiraine and the Trollocs attacking in accordance with the former, while he is doing the latter. Maybe if he had stopped to read the letter and chosen to put off rescuing Moiraine to save Caemlyn, things would not have worked out as they did.
- Elayne has not married Rand, nor does she seem likely to (unless the trio are going to find a replacement), but it could be that Min's actual viewing did not use that word, and Elayne is just putting her own interpretation on what she said (a term like "father of your children" might have been taken to mean husband, by the at-the-time sexually-reserved Elayne). On the other hand, a red-hot iron and an axe and a severed hand, have been meaningless. The Band could hardly be said to have been severed from Mat or anyone or anything else, so that interpretation is rather suspect. Neither Rand's nor Galad's injuries seem to have had anything to do with her or any significance to her life. Also, she never forces Rand to his knees, even figuratively speaking. The only thing that could refer to might have been the warder bond, but he wasn't forced and his persuasion was not as easy as the one hand might indicate.
That's all I can think of. I'll spot them the three on the boat, with that being either figurative or a future vacation Rand and the girls will take someday. There's also a couple that seem to have been addressed more subtly than I would have thought, such as the Foretelling that referred to Aviendha and Elayne as the dedicated spear and the lion sword, referencing their roles in Tarmon Gaidon, and the "three as one" reference to Rand's use of saidar, saidin and the True Power.
Can anyone think of other things that haven't come true?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Unfulfilled prophecies...
09/01/2013 07:30:27 PM
Some of these did occur...
09/01/2013 08:40:33 PM
Re: Some of these did occur...
10/01/2013 08:37:43 AM
Re: Some of these did occur...
10/01/2013 04:08:59 PM
Re: Some of these did occur...
10/01/2013 05:59:15 PM
I like to think he's going to work out that Rand is still around and follow him to wherever he goes
15/01/2013 08:30:01 PM
Perhaps Moridin is the subject of the prophecy and "follows after" as Rand's new physical form?
16/01/2013 04:55:35 PM
"A man lay dying in a narrow bed, and it was important that he not die."
16/01/2013 05:00:45 PM