Active Users:1891 Time:23/01/2025 05:02:57 PM
Mine weren't, even with the low expectations Larry Send a noteboard - 09/01/2013 05:04:07 PM
The series really went to shit around Book 8, and nothing since then has really redeemed it. At first I thought it was just wistful nostalgia that made me view the earlier books as being better and the later ones as total crap, but you see, I hadn't ever read this little thing called "A New Spring" when it was just in that anthology, and so when it came out as a full book, after book after book of total shit, I saw the Robert Jordan that had interested me in the first place - great setup, killer suspense, wonderful delivery and a big bang at the end. It was never serious literature, but it was damn fun. I realized that I hadn't become jaded to the series; Jordan had just gone into the shitter as a writer.

I got a few hints of the former greatness in Knife of Dreams, and again in Gathering Storm, and there are a few more (sustained, even) glimpses of it in this book, but it wasn't good enough to redeem the mountains upon mountains of shit that have piled up since Dumai's Wells.

It's better than I thought it was going to be, but not spectacularly amazing, and it would have had to have been spectacularly amazing to redeem pieces of total worthlessness like Crossroads of Twilight.

Demandred was wasted, the damane situation is completely absurd (I smell a door to a follow-on series that happens hundreds of years later, probably with someone other than Sanderson), and there are plenty of other things that were just hastily and sloppily resolved. But it was resolved, and it's over. And now I'll go back to reading things that provide more than the literary equivalent of a grease-soaked bag of onion rings.

The complaints I had in the last book are only amplified here: structural mess, even poorer dialogue than usual for this series, and a few other matters. I'll write a review this weekend, but it was underwhelming, at least the first 1/3 (and skipping around the rest, including reading the final 50 pages) that I've read so far. No way that the remaining pages to be read can redeem this steaming pile of elephant shit.
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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Anyone else totally unimpressed? - 09/01/2013 04:58:39 AM 2149 Views
I couldn't disagree more - 09/01/2013 05:32:41 AM 1104 Views
I enjoyed the book as entertainment - 09/01/2013 05:47:22 AM 1044 Views
I found the ongoing Trolloc killing a bit tedious. - 09/01/2013 06:14:25 AM 904 Views
You missed what was being conveyed. *NM* - 18/01/2013 08:16:50 AM 417 Views
Re: I found the ongoing Trolloc killing a bit tedious. - 29/01/2013 11:01:11 AM 796 Views
Re: I found the ongoing Trolloc killing a bit tedious. - 29/01/2013 11:03:36 AM 807 Views
Re: I found the ongoing Trolloc killing a bit tedious. - 29/01/2013 01:47:48 PM 888 Views
I had extremely low expectations, which I guess were sort of met. - 09/01/2013 06:12:05 AM 1132 Views
You don't have to worry about continuations of WoT - 09/01/2013 07:24:55 AM 930 Views
People change their minds... *NM* - 09/01/2013 01:48:33 PM 418 Views
Mine weren't, even with the low expectations - 09/01/2013 05:04:07 PM 1256 Views
I don't remember you being such an arrogant prick years ago on WoTmania - 11/01/2013 05:28:07 AM 942 Views
Pardon, but I don't even recall who you are *NM* - 11/01/2013 08:39:54 AM 489 Views
You are a... - 18/01/2013 08:21:54 AM 903 Views
Uh... - 18/01/2013 12:19:13 PM 919 Views
Rather... - 18/01/2013 09:11:11 PM 897 Views
Why does any of this matter to you? - 18/01/2013 10:35:18 PM 970 Views
Oh sure... - 19/01/2013 06:43:19 AM 783 Views
No, not quite - 19/01/2013 08:57:47 AM 839 Views
LoL @ Larry - 19/01/2013 09:21:13 PM 770 Views
Ummm.... - 19/01/2013 10:05:30 PM 832 Views
That was a dodge. - 20/01/2013 01:40:59 AM 830 Views
Nah, more like me cutting this short. - 20/01/2013 02:30:28 AM 825 Views
Everyone has their own coping mechanisms. - 20/01/2013 10:09:02 PM 1137 Views
I'm sorry, Trolloc, but I had things to deal with to answer - 22/01/2013 06:36:15 PM 1304 Views
I'm as satisfied as I could possibly be. - 09/01/2013 07:39:35 AM 994 Views
I thought it was fantastic - 09/01/2013 07:46:16 AM 1027 Views
My thoughts exactly *NM* - 16/01/2013 06:56:59 PM 370 Views
"Totally unimpressed" would be a hyperbole but... - 09/01/2013 06:53:20 PM 1015 Views
It was ok - 10/01/2013 01:09:52 AM 878 Views
It just felt like they needed 3 more books to finish it up - 14/01/2013 03:58:57 AM 825 Views
Yeah... and they had a totally legit reason to do it, too. - 14/01/2013 05:14:21 PM 768 Views
I wouldn't go so far as to say TOTALLY, but I was not satisfied. - 14/01/2013 06:04:30 PM 866 Views
I will say that the battle was well constructed in certain places - 14/01/2013 06:10:54 PM 852 Views
Re: Anyone else totally unimpressed? - 18/01/2013 10:23:22 PM 839 Views

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