Re: the question becomes does the damane know it and would it matter?
redqueen Send a noteboard - 20/12/2012 12:16:55 AM
given that the Sul'dam don't seem to use the a'dam the same way Nynaeve did. Nynaeve seemed to just directly access Moghedien's power and use it herself. Sul'dam seem to act like animal trainers and give damane instruction and have the damane do the actual weaving. if a Sul'dam was shielded I'm not sure either she or the damane would be functionally disabled unless the Sul'dam needed to punish the damane.
We saw Tuon do it with Teslyn though so it is at least possible for them. In the same scene she was able to prevent Joline from accessing the Power and then make her embrace and release the Source against her will. Perhaps it's difficult for the sul'dam, not-quite-capable as they are, but something Tuon pushed herself to learn.
I suppose it comes down to: does a connected a'dam restrict the Power by default or allow the Power by default? The books never say. If it restricts then a shielded sul'dam wouldn't be able to allow the damane to channel. If it allows, she wouldn't be able to prevent her.
Shielding Suldam's
17/12/2012 11:59:38 AM
Pure speculation but...
17/12/2012 01:48:31 PM
Re: Shielding Suldam's
18/12/2012 02:17:03 PM
the question becomes does the damane know it and would it matter?
19/12/2012 05:34:40 PM
Re: the question becomes does the damane know it and would it matter?
20/12/2012 12:16:55 AM
Tuon is considered a very highly skilled Sul'dam so I tend to believe she is well beyond the
20/12/2012 01:37:56 AM
Re: the question becomes does the damane know it and would it matter?
20/12/2012 11:29:25 AM