Alot of parallels with me, I got into the series when I was 18, TPoD came out, I'm now 32, I feel like I've outgrown the genre as well (although my fidelity to ASoIaF is intact, which I got into through wotmania). I took up the series because I had read the whole David Eddings fantasy catalogue the summer I was 17, and it was 13 books in 14 days; I could recognize even then that it was trash. My friend recommended the expansive series of WoT, and I was excited to delve into it. So, for the sheer scope of the story, I still get an appreciation for it, and I'm idly curious to see how the characters will end up. But in terms of my appreciation for it, I'm rereading the Sanderson books now, and they're simply awful to read in a good number of parts. I'll be glad when it's over, for closure's sake, and it will definitely always be a series I'm grateful to for the time I spent debating it, the unexpected friends I made through wotmania, and the enrichment I got from following theories on evolving characters and situations throughout the years.
So yeah, bittersweet describes it to a certain degree. Cynicism aside, I also want to express thanks to those on these boards. I have been a casual stopper-byer for 8 of the last 12 years (as opposed to 2000-04 when I was heavily involved), but I've always appreciated it.
So yeah, bittersweet describes it to a certain degree. Cynicism aside, I also want to express thanks to those on these boards. I have been a casual stopper-byer for 8 of the last 12 years (as opposed to 2000-04 when I was heavily involved), but I've always appreciated it.
It's starting to sink in...
14/12/2012 02:15:41 AM
A little ... I picked up EoTW in 1990/1 and have never missed buying the next book on its release
14/12/2012 04:57:20 AM
yup i always call in sick and hit the bookstore when it opens
14/12/2012 07:50:11 AM
I worked at a bookstore in High School so it was easy to get my hands on the book the night before
14/12/2012 02:28:30 PM
I second that emotion.
14/12/2012 01:49:40 PM
Right? I know myself ... I'll tear through it in a day or two
14/12/2012 02:29:37 PM
One advantage to getting the audiobook...
14/12/2012 02:40:50 PM
I have to read them first. At least twice before I get the audiobook
14/12/2012 03:10:49 PM
Yeah, somewhat
17/12/2012 07:15:29 AM
It's been awhile since I've been on these boards but thought I'd appear now it's nearly over
24/12/2012 09:13:07 PM