We've only seen them once and it was in a short scene where RJ knew it's content would be easily forgotten, because of the awesomeness around it:
I'm thinking it could very well be an Amayar Guide, that in death is saying goodbye to the very air itself.
From that little scene in WH, we know the Amayar follow the Water Way. It's a doctrine of peace, much like the Way of the Leaf, but given it's name -Water Way- perhaps more centered on the elements. We see in that one scene we have, that Timna (the Guide for the Sea Folk) even when she's just strolling lost in thought, she's very aware of the air around her;
"Strolling lost in thought, Timna barely saw the fallow fields that covered all the hillsides but one around her. Tremalking was a large island, and this far from the sea, the wind carried no hint of salt, yet it was the Atha’an Miere that troubled her...
Perhaps the Amayar Guides use what the elements, like water and wind, tell them, to Guide the Sea Folk. Like how Nynaeve can 'Listen to the Wind' and advises Rand on occasion on what she feels.
We also know through that same scene, that the Amayar consider their lives are lived in an Illusion. Again, as with the Water Way / Way of the Leaf similarities, this looks similar to how the Aiel consider their lives a Dream from wich they will wake on death.
I also think -considering my theory on Demandreds location with the Sea Folk- we might have a little more to learn on the Atha'an Miere and their relationship with the Amayar yet, considering it's the Amayar that through their Guides 'protect the Sea Folk from themselves'. (again, per Timna's PoV in WH).
Considering what we've read in KoD about how the mass suicide of the Amayar affected the Sea Folk Twelve and their Mistress of the Ships to such an extend, they thought it news that would 'make and anchor weep', I'm hoping this Memory#10 is a flashback that gives us readers more information about what impact the Amayar Mass suicide will have on the Sea Folk. Or that it's actually a surviving Amayar Guide, that waited with suicide with a message for the Sea Folk -a tiny speck of hope for the Sea Folk, so to speak- that will change their views at that point in the story.
"And farewell to you, old friend," she said to the air. "Until I dream again."
*crosses fingers, thinking (and hoping) it's an Amayar Guide flashback*
I'm thinking it could very well be an Amayar Guide, that in death is saying goodbye to the very air itself.
From that little scene in WH, we know the Amayar follow the Water Way. It's a doctrine of peace, much like the Way of the Leaf, but given it's name -Water Way- perhaps more centered on the elements. We see in that one scene we have, that Timna (the Guide for the Sea Folk) even when she's just strolling lost in thought, she's very aware of the air around her;
"Strolling lost in thought, Timna barely saw the fallow fields that covered all the hillsides but one around her. Tremalking was a large island, and this far from the sea, the wind carried no hint of salt, yet it was the Atha’an Miere that troubled her...
Perhaps the Amayar Guides use what the elements, like water and wind, tell them, to Guide the Sea Folk. Like how Nynaeve can 'Listen to the Wind' and advises Rand on occasion on what she feels.
We also know through that same scene, that the Amayar consider their lives are lived in an Illusion. Again, as with the Water Way / Way of the Leaf similarities, this looks similar to how the Aiel consider their lives a Dream from wich they will wake on death.
I also think -considering my theory on Demandreds location with the Sea Folk- we might have a little more to learn on the Atha'an Miere and their relationship with the Amayar yet, considering it's the Amayar that through their Guides 'protect the Sea Folk from themselves'. (again, per Timna's PoV in WH).
Considering what we've read in KoD about how the mass suicide of the Amayar affected the Sea Folk Twelve and their Mistress of the Ships to such an extend, they thought it news that would 'make and anchor weep', I'm hoping this Memory#10 is a flashback that gives us readers more information about what impact the Amayar Mass suicide will have on the Sea Folk. Or that it's actually a surviving Amayar Guide, that waited with suicide with a message for the Sea Folk -a tiny speck of hope for the Sea Folk, so to speak- that will change their views at that point in the story.
"And farewell to you, old friend," she said to the air. "Until I dream again."
*crosses fingers, thinking (and hoping) it's an Amayar Guide flashback*
Mik ~ Ishamaels halfmad 'brother'
Death dances in my footsteps....
Death dances in my footsteps....
Tor - Memories of Light - Compendium
04/12/2012 08:32:44 PM
Day 10 guess
05/12/2012 06:15:42 PM
Egwene to dead Rand...
05/12/2012 07:07:45 PM
Doesn't Dream again imply the Aiel who think life is a Dream? Or am I mixing up series? *NM*
24/12/2012 09:17:30 PM
An Amayar Guide flashback
06/12/2012 08:49:35 AM
Day 12 ... "Enough talk. You will bed me now."
07/12/2012 06:27:57 PM
Tuon to Mat *NM*
07/12/2012 06:30:38 PM
My first thought as well, but the wording seems wrong for Tuon. My vote is now: Avi->Rand. *NM*
10/12/2012 12:57:28 PM
Demandred to Moghedien *NM*
07/12/2012 08:06:34 PM
I don't know if that's hilarious or disgusting
07/12/2012 09:29:35 PM
Re: I don't know if that's hilarious or disgusting
07/12/2012 10:09:16 PM
I was only half kidding about Demandred being gay ... for the exact reason you pointed out
07/12/2012 10:16:04 PM
Day 13 ... Well there is the obvious choice on this one
08/12/2012 11:10:53 PM
Re: Day 13 ... Well there is the obvious choice on this one
09/12/2012 09:53:39 AM
I'm thinking balefire, on the basis of "there's nothing new to reveal"
11/12/2012 06:51:13 PM
Day 18 - Setalle Anan? *NM*
13/12/2012 05:27:00 PM
Maybe a healed Setalle, priming the pump for a society change regarding channelers. *NM*
13/12/2012 05:40:10 PM
Re: But she already has one
13/12/2012 06:08:18 PM
Selucia is voice and truthspeaker, I don't think the term "so'feia" has been used previously. *NM*
13/12/2012 07:23:44 PM
it's a new term *NM*
13/12/2012 09:19:46 PM
No, it is not. Its been used before, in WH. *NM*
13/12/2012 10:44:51 PM
Day 20 - As Tam attacked again...
16/12/2012 09:58:40 AM
Re: Day 20 - As Tam attacked again...
16/12/2012 09:28:55 PM
Re: Day 20 - As Tam attacked again...
16/12/2012 10:27:57 PM
Day 23 ... Makes me wonder if the Moridin body swap theory is with someone else *NM*
19/12/2012 02:55:10 AM
I was thinking Demandred *NM*
19/12/2012 05:20:13 PM
I would LMAO if it was Rand speaking to Taim about NOT being Demandred! *NM*
19/12/2012 05:37:05 PM
That would be completely awesome *NM*
19/12/2012 05:58:06 PM
ditto! though he has been able to recognize others so why not Demandred *NM*
23/12/2012 01:35:38 AM
Day 27: "Peaches!" Rand said, aghast. Everyone knew those were poisonous.
24/12/2012 05:44:56 PM
It's the cyanide thing I guess. Peaches were said to be poisonous even at the start of the series *NM*
24/12/2012 09:29:15 PM