Active Users:586 Time:28/09/2024 04:51:32 AM
Re: I don't agree with some of this Shishka Send a noteboard - 29/09/2009 07:00:28 PM
Well I can disprove little of what you say, considering we see so few mixed circles. Still, it does go against most of what we do know about the Power.

That's not quite true. We have seen a number of examples where a channeler of lesser strength can create better/more potent weaves than a person of greater strength can, even though she uses less saidar to do so. Channelers with exceptional Talents, like with Shields, for example. Call it a matter of greater Precision, or something else, but whatever it is, it is NOT raw strength. So in a sense, the OP behaves more potently for the channeler, in these particular instances.

Suppose linking into a mixed circle essentially gives the leader greater Precision in ALL weaves (akin to have a Talent) than he/she would have had channeling alone. So now, for example, a male can create a more potent fireball using just saidin than he could without linking.

That's what I'm suggesting, and I don't think that's so farfetched.

This is further substantiated by the fact that balanced circles are more powerful, according to the BWB. A circle of six men and seven women is more powerful than twelve women and a man. This is indirect proof that it is the actual Power that provides the difference - balanced circles contribute equal amounts of saidin and saidar. If the link its self was the defining factor, unbalanced circles would be equally powerful.

My original post explained this, also, using my idea. Using my Precision analogy above, it would mean simply that the degree of Precision benefit depends on the balance of men and women in the circle. The greater the balance, the greater the precision.

Even so, I don't think I'm stretching with Demandred.

I don't think you're stretching, I just think it's not the only possible explanation.

Nothing in the series implies that saidin can be more powerful, or weaker.

But the potency of a weave is not ONLY a function of the raw amount of OP used. That's been shown in the series numerous times, for single channelers, so why no for mixed circles, also?

It is possible that you can't draw only from your own strength when linked with others. Eben says that Daigian is drawing less than a whisper of saidin from him at the Cleansing because she won't touch tainted saidin unless she must. So 'maintenance power' is required, which I imagine will have an effect on anything Daigian weaves.

Why? Just because Daigian is drawing a whisper of saidin doesn't mean she's weaving it into whatever she weaves. She could simply be holding it, to maintain the link, while she weaves saidar only. Most channelers can do more than one thing with the OP simultaneously, so it's quite likely she could weave saidar only while separately grasping a whisper of saidin through Eben without actually using it for anything.

Rise and fall, turn the Wheel,
'cause all life is
is really just a circle.

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Male/Female circles - 25/09/2009 09:33:38 PM 829 Views
Yes; somewhat. - 25/09/2009 10:57:35 PM 510 Views
Re: Yes; somewhat. - 26/09/2009 06:19:45 AM 451 Views
Why would saidar surprise him? - 26/09/2009 03:40:23 PM 485 Views
Re: Why would saidar surprise him? - 26/09/2009 06:34:04 PM 461 Views
He thought they were Aes Sedai who could not channel? - 26/09/2009 07:02:42 PM 407 Views
He did not know they were Aes Sedai until after the mixed weave struck his warding. - 26/09/2009 10:13:10 PM 402 Views
You're right. I misremembered. *NM* - 26/09/2009 10:17:22 PM 190 Views
right... - 26/09/2009 02:56:26 PM 463 Views
Re: right... - 26/09/2009 07:49:21 PM 445 Views
I think Lanfear clears this up... - 27/09/2009 05:19:37 AM 468 Views
But he did see the weaves - 29/09/2009 03:38:10 PM 413 Views
Agreed, plus some numbers ... - 28/09/2009 07:50:54 PM 420 Views
I don't agree with some of this - 28/09/2009 09:37:13 PM 414 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 02:39:46 PM 448 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 06:07:56 PM 382 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 07:00:28 PM 415 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 08:25:19 PM 490 Views
I understand what you're saying ... - 30/09/2009 04:04:17 PM 412 Views
Indeed - 30/09/2009 04:32:37 PM 365 Views
Re: Indeed - 30/09/2009 07:05:13 PM 443 Views
Some proof against your idea... - 01/10/2009 03:37:48 AM 418 Views
Nice, thanks ... - 01/10/2009 02:00:24 PM 382 Views
Re: Nice, thanks ... - 01/10/2009 04:58:02 PM 428 Views
That makes more sense, to me ... - 01/10/2009 06:44:44 PM 472 Views
Re: That makes more sense, to me ... - 03/10/2009 06:53:45 AM 485 Views
Re: Male/Female circles - 27/09/2009 02:19:31 PM 425 Views
Re: Male/Female circles - 28/09/2009 03:58:15 PM 414 Views

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