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Re: Verin and Graendal each have angreal of unkown strength Sidious Send a noteboard - 03/11/2012 10:15:10 PM
and if Flinn's mixed circle was only equal to Demandred explain how they survived the encounter.

The chapter explains it directly. It says that Flinn didn't stop attacking so Demandred couldn't counter. It's similar to what Nynaeve did to Moghedien.

Are you seriously suggesting that Flinn is as skilled as Demandred? Get a grip.

No I am not. Why are you arguing like this? Only one post above this I said that there is no way that Flinn is as skilled as Demandred.

The first weaves Flinn threw at Demandred were Powerful, but obviously not at full power. Just like Daigian Flinn didn't draw on the full power of his circle until he later.

You have absolutely no proof of this claim and can't back up that Flinn used lesser power from the beginning. Daigain drew on nothing until she had to fight and Eben then says that she drew deeply on the link.

Honestly, I think you read the series looking specifically for ways to make Lanfear stronger than anyone else.

That's a very childish way of arguing and I don't know what you're basing that on. If Semirhage was the top female strength I'd argue as vehemently as for her.

Next you'll be suggesting that she is as strong as Rand.

Considering the author equated the highest male and female, I absolutely do believe that. In raw power... no... but you can't compare the sexes without including deftness.

I truly don't understand why you think Strength is so important. We've seen many times that skill is the most important factor when Channeling.

And we've seen many times that strength can be a trump card, such as using Callandor to defeat Ishamael. I've said from the beginning that strength and skill are important. Graendal herself says that both are important components.

Cyndane v. Alivia

As I said Alivia is a highly unaccomplished channeler.

Graendal v. Moghedien & Cyndane

I hope you know what happened in that scene because Moghedien and Cyndane stood still like statues and channeled the lights out so that SH could appear. It wasn't a duel.

Graendal's comments about Sommeryn

She says strength and skill, which is what I've said from the beginning.

As for Egwene's level ... Moghedien noted Elayne on the streets even before she was at half her strength. The ONLY other women she's ever noted strength with are Nynaeve and Hessalam.

And you have followed Moghedien around since she was released from the Bore? It's not like we've had scenes where Moghedien came across Aviendha or Sharina or Someryn.

Clearly Elayne at full potential is going to be near to Moghedien in strength or Moghedien wouldn't have bothered to notice her. Moghedien only cares about the exceptionally strong Channelers.

Moghedien says that Elayne is strong and we know she is. Besides I say that Elayne is at 60 and Moghedien at 70, so yes I do think Elayne is close to Moghedien.

No argument that Moghedien is the weakest, but she is also the least skilled with the OP

There is no evidence that Moghedien is the least skilled with the OP. What evidence do you have of that?

but even still she thinks to herself that she is on the same footing as Hessalam.

In terms of survivability, now that Graendal has fallen.

Clearly she's close enough in skill and power to stand a fighting chance against any of the other Forsaken. You placing her at like 30-40% weaker is just ridiculous. She would be practically a slave to all the others if she was at such a huge disadvantage.

Well then you have missed the entire characterization of the Spider who never reveals herself. Semirhage says they often believe her to be dead and then she shows up just to prove them wrong. Graendal says that Moghedien found a girl who is so much stronger than her - implying that Cyndane is much more powerful.

In addition, there is no way she survives during the WoP when there are literally millions of Channelers who are Forsaken. Yes she took out more Powerful channelers through her tactics, but there were only 29 out of MILLIONS the DO let Channel the TP ... Moghedien is without a doubt one of them (given her reaction to Taim she would have most certainly raged about Moridin using the TP if she had not been given access), which means she was considered one of the strongest and most skilled.

She is a very strong woman, which allowed her to kill many other people. But she is a coward and the worst kind of backstabber. That is her modus operandi, not dueling. Her engagement with Nynaeve was almost her worst imagined scenario.

Lanfear being 3x Moiraine is not only unnecessary but it's implausible. Marginalizing the AS strength is also unnecessary as it's their lack of training that is the real problem.

And yet Cadsuane has a tantrum in NS because their strength is dwindling. A millenium earlier they would have had Forsaken level women in the Tower, but they have been so selective that women are relatively weak now. Even in NS there were other women stronger than Siuan and Moiraine.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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Addressing problems with the Bell Curve - 31/10/2012 11:30:42 AM 1510 Views
Who said RJ created a 100 point scale? I always assumed we did to make this easier to follow - 31/10/2012 02:22:51 PM 872 Views
One more point here - 31/10/2012 03:02:34 PM 747 Views
I've think I've finally done it. I've solved the entire Curve. Daigian is the key... - 01/11/2012 09:20:57 AM 974 Views
Did some playing with your numbers to make this work better - 01/11/2012 02:13:00 PM 935 Views
The Mean and SD are set by Daigian's position. Your options are therefore not possible... - 02/11/2012 07:49:24 AM 887 Views
Yet you have many more SD between the Mean and Lanfear than you do Morgase and the Mean - 02/11/2012 02:39:51 PM 758 Views
I absolutely agree. The lower side of the curve MUST be intersected by zero after 1 SD... - 02/11/2012 03:03:52 PM 635 Views
I am not convinced Moiraine is the Mean. Merely 50% of Lanfear - 02/11/2012 04:23:57 PM 808 Views
But on a Bell Curve the Mean IS 50% of Lanfear. You've just disproven your own contention. - 02/11/2012 04:40:31 PM 725 Views
OMG no it is NOT! - 02/11/2012 05:16:36 PM 645 Views
I agree with that. But please honestly look at the math I presented. It disproves the Bell Curve. - 02/11/2012 05:24:41 PM 933 Views
It doesn't matter that you think the BC is disproved. - 02/11/2012 06:07:19 PM 766 Views
Confusing post... - 02/11/2012 06:30:40 PM 823 Views
Dreadlord is essentially describing a lognormal distribution - 02/11/2012 07:21:39 PM 719 Views
If you choose to ignore the author go right ahead. I just think you are wrong - 02/11/2012 09:05:14 PM 855 Views
A non-linear 21 point scale is fine... - 02/11/2012 11:02:48 PM 889 Views
I've been operating off of the scale I described for years - 02/11/2012 11:25:27 PM 765 Views
Re: It doesn't matter that you think the BC is disproved. - 02/11/2012 07:11:57 PM 748 Views
Not true - 02/11/2012 08:52:42 PM 805 Views
Re: Not true - 03/11/2012 09:19:11 AM 761 Views
Read my other posts - 03/11/2012 04:19:15 PM 628 Views
Not quite - 03/11/2012 08:02:05 AM 769 Views
I think it's about skill not strength - 03/11/2012 04:38:07 PM 641 Views
I think the number is about 10 - 03/11/2012 08:42:08 AM 826 Views
Nope - 03/11/2012 04:14:45 PM 748 Views
Re: Nope - 03/11/2012 04:39:07 PM 786 Views
Verin and Graendal each have angreal of unkown strength - 03/11/2012 06:15:49 PM 721 Views
Re: Verin and Graendal each have angreal of unkown strength - 03/11/2012 10:15:10 PM 798 Views
*shrugs* - 03/11/2012 10:25:18 PM 683 Views
Re: *shrugs* - 04/11/2012 07:12:21 AM 879 Views
You have 4 markers and you should use them all - 10/11/2012 03:08:37 PM 615 Views
Indeed - 10/11/2012 03:59:51 PM 757 Views
Re: Addressing problems with the Bell Curve - 01/11/2012 06:23:07 PM 809 Views
Re: Addressing problems with the Bell Curve - 01/11/2012 09:48:04 PM 767 Views
Re: Addressing problems with the Bell Curve - 02/11/2012 09:02:58 PM 790 Views
Re: Addressing problems with the Bell Curve - 02/11/2012 09:56:50 PM 871 Views
I'll have to disagree with much of this - 03/11/2012 07:46:31 AM 824 Views
Why do you always think Strength is the point - 03/11/2012 04:35:26 PM 578 Views
I don't - I merely appreciate it as a factor - 03/11/2012 04:48:24 PM 687 Views
0 Evidence? Cyndane v. Alivia is plenty of evidence EDIT with exact quote - 03/11/2012 06:17:39 PM 737 Views
One other thing you have forgotten about - 03/11/2012 10:13:09 PM 696 Views
Your agenda blinds you to logic yet again...As I'll simply demonstrate with your example here... - 03/11/2012 11:08:13 PM 761 Views
Nope, the only experience she has in reality is against Rand - 03/11/2012 11:09:54 PM 667 Views
Nonsense. - 03/11/2012 11:11:05 PM 697 Views
Believe as you will - 03/11/2012 11:26:50 PM 859 Views
That's a classic. - 04/11/2012 12:06:13 AM 711 Views
You misquote on a regular basis and have no grasp of the timeline in the series - 04/11/2012 01:36:37 AM 594 Views
Hmm... - 04/11/2012 07:08:04 AM 903 Views
stop getting all indignant ... I'm really not trying to be nasty to you - 04/11/2012 04:20:06 PM 743 Views

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