Active Users:1557 Time:05/02/2025 10:07:58 AM
Verin and Graendal each have angreal of unkown strength - Edit 1

Before modification by darius_sedai at 03/11/2012 06:16:55 PM

and if Flinn's mixed circle was only equal to Demandred explain how they survived the encounter.

Are you seriously suggesting that Flinn is as skilled as Demandred? Get a grip. The first weaves Flinn threw at Demandred were Powerful, but obviously not at full power. Just like Daigian Flinn didn't draw on the full power of his circle until he later.

Honestly, I think you read the series looking specifically for ways to make Lanfear stronger than anyone else. Next you'll be suggesting that she is as strong as Rand. I truly don't understand why you think Strength is so important. We've seen many times that skill is the most important factor when Channeling.

Cyndane v. Alivia, Graendal v. Moghedien & Cyndane, Graendal's comments about Sommeryn, Cadsuane noting how little AS innovate with the Power, a thousand off handed comments by all of the Forsaken about "half trained children".

As for Egwene's level ... Moghedien noted Elayne on the streets even before she was at half her strength. The ONLY other women she's ever noted strength with are Nynaeve and Hessalam. Clearly Elayne at full potential is going to be near to Moghedien in strength or Moghedien wouldn't have bothered to notice her. Moghedien only cares about the exceptionally strong Channelers.

No argument that Moghedien is the weakest, but she is also the least skilled with the OP, but even still she thinks to herself that she is on the same footing as Hessalam. Clearly she's close enough in skill and power to stand a fighting chance against any of the other Forsaken. You placing her at like 30-40% weaker is just ridiculous. She would be practically a slave to all the others if she was at such a huge disadvantage. In addition, there is no way she survives during the WoP when there are literally millions of Channelers who are Forsaken. Yes she took out more Powerful channelers through her tactics, but there were only 29 out of MILLIONS the DO let Channel the TP ... Moghedien is without a doubt one of them (given her reaction to Taim she would have most certainly raged about Moridin using the TP if she had not been given access), which means she was considered one of the strongest and most skilled.

Lanfear being 3x Moiraine is not only unnecessary but it's implausible. Marginalizing the AS strength is also unnecessary as it's their lack of training that is the real problem. The sheer volume of knowledge that they have lost in the 3000+ years is stunning! I don't think RJ really thought too much about their actual strength, at least not beyond deferring ect... which he also went out of his way to point out as stupid, but he wove into the story over and over and over how much skill had been lost. Yes the Tower is also growing weaker, then we have RJ introduce a handful of Uber Channelers to the Tower to prove out the point that these women still existed. The man said himself strength wasn't what determined the outcome of a battle.

Looking at Moiraine's strength level she is well more than 1/2 of Egwene ... Amy's is not as strong as Moiraine IMO (there are conflicting quotes), I place her closer to Beonin or Carlinya with Melaine being a few levels weaker. Each are still stronger than the majority of AS, which the quotes tells us. Moiraine is probably more like 65% of Egwene.

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