AMOL's release is around the corner...
Spoiler policy...
1. Please try not to put spoilers in the title of the post e.g. At last we know Demandred is Mat! Rather put 'Demandred revealed' or something similar.
2. Please don't complain if you come to the board and you find a spoiler. They are going to be everywhere and probably not that well hidden. If you want to avoid any surprises, you probably shouldn't come to the board for several months.
3. It's unnecessary to write *spoilers* in the title. The title of the post should not contain a spoiler but the content may contain spoilers.
Stop me if I'm wrong here, Mark, but the rest of you: Even if you think you are just being Extra-Nice by slapping the word "Spoiler" in your subject line, it will only confuse the simpler sheeple on the board. They will see a bunch of posts that say SPOILER in the subject and assume it is safe to read anything without it. Then they complain about people like me, who don't do it, but are perfectly compliant with the official spoiler policy.
You might think you are just being extra safe that way, but all you are doing is confusing things. As posted, the spoiler policy is perfectly adequate. Anything with the aMoL tag should be presumed to contain spoilers. If you have not read the latest-released aMoL portions, do not open a thread tagged aMoL! If you discuss the contents of aMoL in any way in your post, use the aMoL topic tag.
This thing is a form of communication, and communication only works when everyone is using the same language. Sidious was kind enough to post the methods used to communicate the presence of spoilers in a post on this MB. The rest of us should use the method he gave us and ONLY the method he gave us. Doing otherwise is like switching languages - you're just going to confuse people.
Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son...
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
Spoiler policy
24/10/2012 05:51:28 PM
To reiterate...AMoL tag (now that we have one) means "spoiler" nothing else is necessary!
26/10/2012 05:18:09 AM
Agreed Cannoli
30/10/2012 07:54:30 AM
Did I miss an announcement? Has the release date been officially moved up? *NM*
26/10/2012 06:05:04 PM