RJ the physicist didn't know math, so that Shannow could be right...
fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 29/10/2012 02:11:19 PM
Given the discussion Sidious’s Androl/Pevara thread has generated on the Bell Curve, I feel it is necessary to once again raise this issue as a separate topic of discussion. (I know, I know, the forum is overly clogged up with new threads, but I'm daring to post another one anyway.) Smiley face.
Daring... yes, that is a good term. It requires a supreme amount of guts to come here and claim the author (and his assistant too!) were clueless about basic math because you think only your interpretation of a few quotes can be right. Bravo indeed. Elaida has a fresh lease on rationality.
In any case, for those who aren’t aware, this thread is based on RJ’s statement that channeler strength in WoT can be represented by a Bell Curve distribution. For those unfamiliar with statistics, a Bell Curve is a perfectly normal distribution, peaking at the average and petering off to either side in a perfectly symmetrical manner.
A Bell Curve by definition means that the distance from the weakest to the strongest channeler is intersected at exactly the 50% mark by the mean (the average channeler). Any skewing of the distribution would mean that the term “Bell Curve” cannot be applied to the distribution. Instead, it would then be either a positively or negatively skewed distribution. But not a Bell Curve.
A Bell Curve by definition means that the distance from the weakest to the strongest channeler is intersected at exactly the 50% mark by the mean (the average channeler). Any skewing of the distribution would mean that the term “Bell Curve” cannot be applied to the distribution. Instead, it would then be either a positively or negatively skewed distribution. But not a Bell Curve.
Firstly, a bell curve doesn't meet the x-axis, so no, there IS no guarantee that the average channeler will be exactly half the strength of the strongest channeler ever. By its very nature, a bell curve can easily admit outliers. That said, RJ also had a very definite idea of "strongest possible" channelers, which Rand and Lanfear most likely represent for their respective genders. So in this case, a good argument can be made for the average channeler having half the strength of the strongest. But this is not inherent in the math.
So the basic rule is that the average channeler has to be exactly half as strong as the strongest channeler. Or to put it differently, a channeler x standard deviations away from the mean on the weak side, must be exactly as far from the mean as a channeler x standard deviations away on the strong side.
RJ has also said that 62.5% of channelers are strong enough to become Aes Sedai. This means that Daigian – who is the weakest possible Aes Sedai – lies exactly on this margin. And it then means that 12.5% of all female channelers lie between Daigian and the average strength woman.
RJ has also said that 62.5% of channelers are strong enough to become Aes Sedai. This means that Daigian – who is the weakest possible Aes Sedai – lies exactly on this margin. And it then means that 12.5% of all female channelers lie between Daigian and the average strength woman.
Indeed. Glad you finally figured this out. You begin to see the idiocy in claiming all Aes Sedai occupy a 12.5% range of the strength scale. Though you do fritter this away,,,
Since it has been strongly suggested that Lanfear is the strongest possible woman, we therefore know that 12.5% of all female channelers lie between Daigian and the channeler who has 50% of Lanfear’s strength.
By applying this logic, the key issue then is to determine – based on the evidence in the books – which channeler lies closest to 50% of Lanfear’s strength – in order to determine how strong all modern Aes Sedai are compared to the Forsaken.
We do know that:
Siuan was previously as strong as Moiraine. We are further told that “even if Siuan was healed to half her former strength, most Aes Sedai would still be stronger than her. This means that Siuan is now less than half her former strength. Yet she is still slightly stronger than Daigian.
By applying this logic, the key issue then is to determine – based on the evidence in the books – which channeler lies closest to 50% of Lanfear’s strength – in order to determine how strong all modern Aes Sedai are compared to the Forsaken.
We do know that:
Siuan was previously as strong as Moiraine. We are further told that “even if Siuan was healed to half her former strength, most Aes Sedai would still be stronger than her. This means that Siuan is now less than half her former strength. Yet she is still slightly stronger than Daigian.
At least have the courtesy to get the quote right. Leanne says that at half or two-thirds their former strength, most sisters would equal them, and a "good many" would be stronger.
Now, the first issue is that we don't know whether Leanne means that at half their strength most sisters will equal them, or at two-thirds. Whether you peg them at strength 30 or 60, though, there isn't much difference between half and two-thirds of their strength. Clearly, though, between half-and two-thirds of Siuan's strength is exactly where the average strength of the Aes Sedai at that time lies. And that average will clearly be below the average for all women (at 50% Lanfear).
This validates my point (which you have completely disagreed with before) that Aes Sedai make a terrible random sampling. They're a very skewed sample, and the best example of that is the 1000 novices Egwene's proclamation brings.
A reasonable estimate is that Siuan is therefore about one third as strong as her former strength. We also know that she is not far above Daigian at this stage.
Why is your random picking of a number a "reasonable estimate"? We have no way of making one!
It is therefore very reasonable to suggest that the weakest Aes Sedai is around one third as strong as Moiraine and Siuan’s former strength. The question then is, was Moiraine’s previous strength above or below the average strength female (who has 50% of Lanfear’s strength).
So the question can be broken down to: Can two channelers of Moiraine’s strength match a Forsaken strength channeler?
This has been a topic of some discussion, especially because there are posters who fervently want Moiraine – and by extension all modern Aes Sedai - to be stronger than they actually are.
So the question can be broken down to: Can two channelers of Moiraine’s strength match a Forsaken strength channeler?
This has been a topic of some discussion, especially because there are posters who fervently want Moiraine – and by extension all modern Aes Sedai - to be stronger than they actually are.
Actually are? Please don't confise your theory with the truth.
There are numerous pieces of evidence showing that it is impossible for Moiraine to be half as strong as Lanfear. Without providing an exhaustive list, here are a few examples:
Where has she felt the strength of a Foresaken at this point? What she actually said was:
Note that she's talking of overwhelming them, in the first place. Here's the definition of overwhelm:
Bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
Defeat completely.
This does not mean "equal".
In the second place, Moiraine says "might". That's because she really doesn't know. We know that memories from the Rings are fragmented. Based on this statement, the strength of Lanfear is not something Moiraine remembered with accuracy.
Either way, Egwene, close to her full potential, and Aviendha, far from hers, can indeed overwhelm a Graendal or a Lanfear. No one denies that. Its far from proof Moiraine is less than 50% Lanfear's strength.
Because clearly, Aviendha knows more that RJ? You keep forgetting these characters are fallible! Even in your outdated list, Amys sits at strength 30, Melaine at 20-25, and Egwene at 50, correct? No matter how much of her strength she had gained at that point, Egwene cannot be stronger than both these women, in both our scales. Want further proof of that? Here's a quote from Elza on Cadsuane's strength:
If Cadsuane needs an angreal to draw more than Elza and Merise, her base strength is clearly less than their added strength. Cadsuane is marginally weaker than Egwene (at her full potential), and Merise is pegged at about equal to Amys. The real zinger though is that Elza is far weaker than Melaine. If Egwene is stronger than Amys and Melaine combined, Cadsuane has to be stronger than Merise and Elza together.
I leave it to you to decide who is more correct... an Aes Sedai who must constantly weight strength and does so in real time, versus a fresh Wise Ones apprentice who has no real experience weighing strength, and is doing so from her memory of the strength of two of her mentors.
Sorry, no dice.
That is not what Egwene says at all:
She's saying she's not sure that linked with two women definitely stronger together than Aviendha in tFoH, she may not be able to stop a male Foresaken. This sharply contradicts Moiraine's statement that she and Aviendha might "overwhelm" a Lanfear or a Graendal. Egwene is clearly wrong here, given the success of the circles during the Cleansing. And she clearly has no issues later setting a trap which would bring her in direct confrontation with Mesaana.
Of course that was needed. These channelers don't have anywhere near the knowledge and skill of the Foresaken.
Yes he does. The mistake you're making is assuming that Flinn was utilizing the mixed circle perfectly at his first try at one.
Huh? He's far from the most powerful after Taim. In KoD, when Rand needed the strongest Asha'man to face Semirhage, he picked Narishma and Sandomere, not Flinn. We have no clue where Flinn is placed. He may be as strong as Corele for all we know.
And the steady descent into absolute madness seems complete.
Explain this, please:
If an Asha'man and two Aes Sedai can only just match Demandred's weavings, how the heck can one Asha'man and one Aes Sedai overmatch Rand's weaving? Unless the Asha'man have gotten better with mixed circles over time, and Flinn was far from as good as he could be in WH... In fact, Demandred's doubts on whether both the women with Flinn were Aes Sedai only confirm this. He can't credit with certainty that one man in a circle with two women would just match Demandred's strength.
About the one paragraph in this pile of codswallop I can agree with.
Except no, one Foresaken isn't as strong as 4 or five modern AS. Liandrin tells her cronies that three of them can outmatch Moghedien. This is three fairly weak AS against the weakest Foresaken. Then we have two sisters weaker than Liandrin giving Nynaeve a tough challenge. The idea that a Foresaken is as strong as 4 average AS, let along 5, is laughable in the extreme.
Yeah, no. You're just building castles in the air. First of all, the quote of paramount importance is RJ's statement on bell curves. And to your point that he didn't understand the meaning of a bell curve:
Even his assistant knew the implications of the bell curve. RJ was a physicist by training, and DomA reports that Brandon has actually seen graphs in the notes where RJ has drawn the bell curve. You're shoving your head deep in the sand and ignoring the one irrefutable fact in this debate. Everything must be interpreted in the light of this fact. That's the long and the short of it. And the inescapable conclusion is that a few Aes Sedai levels are above the 50% mark, Moiraine's especially so.
Moiraine, who has felt the strength of a Forsaken – says that Egwene and Aviendha combined might come close to matching Lanfear.
Where has she felt the strength of a Foresaken at this point? What she actually said was:
These two might overwhelm one such
Note that she's talking of overwhelming them, in the first place. Here's the definition of overwhelm:
Bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
Defeat completely.
This does not mean "equal".
In the second place, Moiraine says "might". That's because she really doesn't know. We know that memories from the Rings are fragmented. Based on this statement, the strength of Lanfear is not something Moiraine remembered with accuracy.
Either way, Egwene, close to her full potential, and Aviendha, far from hers, can indeed overwhelm a Graendal or a Lanfear. No one denies that. Its far from proof Moiraine is less than 50% Lanfear's strength.
This at a time when Aviendha has stated that Egwene is stronger than Amys and Melaine combined. (Amys is very close to Moiraine’s level, as a point of reference).
Because clearly, Aviendha knows more that RJ? You keep forgetting these characters are fallible! Even in your outdated list, Amys sits at strength 30, Melaine at 20-25, and Egwene at 50, correct? No matter how much of her strength she had gained at that point, Egwene cannot be stronger than both these women, in both our scales. Want further proof of that? Here's a quote from Elza on Cadsuane's strength:
Cadsuane must have had an angreal of her own, from the amount of saidar she was drawing, more than Elza and Merise combined
If Cadsuane needs an angreal to draw more than Elza and Merise, her base strength is clearly less than their added strength. Cadsuane is marginally weaker than Egwene (at her full potential), and Merise is pegged at about equal to Amys. The real zinger though is that Elza is far weaker than Melaine. If Egwene is stronger than Amys and Melaine combined, Cadsuane has to be stronger than Merise and Elza together.
I leave it to you to decide who is more correct... an Aes Sedai who must constantly weight strength and does so in real time, versus a fresh Wise Ones apprentice who has no real experience weighing strength, and is doing so from her memory of the strength of two of her mentors.
The above heavily implies that Lanfear is roughly as strong as Egwene and Aviendha combined, at the end of Fires of Heaven. This would put Lanfear at at least 3 times Moiraine’s strength.
Sorry, no dice.
This ties in with Egwene’s statement in one of the later books that She, Romanda and Lelaine combined would be necessary to match one of the male Forsaken, which perfectly corroborates Moiraine’s earlier estimate.
That is not what Egwene says at all:
It had to be one of the Forsaken. Do you really think Faolain and Theodrin together could have stopped him? I'm not sure I could have, even linked with Romanda and Lelaine." They were the next two strongest women in the camp, as strong in the Power as Siuan used to be.
She's saying she's not sure that linked with two women definitely stronger together than Aviendha in tFoH, she may not be able to stop a male Foresaken. This sharply contradicts Moiraine's statement that she and Aviendha might "overwhelm" a Lanfear or a Graendal. Egwene is clearly wrong here, given the success of the circles during the Cleansing. And she clearly has no issues later setting a trap which would bring her in direct confrontation with Mesaana.
Looking at the Cleansing, we see more corroboration of this ratio, given that circles of at least 3 mixed channelers (mixed circles are stronger than single gender circles) and often 4 modern channelers were necessary to match each of the Forsaken.
Of course that was needed. These channelers don't have anywhere near the knowledge and skill of the Foresaken.
Demandred tells us that the circle of Flinn plus two average Aes Sedai EXACTLY matches the strength of his own weaving.
Yes he does. The mistake you're making is assuming that Flinn was utilizing the mixed circle perfectly at his first try at one.
Given that Flinn is the most powerful of the Ashaman after Taim
Huh? He's far from the most powerful after Taim. In KoD, when Rand needed the strongest Asha'man to face Semirhage, he picked Narishma and Sandomere, not Flinn. We have no clue where Flinn is placed. He may be as strong as Corele for all we know.
and given that a mixed circle adds strength to the weave, this tells us that one Forsaken at the very least matches about 4 average modern Aes Sedai in pure strength, possibly even 5.
And the steady descent into absolute madness seems complete.
Explain this, please:
An Asha'man and Aes Sedai in a ring of two could make a gateway considerably larger than those Rand could alone.
If an Asha'man and two Aes Sedai can only just match Demandred's weavings, how the heck can one Asha'man and one Aes Sedai overmatch Rand's weaving? Unless the Asha'man have gotten better with mixed circles over time, and Flinn was far from as good as he could be in WH... In fact, Demandred's doubts on whether both the women with Flinn were Aes Sedai only confirm this. He can't credit with certainty that one man in a circle with two women would just match Demandred's strength.
This is important, because we know that even if Siuan was healed to two thirds her former strength, she would still only be of average strength for a modern Aes Sedai. This means that Siuan (and Moiraine’s) former strength is about 50% greater than the average Aes Sedai.
About the one paragraph in this pile of codswallop I can agree with.
So, if a top level Forsaken is as strong as 4 (possibly 5) modern Aes Sedai, then it means that Moiraine is just over a third as strong as a Forsaken.
Except no, one Foresaken isn't as strong as 4 or five modern AS. Liandrin tells her cronies that three of them can outmatch Moghedien. This is three fairly weak AS against the weakest Foresaken. Then we have two sisters weaker than Liandrin giving Nynaeve a tough challenge. The idea that a Foresaken is as strong as 4 average AS, let along 5, is laughable in the extreme.
Therefore, she cannot be half as strong as Lanfear. Therefore, she cannot be as strong as the average channeler on the Bell Curve.
Therefore, all modern Aes Sedai fall below the mean of the Bell Curve. And they all come from the tiny part of the channelling population that falls between Daigian and the average woman. In fact, they come from maybe just the bottom half of that 12.5%.
Hence, the Bell Curve cannot represent the known channelling population.
So we are left with a problem. The pure Bell Curve description does not fit the evidence.
The solution, in my view, is that RJ used the term Bell Curve loosely, and in fact meant a skewed distribution, with the majority of channelers falling on the weak side. Thus, the “Bell” would be skewed towards the left (leaning towards the left) with a long tail stretching towards the upper half.
Certainly, based on the One Power section in the Guide to the Wheel of Time, the vast majority of channelers during the Age of Legends were weak, with only a small percentage being of great strength. This refutes a symmetrical Bell Curve distribution, and in fact points to a skewed distribution that is dominated by a huge portion of weak channelers, and a small percentage of very powerful outliers on the upper side.
The Bell Curve is therefore a misnomer, casually used by RJ, when in fact a skewed distribution represents the evidence as presented in the books and in the Guide.
Therefore, all modern Aes Sedai fall below the mean of the Bell Curve. And they all come from the tiny part of the channelling population that falls between Daigian and the average woman. In fact, they come from maybe just the bottom half of that 12.5%.
Hence, the Bell Curve cannot represent the known channelling population.
So we are left with a problem. The pure Bell Curve description does not fit the evidence.
The solution, in my view, is that RJ used the term Bell Curve loosely, and in fact meant a skewed distribution, with the majority of channelers falling on the weak side. Thus, the “Bell” would be skewed towards the left (leaning towards the left) with a long tail stretching towards the upper half.
Certainly, based on the One Power section in the Guide to the Wheel of Time, the vast majority of channelers during the Age of Legends were weak, with only a small percentage being of great strength. This refutes a symmetrical Bell Curve distribution, and in fact points to a skewed distribution that is dominated by a huge portion of weak channelers, and a small percentage of very powerful outliers on the upper side.
The Bell Curve is therefore a misnomer, casually used by RJ, when in fact a skewed distribution represents the evidence as presented in the books and in the Guide.
Yeah, no. You're just building castles in the air. First of all, the quote of paramount importance is RJ's statement on bell curves. And to your point that he didn't understand the meaning of a bell curve:
Is strength in the power evenly distributed? Would on a scale of one to one hundred the most channelers be on the 50 mark? (within a gender, of course).
Jim described it as a bell curve, with most channelers in the middle.
Is strength in the power evenly distributed? Would on a scale of one to one hundred the most channelers be on the 50 mark? (within a gender, of course).
Jim described it as a bell curve, with most channelers in the middle.
Even his assistant knew the implications of the bell curve. RJ was a physicist by training, and DomA reports that Brandon has actually seen graphs in the notes where RJ has drawn the bell curve. You're shoving your head deep in the sand and ignoring the one irrefutable fact in this debate. Everything must be interpreted in the light of this fact. That's the long and the short of it. And the inescapable conclusion is that a few Aes Sedai levels are above the 50% mark, Moiraine's especially so.
The Bell Curve revisited
29/10/2012 09:44:09 AM
Re: The Bell Curve revisited
29/10/2012 10:21:27 AM
That's incorrect...
29/10/2012 10:26:49 AM
Re: That's incorrect...
29/10/2012 10:36:32 AM
Re: That's incorrect...
29/10/2012 10:40:27 AM
Re: That's incorrect...
29/10/2012 10:42:57 AM
Hehe...There are a few disputing it vocally. Whether they're in their right mind, well...
29/10/2012 10:45:07 AM
Re: Hehe...There are a few disputing it vocally. Whether they're in their right mind, well...
29/10/2012 10:49:49 AM
Re: Hehe...There are a few disputing it vocally. Whether they're in their right mind, well...
29/10/2012 10:56:37 AM
It's only as skewed as it seems when you make the assumption that the Forsaken
31/10/2012 04:34:11 AM
RJ the physicist didn't know math, so that Shannow could be right...
29/10/2012 02:11:19 PM
Re: RJ the physicist didn't know math, so that Shannow could be right...
29/10/2012 02:37:33 PM
there are dozens of reasons for this
29/10/2012 08:18:18 PM
Re: there are dozens of reasons for this
29/10/2012 09:07:35 PM
Again I don't argue that genetics play no role
30/10/2012 01:57:24 AM
Once again just so,we are clear on my stance with Genetics and Strength
30/10/2012 03:27:11 PM
That the 1000 Novices aren't a random sample of the population?
29/10/2012 08:23:47 PM
And why would it be biased towards those with lower strength?
29/10/2012 09:11:25 PM
Absolutely no reason...
30/10/2012 01:35:35 AM
Re: Absolutely no reason...
30/10/2012 06:43:54 AM
Only if it was a random sampling. Which this is not.
30/10/2012 01:58:34 PM
That's exactly the point. I want you to explain why it wasn't random.
30/10/2012 02:14:59 PM
It wasn't random because it was a self-selected sample!
30/10/2012 02:43:03 PM
Re: It wasn't random because it was a self-selected sample!
30/10/2012 02:47:30 PM
Go read a stats text will you?
30/10/2012 02:54:16 PM
31/10/2012 09:34:11 AM
You seem to have perfected whining to a Talent...
10/11/2012 10:14:19 PM
Re: You seem to have perfected whining to a Talent...
11/11/2012 11:37:16 AM
Seriously? I went and looked at some statistics books, and you won't even reply?
01/11/2012 12:13:49 PM
Yes that totally makes sense
30/10/2012 08:07:16 AM
That's not what happened...
30/10/2012 02:01:52 PM
I hate to get into these things
29/10/2012 05:45:50 PM
I would love for you to be right, because it would solve all our problems, but 0 is the challenge...
29/10/2012 07:56:34 PM
In the truest sense, you are probably right that it is skewed
29/10/2012 08:20:52 PM
Overwhelm Lanfear, not match her. *NM*
29/10/2012 08:26:09 PM
Truth is, Moiraine was being overly optimistic...
29/10/2012 08:39:17 PM
You're pathetic...
30/10/2012 01:20:01 AM
The quote isn't specific
30/10/2012 08:32:36 AM
Yet neither of them are at full potential and at least equal a Forsaken
30/10/2012 03:45:24 PM
Re: In the truest sense, you are probably right that it is skewed
29/10/2012 09:10:27 PM
Lots of people mean perfectly normal distribution when they say it
30/10/2012 05:25:35 PM
Couldn't the Towers method of obtaining Aes Sedai be to blame?
30/10/2012 12:04:01 AM
Re: Couldn't the Towers method of obtaining Aes Sedai be to blame?
30/10/2012 09:33:44 AM
Are you sure about that?
30/10/2012 12:03:43 PM
Re: Are you sure about that?
30/10/2012 12:19:34 PM
That doesn't seem a coherent narrative to me
30/10/2012 04:26:25 PM
Sharina did not have the Spark, nor did Nicola
30/10/2012 05:16:40 PM
Re: Sharina did not have the Spark, nor did Nicola
30/10/2012 05:54:41 PM
We do not know if Cadsuane or any of the Forsaken are Sparkers
30/10/2012 10:33:55 PM
Re: We do not know if Cadsuane or any of the Forsaken are Sparkers
31/10/2012 12:30:52 AM
A handful of examples are all we have and we have proof that an extremely strong Channeler
31/10/2012 02:58:57 AM
you're confusing 2 things
30/10/2012 04:27:32 AM
One thing
30/10/2012 05:23:17 PM
That's the problem. The BC RJ has "built" has a minimum and a maximum value
30/10/2012 05:48:55 PM