Active Users:722 Time:23/02/2025 11:04:02 AM
But they are the same in this instance - Edit 1

Before modification by darius_sedai at 30/09/2012 10:02:38 PM

Partially it's an effect of the end of any series of books. Even if RJ had lived to complete his series we would likely be bitching. There will always be fans who don't like the outcome the author has written. Cannoli will spend the next 20 years bitching about Egwene no matter what she does in AMOL ... He hates the character and will find new and inventive ways to vilify her ... Doesn't matter who wrote her last words in the series. I'll never like Cadsuane or be happy that Moiraine came back from the 'Finns so weak in the Power. I hate that Egwene is with Gawyn, or that Min can't channel and will die hundreds of years before Rand, Avi and Elayne ... Many people wanted Verin to live or Galina to die or Siuan and Leane to be Healed to full strength. The list is endless and we all have our things ... Sanderson just gets the double dose because he's not the original author!

You're talking about events in the books as opposed to the style and quality of presentation. It's like blaming Shakespeare's play on a junior high drama class's inept performance.

I will never base my assessment of the series on how it ends with and for Egwene. She could end up as God-Empress of the world and as long as it was plausibly done, it would be satisfied. I am a history buff - happy endings are just not in it for me, and I don't judge a book based on whether I like what happens. The important thing is how WELL the story is told. Not one of my complaints about Sanderson's writing has anything to do with what happens or what choices or decisions the characters make, and I would like to think the same is true for most of you. Sanderson has nothing to do with Moiraine coming back weak (though considering the level of channelers emerging, it's not like she's stepped down from the top anymore, and she does have the angreal she bargained for) or Verin dying and the only thing he'll have to do with Egwene's rise, fall or comeuppance (chances are, if the latter is forthcoming, I still will not enjoy it, due to how ineptly it will be expressed).

Complaints about the story and about the writing are two different things. Let's try not to get them mixed up.

You said it yourself ... I will never base my assessment of the series on how it ends with and for Egwene. She could end up as God-Empress of the world and as long as it was plausibly done, it would be satisfied.

The point being Sanderson is not telling the story well, which is muddying the story elements which is pissing people off. And many others have complained of RJs writing style as well ... I'm making the point to Dark Knight that those of us complaining about the writing aren't all "jealous" of Sanderson's fame. The story elements are at the mercy of Sanderson's writing style.

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