Piggybacking on someone else's established characters and near-climax-point plot?
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 29/09/2012 03:04:03 PM
If a guy can have so many obvious deficiencies in his writing - that all of us can spot so easily - and which most of us here could improve on if we had to write these scenes, then how is it that he is clearly a successful fantasy novelist with books that are selling well in the market?
He wasn't, until a grieving widow handpicked him to finish a highly successful, wildly popular story that was on the verge of its long-awaited climax. WoT is not like other long series I've read, like aSoI&F or MBotF, where you wondered where you were going as you read - the epic, climactic confrontation between good and evil in the person of the main character. WoT was not looking to be FINISHED, it needed to be COMPLETED. Sanderson was handed a captive audience, and judging by the traffic on this board, has driven a considerable number away. The long hiatus between KoD & tGS, even with the death of RJ was not so devoid of interest and speculation as the last few months have been. I'm sure many of us dream of being authors, but probably feel that we don't have the requisite skill to make it and therefore don't bother going through all the effort of thinking up a concept, plot, characters and world, nevermind penning it down as a novel.
None of which Brandon Sanderson did. Actually, from the few chapters I have been able to plow through in Mistborn, those are his strengths. Instead, this project has absolutely no need of those strengths. What it requires is attention to detail, understanding of characters and themes, and the talent to capture the voice and mentality of the characters. The fact that Sanderson has multiple writing projects going at the same time (according Wikipedia, he has had 13 non-WoT books published since he was announced as the replacement author) suggests that his capacity to devote himself to the necessary details is already compromised.When I see the almost amateurish mistakes made by a novelist who IS selling his work successfully, and here I mean the poor characterisation, the inconsistent tone of dialogue, the lack of consistent POINT OF VIEW even - ranging from omniscient to first person and back in the SAME scene - then I cannot help but feel that even I could do better than this.
And my first language is not even English.
So the burning question is: What is it that makes a successful novelist then, if it is not top notch writing skill? Is it merely persistance and a blind belief in your ability?
Luck of the draw in getting a publisher's favor? Note that he initially succeeded as a writer of kids books. That does not require a lot of the qualities we notice a deficiency of in his WoT books. And my first language is not even English.
So the burning question is: What is it that makes a successful novelist then, if it is not top notch writing skill? Is it merely persistance and a blind belief in your ability?
Even successful writers don't always know what will work and what won't. John Ringo got a six book series out of a personal cathartic writing project he thought was crap and is plainly embarassed about. He had apparently mentioned it in passing, had some interest, began showing it to people, and eventually his publisher urged him to do it. He wanted to publish it under a different name and label, but it became the longest-running book series to his credit. His arguably most famous series is stalled at the fifth book with a battle having just begun, while book 6 of his 'crap series' is due in January, despite the prior book being an acceptable end point of the series.
The TV writer and showrunner Shawn Ryan's most successful and critically acclaimed series, The Shield, was originally created as a test or writing exercise. Of the four or five shows Ryan created, none has come close to "The Shield" in longevity or commercial or critical success.
Even on a microscopic scale, I myself have experienced this with posts on the MBs. Things I thought would be funny or interesting, were all but ignored, while throwaway gags have had lots of positive feedback and even appeared reposted on other sites, or stirred up intense discussions. Things I worried about posting because I thought would be controversial or offend people's sensibilities turned out to be well-received, even by people I thought mature enough to know better. There really doesn't seem any way to tell in advance how or if something will succeed, and publishers are probably no better at guessing than the rest of us, so the get-published game is probably not the meritocracy aspiring writers like to imagine it is.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
If you have to call someone "my friend" three times in a couple of minutes, he isn't.
28/09/2012 11:59:13 AM
The only people I've ever heard say "my friend" are foreign street vendors
28/09/2012 01:19:00 PM
Sanderson's handling of character interractions is pathetic....
28/09/2012 06:43:48 PM
Now see, here I don't fully agree, or at least think it's a matter of taste.
28/09/2012 07:21:09 PM
Sorry, that's just not true...
28/09/2012 11:33:59 PM
I posted something very similar at DM. Reposting...
28/09/2012 11:46:07 PM
I complained about this regarding the Forsaken chapter
28/09/2012 07:34:25 PM
I've long since accepted that Sanderson uses inaccurate terms like "powerful"
29/09/2012 05:44:11 AM
To be fair, the last Moghedian PoV by RJ might have changed her a bit.
29/09/2012 03:27:31 PM
Yes. The last time it happened to me it ended with the taxi driver fined by the NYPD.
29/09/2012 07:05:26 AM
The burning question to me, after reading all of the comments above, is this...
29/09/2012 08:50:50 AM
Piggybacking on someone else's established characters and near-climax-point plot?
29/09/2012 03:04:03 PM
Both of you disgust me
29/09/2012 04:13:16 PM
To be fair...
29/09/2012 04:36:52 PM
True ... He may not be perfect, and he certainly made some strange choices
29/09/2012 05:37:29 PM
B-Sand is not a ghost writer
29/09/2012 06:35:16 PM
Didn't say he should.
29/09/2012 09:07:45 PM
What is it you want?
29/09/2012 09:39:36 PM
We want to bitch about an inferior product. Duh.
29/09/2012 10:00:09 PM
Hmm that's true I guess. Sad though *NM*
29/09/2012 10:07:25 PM
It is what it is
30/09/2012 12:52:20 AM
You do know this isn't his series, right?
29/09/2012 04:19:00 PM
Do you see us going to Mistborn boards to rip his series? Part of the problem is what you say.
29/09/2012 09:57:54 PM
Apologies for not being clear: I'm only referring to WoT. Haven't read any of his other work...
30/09/2012 06:56:08 PM
I'd agree that I like his original works more than his WoT books
01/10/2012 06:17:33 PM
It's fairly simple....
30/09/2012 09:55:52 PM
Thanks for that insightful response...
30/09/2012 10:37:27 PM
Try reading something instead of judging. I recommend the Mistborn trilogy *NM*
01/10/2012 01:14:24 AM
It's more...
01/10/2012 01:05:18 PM
Re: The burning question to me, after reading all of the comments above, is this...
11/10/2012 08:22:27 PM
I have an acquaintance who uses "my friend" as punctuation of every sentence.
05/10/2012 02:47:40 PM