Active Users:778 Time:07/03/2025 02:09:58 AM
Re: I agree the Forsaken are all pretty close in effective Strength - Edit 1

Before modification by Sidious at 27/09/2012 07:25:05 AM

I don't know about that. Her lumpig herself with Demandred, Moridin, Graendal and Cyndane when talking about Taim's strength is weird. It indicates to me that while she may be weakest of the Foresaken, she isn't so far away that there'e many intervening levels where she may expect current Age people to fall.

I'm not sure about that. Graendal said that Moghedien had found someone 'so much stronger' than her... referencing Cyndane, and even Moghedien said she took down far greater opponents who thought that she was no threat. The BWB also says that although she was a greater dreamwalker than Lanfear, she could not match her in the world of flesh.

As for Taim, I think she merely grouped herself as one of the Forsaken. Him and us. He is as strong as us.

I think it points to Moghedien being a big step below the others. Where I would suggest that all of the Forsaken are between 90 and 100, I think Moghedien is sitting at around 80.

Her personality undoubtedly makes her even weaker. Now that she has faced death at the Cleansing, and months of torture, she's become a stronger, bolder woman. She's not stronger in the Power but I think she'd challenge Graendal head on in a duel now.

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