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Hmmm... DomA Send a noteboard - 27/09/2012 02:04:59 AM
They were forced to move the release date of the prologue after a snafu at Google Books Canada which released it too early. The material was also available for online search there so after minimal hesitation Tor decided to release it.

It's really more the release of chapter 1 so early after that which is fishy.... except releasing the prologue on Oct. 2 was way off the past schedule in the first place (I smell a rat, namely that they have moved up the release date but don't want to torpedoe the sales of the prologue as ebook, so they're keeping the announcement off for one more week or two).

I guess it might be a bigger challenge for Orbit to cope if Tor advances its release date, but we'll see.

It's clear that Jason at Dragonmount already has a finished book, so if advance copies are starting to go out then it's just a question of how fast they can get copies printed and to distributors.

Normally Jason doesn't receive ARCs, he receives a printed copy of the manuscript before the galley phase. He's part of a small group of people Harriet and co. haved used as beta-readers for TGS and TOM. It's more again a question of timing.. the fact Jason was allowed to release his "review" so early also speaks of the marketing machine being in full gear, and of an earlier release soon to be announced.

Harriet has asked Tor to forgo ARCs for these books, she fears too much a spoiler fiesta. They're sending final copies a little in advance to very few reviewers (mostly pros) they trust to respect the embargo, and they're sent fairly late in the game. The rest is sent on the eve of the release (which is what I got when I was at the 13th depository. Tor representants did try to get WOT fansites a copy earlier, but the boss said no).

This message last edited by DomA on 27/09/2012 at 02:07:09 AM
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Chapter 1 (full chapter) - 26/09/2012 02:27:32 PM 1970 Views
Makes you pay for the prologue, gives chapter 1 away for free...smh *NM* - 26/09/2012 03:41:37 PM 358 Views
It's been that way for years... - 26/09/2012 03:43:12 PM 700 Views
Chapter 2 will likely be coming in audiobook form as well. *NM* - 26/09/2012 03:57:10 PM 343 Views
And we'll most likely get chapter 11 in full too. *NM* - 26/09/2012 04:30:58 PM 308 Views
Re: And we'll most likely get chapter 11 in full too. - 26/09/2012 05:53:49 PM 840 Views
Possible early release for AMOL - 26/09/2012 06:28:23 PM 758 Views
Re: Possible early release for AMOL - 26/09/2012 09:01:11 PM 862 Views
Re: And we'll most likely get chapter 11 in full too. - 26/09/2012 06:33:58 PM 712 Views
Yeah, Luckers and I discussed this earlier. - 26/09/2012 06:36:14 PM 883 Views
Good.... - 26/09/2012 08:42:17 PM 856 Views
Re: Good.... - 26/09/2012 09:28:46 PM 630 Views
Re: Good.... - 26/09/2012 10:03:19 PM 737 Views
There are a lot of logistics they would need to move up for this - 26/09/2012 11:05:36 PM 715 Views
Amazon doesn't have any problem shipping early - 27/09/2012 12:27:27 AM 694 Views
Tee hee - 27/09/2012 12:36:10 AM 763 Views
Some of the pre-orders that were moved up were significant. - 27/09/2012 12:43:25 AM 784 Views
I fully agree... - 27/09/2012 01:50:01 AM 765 Views
Random double post *NM* - 26/09/2012 11:05:37 PM 307 Views
I suspect a November release date - 27/09/2012 12:40:03 AM 802 Views
I tend to favor a December release myself. - 27/09/2012 12:49:03 AM 649 Views
12.12.12 would be funny.... *NM* - 27/09/2012 02:10:14 AM 344 Views
Hmmm... - 27/09/2012 02:04:59 AM 804 Views
A possible (pessimistic) explanation - 27/09/2012 02:38:06 AM 884 Views
For what it's worth - 27/09/2012 05:41:29 PM 661 Views
Confused... - 27/09/2012 02:32:53 AM 743 Views
Ignore the inner tightwad and do a test... - 26/09/2012 04:56:30 PM 1062 Views

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