Active Users:1193 Time:23/02/2025 08:30:53 PM
I'm not so sure Sidious Send a noteboard - 24/09/2012 05:32:50 PM
but whenever people were arguing for that theory, we got a lot of replies that it made no sense for the DO to kill Lanfear unless there was no way to retrieve her alive and thus she died in Sindhol because Moridin had to kill her or the Finns did, and it had nothing to do with any idea of punishment.

Mind you, this in part had to do with the fact I was arguing that I was sure killing Lanfear was part of her punishment, and I wasn't so sure though it had happened in Finnland (I was arguing it was also possible it had been done at SG after her rescue, to punish her).

The confirmation by Moghedien that the killing of Lanfear was meant to punish her, thus that there was other ways to retrieve her but Moridin/the DO chose that one to punish her, means my reasoning wasn't crazy at all after all: stripping Lanfear of everything that made her Lanfear was absolutely intentional. She's the only transmigrated Forsaken whose former identity is completely taboo. It's part of her punishment that Lanfear is 100% gone. The others must use their new names and all, but they make no secret of who they were, and of the fact everyone knows. For Cyndane, it's "don't ask, don't tell". Cyndane herself has likely been warned she'll be punished for giving the others any signs of who she were.

I think Moghedien might have communicated the series of events incorrectly. She did, after all, rely on Moridin to tell her what had happened to Lanfear.

We know that Moridin came to look at Moiraine and said that it was not her. He then went to Lanfear, who was being drained by the Finns in a similar way. I think that adequately explains the loss of her strength, though it remains curious as to why this loss follows through after death.

Moridin was probably unwilling to bargain for Lanfear, knowing how treacherous the Finns are. He probably killed her as soon as he saw her and then fought off the Finns before leaving himself. That was probably his plan from the beginning.

I don't think his plan was much deeper than that really. Moridin doesn't strike me as a man who would go through too much effort to save a Chosen if the Dark One can snatch them after death and place them in a healthy body.

I fully realize the symbolism of destroying the Lanfear persona, and it follows through with Graendal. Moghedien thinks that the DO made Graendal ugly for the same reason, but its equally likely Shadar Haran tortured her to death and they put her in the next available body. I'm not sure if the symbolism of destroying their images is more probable than the theme of immortality and how the DO has permanent access to their souls that extends beyond death.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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AMOL Prologue : Analysis of Forsaken section *major spoilers* - 19/09/2012 05:47:21 PM 3150 Views
You left out that Taim and Demandred have met before. - 19/09/2012 06:19:01 PM 1410 Views
Part of me keeps screaming Logain, though that can't be right... - 20/09/2012 12:14:00 PM 1365 Views
I thought of Logain as well... - 20/09/2012 06:10:58 PM 1240 Views
We have our answer as to why Cyndane and Moiraine are reduced in power. - 20/09/2012 05:14:01 AM 1289 Views
It was spelled out before. - 20/09/2012 05:25:05 AM 1171 Views
And some of us guessed that's what happened, we just didn't have evidence. *NM* - 20/09/2012 12:04:18 PM 678 Views
Nor a lot of support for the idea... - 22/09/2012 06:28:14 PM 1155 Views
Really? Seemed like the obvious series of events - 23/09/2012 02:32:35 PM 1098 Views
I know... - 23/09/2012 05:30:42 PM 1147 Views
I'm not so sure - 24/09/2012 05:32:50 PM 1136 Views
Why question it? - 25/09/2012 01:40:39 AM 1023 Views
Re: Why question it? - 25/09/2012 06:12:32 AM 980 Views
Six Chosen... - 20/09/2012 05:19:17 AM 1335 Views
It's fan fiction, but it's cannon fan fiction - 20/09/2012 06:55:18 AM 1298 Views
Demandred - the wasted Forsaken - 20/09/2012 08:14:15 PM 1202 Views
RJ's writing was bad. Sanderson's is far worse. *NM* - 21/09/2012 06:19:04 AM 681 Views
Re: Demandred - the wasted Forsaken - 22/09/2012 07:23:19 PM 1100 Views
Talmanes - 23/09/2012 12:42:27 AM 1504 Views
Re: Talmanes - 02/10/2012 03:27:05 PM 952 Views
Two interesting Forsaken issues you haven't raised - 22/09/2012 06:21:34 PM 1339 Views
Seems to me that Taim himself was behind going to Rand - 23/09/2012 02:53:32 AM 1059 Views
Re: Seems to me that Taim himself was behind going to Rand - 23/09/2012 05:50:48 PM 1107 Views
I think I rebel against this thought process because of the Taimandred Red Herring - 23/09/2012 06:35:19 PM 1032 Views
Re: I think I rebel against this thought process because of the Taimandred Red Herring - 23/09/2012 07:46:59 PM 1275 Views
The first time we hear about Transmigration is in LOC - 23/09/2012 08:50:10 PM 1283 Views
Why was Ishamael reinstantiated as Nae'blis after his death? - 02/10/2012 10:17:03 PM 1114 Views
I have to wonder at Hessalam - 23/09/2012 01:20:13 PM 1300 Views
Re: I have to wonder at Hessalam - 23/09/2012 06:52:10 PM 1352 Views
Re: I have to wonder at Hessalam - 24/09/2012 05:18:29 PM 1519 Views
I don't think she's old. Just really really really ugly! - 25/09/2012 03:22:56 AM 1006 Views
Re: I don't think she's old. Just really really really ugly! - 25/09/2012 06:13:51 AM 1056 Views
So based on this new info, what is Demandred's big game? Shara or Isle of Madmen back on the table? - 23/09/2012 08:01:03 PM 1116 Views
Re: So based on this new info, what is Demandred's big game? - 23/09/2012 08:52:48 PM 1233 Views
Interesting... - 23/09/2012 09:06:18 PM 1049 Views
Re: Interesting... - 23/09/2012 11:31:31 PM 1257 Views
Just one comment.. - 23/09/2012 11:53:09 PM 1727 Views
If I had to take a guess right now I'd say he has been setting up various Shadow armies thought the - 23/09/2012 09:30:34 PM 1053 Views
I think at the very least he has recreated the One-and-Eighty male channelers from the AOL... - 23/09/2012 09:34:56 PM 1149 Views
As I said he will almost certainly have Channelers - 23/09/2012 09:47:53 PM 1297 Views
All he needed to do was train 10 guys personally.. - 23/09/2012 09:51:46 PM 954 Views
It took Taim nearly a year to train a dozen men to a place where they could teach - 23/09/2012 10:00:40 PM 924 Views
The world is 25,000 miles by 25,000 miles in size... - 23/09/2012 10:15:22 PM 1029 Views
That is just far fetched ... I think I would laugh out loud if that is the case - 23/09/2012 10:43:37 PM 1026 Views
Direct quote from Demandred refutes this... - 23/09/2012 10:49:10 PM 1005 Views
Demanded is much more like Mesaana in his ways - 23/09/2012 10:55:00 PM 1032 Views
Re: Demanded is much more like Mesaana in his ways - 23/09/2012 11:36:54 PM 1045 Views
Not really - 24/09/2012 12:31:48 AM 1085 Views
"My rule is secure." Could Demandred be ruling an entire Mirror World? - 23/09/2012 10:43:51 PM 1127 Views
I can certainly something like this happening - 23/09/2012 10:50:35 PM 927 Views
I'm not sure it's possible... - 24/09/2012 03:02:26 AM 1061 Views
I think ... - 24/09/2012 05:36:38 PM 1041 Views
The changes in Moghedien - 25/09/2012 03:29:15 AM 923 Views
I believe she commented on Graendal's strength, comparing it to Nynaeve or something? - 25/09/2012 11:07:24 PM 1066 Views
Well.. - 25/09/2012 11:15:21 PM 930 Views
Thanks for the quote, but reading that, it kind of implies the opposite, to me... - 25/09/2012 11:35:53 PM 1244 Views
Hmmm.... - 26/09/2012 12:00:33 AM 984 Views
Hehe, that old argument again. - 26/09/2012 12:09:25 AM 873 Views
Yes. - 26/09/2012 12:58:03 AM 866 Views
I agree the Forsaken are all pretty close in effective Strength - 26/09/2012 04:11:16 AM 977 Views
Re: I agree the Forsaken are all pretty close in effective Strength - 26/09/2012 08:53:02 AM 926 Views
Well... - 26/09/2012 09:09:38 AM 892 Views
Re: Well... - 26/09/2012 10:17:03 AM 1026 Views
Nice speculation. I like that type of calculation. - 26/09/2012 10:59:43 AM 961 Views
Re: Well... - 27/09/2012 03:12:06 AM 924 Views
Re: Well... - 27/09/2012 08:17:07 AM 881 Views
Re: I agree the Forsaken are all pretty close in effective Strength - 27/09/2012 03:00:04 AM 980 Views
Re: I agree the Forsaken are all pretty close in effective Strength - 27/09/2012 07:23:11 AM 962 Views
Actually...... - 26/09/2012 02:30:00 AM 1034 Views
Agree with this.. - 26/09/2012 06:12:34 AM 849 Views
Not sure that's completely true.. - 26/09/2012 06:42:51 AM 890 Views
Re: Not sure that's completely true.. - 26/09/2012 03:02:41 PM 1051 Views
This is what I've been saying for years! - 26/09/2012 05:48:01 PM 778 Views
Re: Not sure that's completely true.. - 27/09/2012 03:17:00 AM 938 Views
Probably something like this - 26/09/2012 08:36:40 AM 943 Views
Probably true, but maybe a hint from a Sanderson interview should be considered here... - 26/09/2012 08:56:32 AM 908 Views
Re: Probably true, but maybe a hint from a Sanderson interview should be considered here... - 26/09/2012 10:01:08 AM 857 Views
Graendal almost has to be Stronger than Nynaeve - 26/09/2012 05:57:35 PM 1109 Views
One thing about that... - 27/09/2012 02:58:56 AM 996 Views
Possible, but I find it unlikely - 27/09/2012 06:16:56 AM 894 Views
The reason I think that... - 27/09/2012 06:25:48 AM 938 Views
I always assumed Nynaeve at the top was a list he later revised as he decided to bring in - 27/09/2012 06:39:35 AM 1019 Views
Of course that's the correct answer, yes. - 27/09/2012 08:12:45 AM 1075 Views
I wasn't making a Strength comparison ... I was commenting on her lack of cowardice - 26/09/2012 03:45:36 AM 975 Views
Re: I wasn't making a Strength comparison ... I was commenting on her lack of cowardice - 26/09/2012 05:30:36 PM 1044 Views
That is the question I was getting at - 26/09/2012 06:00:03 PM 998 Views
Re: That is the question I was getting at - 26/09/2012 07:01:34 PM 1029 Views

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