And Marshall: I agree wholeheartedly that he has improved his Mat. In a different post on the website, he stated
This is definitely how I see him going wrong in tGS. I'm glad he figured it out eventually and I really enjoyed this chapter. What I don't get, is that Team Jordan did not catch this at first. To most readers this was so obviously going in the wrong direction, I would have expected any one (or at least one) of those involved to have come back to BS and ask him to correct it.
("Immediate grasp"? Heh. More like "Tried for over a year to catch a snake dunked in oil before I got enough sand on my hand to even hold te tail for longer than five minutes" )
The audience was also curious as to what characters he had the hardest time grasping. “Aviendha and Tuon are the ones I worked the hardest on, but I expected them to be hard. I wasn't expecting Mat to be hard. That blindsided me.” Brandon explained that in general the Andoran characters are the easiest for him to write as, “They feel like friends from high school.” So it surprised Brandon when he sat down to write Mat and discovered that he didn't have an immediate grasp on him. Brandon eventually realized it was because, unlike the other characters, “Mat is an untrustworthy narrator. He doesn't always believe what he says and he doesn't even always believe the thoughts in his own head. He's a character I've struggled to write but I think I've gotten as close to him as it's possible for me to get.”
This is definitely how I see him going wrong in tGS. I'm glad he figured it out eventually and I really enjoyed this chapter. What I don't get, is that Team Jordan did not catch this at first. To most readers this was so obviously going in the wrong direction, I would have expected any one (or at least one) of those involved to have come back to BS and ask him to correct it.
("Immediate grasp"? Heh. More like "Tried for over a year to catch a snake dunked in oil before I got enough sand on my hand to even hold te tail for longer than five minutes" )
The mystery deepens... I think. *MySmiley*
New excerpt from Chapter 11 of AMoL
02/09/2012 09:50:48 PM
yay - finally some real posts and not some expired ones that were casting the illusion of activity. *NM*
03/09/2012 09:58:20 AM
He read this to us at DragonCon this weekend.
04/09/2012 02:24:40 AM
Ha, that's actually hilarious
04/09/2012 09:33:01 AM