Something i've been wondering about, that I can't seem to understand.
I want to be sure I have this right.
In arad domon there are 3 armies currently, The Wolf's who is being chased by the seanchan, and behind the seanchan Rands army appears correct?
and they're all about 100k-150k strong.
Where did all these soldiers come from? I can understands rands forces, but my understaing is that the Seanchan force is mainly composed of taraboners and not actual seanchan.
Where did Rodel's army come from?
the reason I wonder this is because The borderlanders combined each muster half their forces, so about 50k men each (out of possible 100k). Yet Rodel is able to pull a force of 150k?
that just doesn't make sense to me. If someone could clarify that would be great.
In the first place, the only numbers we have are from the Seanchan, and the enemy's count of an opposing army is highly suspect. Historical tendencies aside, throughout the books, mention has been made of the exaggeration of armies and whatnot. Elayne gets an estimation of the true size of the borderland army because she has spies IN their camp. Scouts always exaggerate numbers, through no fault of their own. It is very hard, even for professionals, to estimate the sizes of armies. Finally, we see in the Prologue to tGS that Ituralde is using decoys and civilians in uniform and soldiers in civilian clothes to confuse the Seanchan. Those estimations back in KoD should have been suspect automatically, and we see in tGS that Ituralde's plan has involved deceptions to make the Seanchan move in reaction to forces they believe to be in place, so that they can be attack advantageously by Ituralde's real troops.
I want to be sure I have this right.
In arad domon there are 3 armies currently, The Wolf's who is being chased by the seanchan, and behind the seanchan Rands army appears correct?
and they're all about 100k-150k strong.
Where did all these soldiers come from? I can understands rands forces, but my understaing is that the Seanchan force is mainly composed of taraboners and not actual seanchan.
Where did Rodel's army come from?
the reason I wonder this is because The borderlanders combined each muster half their forces, so about 50k men each (out of possible 100k). Yet Rodel is able to pull a force of 150k?
that just doesn't make sense to me. If someone could clarify that would be great.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
how does rodel get such a big army?
25/09/2009 09:03:44 AM
He doesn't. RtDB!
28/09/2009 12:59:00 PM