Active Users:1038 Time:23/02/2025 05:49:56 AM
His response certainly seem to raise more questions than it answers, perhaps deliberately. Joel Send a noteboard - 25/05/2012 01:38:30 AM
This is probably just something RJ thought of when he was conceiving the BT. The may or may not have ever thought of a use for any special properties, but it is the kind of thing that one would think of when brainstorming the creation.

I am sure his notes (compiled over 20+ years) are full of irelevent little details (such a character's favorite color or lucky number) that have no way of making it into a story, but flesh out the world solely for the author's writing process.

As much as he played up the idea of everything in Shayol Ghul being permeated with the Dark Ones foul essence, it is difficult to imagine surrounding the BT with huge slabs of stone from the place without it having some effect. It is equally difficult to imagine that effect being trivial, given whom and what else is located there.

It doesn't mean it's totally irrelevant, so much as the fact giving us a confirmation those rocks are from SG may not give us any huge clue about the relevance of that detail. If it's tied to a prophecy, the revelation in itself would be a huge spoiler. It for instance it merely extends the DO's powers in another location beside SG, or increased Shaidar Haran's powers to act there/in Caemlyn, it's not a spoiler since we currently don't know of any property anything brought from SG might have and everything is thus purely speculative. As I said above, that those black rocks have been brought from SG has long been suspected.

Simply confirming their origin does not really give us much insight into their purpose, apart from the fact it is a malevolent one (an atmosphere ominously surrounding them from their first appearance back in LoC.) The most logical explanation for needed rocks specifically from SG, however, is that they somehow extend SG, at least partially, to include whater location they occupy/surround. That opens up a wealth of possibilities we can only guess.

However, something like that is almost certainly non-trivial, bringing me back to my confusion over why Sanderson would needlessly tip his hand (or rather, Jordans.) It sets in motion many mental gears he should not want turning.

I wish he would rather shut up about stuff like this too. It reminds me of him confirming for no good reason that the sword Rand was given by scholars in TGS was Hawkwing's Justice. That too sent many minds spinning on why Rand may need the sword of the leaders of the TAR heroes. Sanderson may not have realized he was killing many alternative theories doing this (Guaire Amalasan's sword, LTT's WOS sword was two of those). But no, he just flatly told people it was Justice, and in the book Rand said "Rand remembered the sword from his own memories rather than LTT's / there were things about that sword LTT knew and wasn't telling him"

Honestly, those quotes seem somewhat at odds with the confirmation, unless LTT both recalls all the events from all his incarnations as a Hero of the Horn, including each encounter with incarnations of Hawkwing, AND recognizes the sword as Hawkwings. Recognizing the sword is particularly odd, since there is no reason to believe LTT was Reborn while Hawkwing was forging his continent-spanning kingdom (in fact, there is every reason to believe LTT was not Reborn until Rands birth.) If I had to bet on THAT, I would expect its significance to lie in the Seanchan (who hold as much reverence for signs and portents as they do for Hawkwing) recognizing it just as LTT did.

It may be the same with the Shayol Ghul rocks, Brandon may not have realized how much discussions are ongoing about Shayol Ghul, tel'aran'rhiod, the true nature of the Bore etc.

Likely not; obviously he has some awareness of what the fan community is debating online and elsewhere, but he is just as obviously trying valiantly to satisfy the time-table Tor and Harriet envision for the final volumes. That does not permit the luxury of looking over all our shoulders as Jordan often seemed to do, and there is probably a wealth of theory and debate to which Sanderson remains nearly or completely oblivious.

There are restrictions concerning TAR and SG (a confirmed recent RAFO even), and we've long known for instance the Blight area can't be entered through TAR like stedding and once Rhuidean, yet the Forsaken seem to be able to enter TAR near SG (some of their meetings appears to have taken place in the TAR reflection of Moridin's palace). That's another path which opened early: perhaps a purpose of the SG rocks is to make that perimeter totally impassable in TAR because the BT isn't reachable there anymore - not even "by foot", which would make disabling the dreamspike at the BT near impossible, without getting close enough to destroy the BT's walls.

I always assumed the Forsaken Traveled as close as they safely could to Shayol Ghul, then hiked the remaining distance. The journeys we have seen suggest the DO takes satisfaction in forcing his oh-so-powerful lieutenants to approach with all the banality the lowest peasant would, stripped of their birthright luxuries.

Regarding the approach to the BT in Tel'aran'rhiod, however, my understanding was that the dreamspikes dome is impenetrable within TAR by ANY means. It would be a fairly useless barrier if people could simply zip to the edge, walk through, then zip to their ultimate destination. Therefore no recourse to the rocks of Shayol Ghul should be necessary to prevent entry/exit to/from the BT in TAR. Destroying the dreamspike IS pretty difficult, not just because of its relative sturdiness, but because only those already within its boundary when it is implanted can get near it. Perrin, Egwene and Co. flat got lucky in that respect, though they had no small aid from the fact the Shadow was watching and waiting to deploy it in attempt to kill one or both of them (which will almost invariably be the case, severely limiting its utility; in that sense it is far more useful as a barrier to Traveling/Skimming than as a dream-barrier.)

I would really like to know how totally the dreamspike limits access within TAR. There does not seem to be any practical difference between dreaming oneself into a location upon falling asleep versus traveling there when already in TAR, and even if there were, people do not habitually dream themselves into the same location they occupy in the real world. In other words, unless it was implanted in the physical world, I am not sure it should even be POSSIBLE to remove once whoever placed it wakes; even its possessor would be unable to reach it again from within TAR.

Still, regarding TAR access to the BT, the dreamspike seems quite adequate without need for rock from Shayol Ghul.

And that makes one wonder why the Shadow would be so adamant to protect that location from nearly everything unless it's meant to be the Tarmon Gai'don HQ of the Shadow in the heart of the land... Combines this with possible increased DO powers in that place, the fact without a doubt Shaidar Haran can Shadow-Travel in and out of that place at will... and the global increase of the DO's power breaking the seals would bring... Really not good. We also don't know if the dreamspike is at full capacity yet or if its perimeter can in time be extended to cover the whole city of Caemlyn, which would in effect mean the Shadow could soon hold a very important Waygate (it's becoming fairly urgent Egwene gets told to close the one in the Tar Valon Grove). The worse may be the suspected extra "Talisman of Growing" in Elayne's collection and what it might mean if the Shadow seized it and has Ogier DF (which is almost a given, among the Gardeners if not among the Westlands' Stedding-bound Ogier)... It's not even the fact that Rand had Elder Haman and previously Loial do which may be undone, it's also that the Shadow might be able to create new Waygates in totally unexpected locations... And it's no trivial matter, the Ways were in part the result of research into pre-AOL Portal Stones technology, and the Shadow has an expert in that domain and many related ones in Cyndane (who we should remember is also an expert in drilling holes in the Pattern...). What would happen if the Shadow tried to create a Waygate at the Pit of Doom? Would that create extensions/mirrors of the Bore at every Waygate location, letting Shai'tan create a Blight around each of them?

I recall no indication the dreamspike has variable levels of effect, though it well might. The Shadow could conceivably capture Caemlyn even without enclosing it within the dreamspikes barrier, however, though I doubt their assault will be allowed to progress to the point of sacking the city (but I could well be wrong there, too.) I certainly hope not, and not just because I imagine your concern about creating a Waygate at Shayol Ghul extending the DOs presence to all other Waygates is valid.

Your other suggestion is more in line with what I expect, that the Shadow intends the BT to be a salient/forward HQ during TG, possibly one from which SGs influence and presence can expand much as it did in the Blight. That would create a pincer dwarfing even the scale of the Schlieffen Plan, instantly jeopardizing half the Westlands and threatening to cut the Borderlands, Cairhien and (possibly) Arad Doman off from their southern allies. At the very least it would provide that salient, particularly if the Shadow did capture Caemlyn and its Waygate (which may be the intent of that maneuver and the efforts at the BT; in any event, it is inconceivable the BT would not be involved with the attack on Caemlyn, given its proximity and command.)

Obviously, the possibility of Shaidar Haran turning the tables and surprising Rand with a direct confrontation at HIS seat of power is also an unappealing but very real possibility. Since Taim (in defiance of Rand) beats exclusive OP use into every recruits head, the Uber-Myrddraal who casually deactivates the OP could go through the defenseless loyalist ranks like a scythe through tall grain, even without help from resident proto-dreadlords. The presence of several influential Red sisters only raises the ante (which, after all, was the point, hence all but one of them is now a Shadow asset rather than liability.)

Realistically, the only thing longer than the list of known downsides of making the BT "Shayol Ghul South" is the list of UNKNOWN ways. Sandersons confirmation may have killed a few theories, but has surely spawned dozens more. Note: That is not an endorsement; I love a crazy unlikely theory as much as the next man and more than most, but not at the expense of prematurely revealing pivotal information we should not know and thereby spoiling the story wholly or in part. Had Forsaken claims the DO can resurrect people been confirmed before the TGH many mental wheels would have begun turning, too, but the return of Ishy and the rest would have completely ruined.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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So apparently the palace at the Black Tower is made of Shayol Ghul stone... - 23/05/2012 12:57:37 AM 2207 Views
I saw that too, but how is that even possible?? - 23/05/2012 03:02:57 AM 1229 Views
Not the palace... - 23/05/2012 03:32:59 AM 1243 Views
That is good logic, but the flip side is: Why would RJ bother to specify that if it were minutiae? - 23/05/2012 11:22:24 AM 1069 Views
Wouldn't have taken any time away from creating the ending. - 23/05/2012 02:58:32 PM 972 Views
It just seems an odd thing to mention purely as background color. - 23/05/2012 08:17:45 PM 1055 Views
Re: It just seems an odd thing to mention purely as background color. - 23/05/2012 08:42:09 PM 1079 Views
Yeah, my bet is it is something more like that. - 23/05/2012 09:14:24 PM 983 Views
Re: Yeah, my bet is it is something more like that. - 24/05/2012 02:23:54 AM 1037 Views
His response certainly seem to raise more questions than it answers, perhaps deliberately. - 25/05/2012 01:38:30 AM 948 Views
Re: Yeah, my bet is it is something more like that. - 12/06/2012 05:18:39 AM 926 Views
Re: Not the palace... - 23/05/2012 02:43:28 PM 971 Views
Re: Not the palace... - 23/05/2012 08:30:46 PM 1020 Views
My initial thoughts on it had to do with the properties of SG. - 23/05/2012 10:58:21 PM 933 Views
Taim always a darkfriend? - 28/05/2012 01:17:34 AM 1150 Views
If SG rocks have special properties... - 28/05/2012 01:28:28 AM 896 Views
Blightfortress, Towers of Midnight, etc. - 18/06/2012 12:31:48 PM 801 Views
Re: Blightfortress, Towers of Midnight, etc. - 19/06/2012 05:42:21 AM 959 Views
Re: Blightfortress, Towers of Midnight, etc. - 19/06/2012 06:51:02 AM 802 Views
Re: Blightfortress, Towers of Midnight, etc. - 20/06/2012 06:57:50 PM 855 Views
Re: Blightfortress, Towers of Midnight, etc. - 24/06/2012 10:34:14 AM 821 Views

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