Active Users:1126 Time:22/11/2024 11:00:11 PM
*Shrugs* - Edit 1

Before modification by DomA at 12/05/2012 07:59:44 AM

I was the voice for those who haven't read it and might not want to know any details.

Were I an admin, I'd have changed the Title to the post straight away while adding a spoiler warning to said title.

I'll remember your stance that Spoilers without warning are OK though when I've read the book before release and can't keep it in.

My stance is rather that pushed whole the notion of "spoiler" to the absurd. It's a scene from the prologue, a teaser not some big revelation from the middle or end of the book. But the MB is dead, you thought you'd stir some shit, it all makes sense now. I wonder if you've noticed the irony that your own subject line mentions the so-called "spoiler" openly?

As for real spoilers, I simply don't come to WOT MB once ARCs are sent by Tor instead of going right where spoilers will show up then whine I've been spoiled. That always worked quite well for me.

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