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Re: I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too DomA Send a noteboard - 04/05/2012 07:42:12 PM

Many people think that it refers to Moridin, but it could be any darkened hand... SH, Demandred, even Taim. I still stick by my original theory that the True Power is the secret to sealing the Bore. It is the only power that can deflect a retaliation by the Dark One.

Can it? It is his own energy, his own essence.

I have a big problem imagining that you can do anything to the DO with the True Power that he won't be able to undo, deflect or even simply cut you off.

I also have a problem with the idea that you could place a patch on the Bore using Shai'tan's own essence. What would you place between him and that patch, so that he can't touch it and undo it? If something has to go in between, we're back to square one: what can it be that won't touch Shai'tan directly with the OP?

I see the "Pit of Doom" as a material manifestation of the global weakness in the Pattern caused by Beidomon's team. In Creation, there are all the laws of space/time. The global weakness had to manifest itself physically on this side of Creation, thus SG and the Pit.

The only things I can think off to remove the Bore with the OP without touching Shai'tan is to cut a larger part of the Pattern out like a tumor so it become part of Shai'tan's so-called "prison" and no longer part of reality, which may not be a realistic/achievable option, or else to momentarily force Shai'tan to release "his grip" on the Bore, then it would be a matter of removing/reweaving the hole before Shai'tan returns. The only way I can think of shocking Shai'tan to back off/lose his grip for a short time would be to use the evil of Shadar Logoth, which cannot co-exist in the same space as Shai'tan or the TP. The very lame idea of throwing Fain into the Bore could theorically work, for a very short moment the part of Shai'tan directly touching the Bore would be destroyed, before the much larger part of him that's left rushes back to "grip" the Bore again. This is a bit lame and too Gollum-esque, and it sounds way too much like a way to enlarge the Bore even more...

Some have suggested that the EOTW was mean to provide channelers with a "closed loop" of the One Power. Shai'tan would strike back, but it couldn't taint the True Source, just the well. We don't know if using a well really isolate you enough from the True Source itself. Then, there was more than the counterstrike that seemed flawed in LTT's plan. The patch he made wasn't perfect. Shai'tan was still able to touch the seals. Doing it using a mega-well (it shouldn't be a problem to refill the Eye of the World now if it's what is needed. LTT would no doubt know how. Perhaps Callandor is just used so Rand can empty and use the OP from the Well much faster than he did in EOTW) which Shai'tan would taint during the sealing might achieve the same. (Crazy idea: what if you used Fain to destroy any part of the TP/taint/or Shai'tan that are touching the seals?)

Prttt... the whole thing is very likely to be based in principles of physics which I might understand if they're explained to me, but that I seriously doubt I could even come close to by speculation. I'm afraid I'm part of the mass of fans who even after RJ gave us the final clue that Rand got inspiration from his wounds in his side to cleanse saidin had zero idea how he would do this concretely before he did it.

Moridin never planned to cross balefire with Rand, and I refuse to believe that Rand's ability to draw on the TP comes down to a coincidental accident at SL that the Shadow took advantage of.

I agree. I still don't dismiss the possibility there's a tie between what happened and the TP or Taint wound in Rand's side, inflicted by Ishamael in TGH. Perhaps the crossing balefired streams simply allowed Shai'tan to piggy back to Rand and connect himself to his wound.

But more (and aside from that) I'm quite convinced it was an accident, something Moridin had no idea would happen in SL. I think Moridin's control of the True Power was overode by Shai'tan in that episode. Moridin wove balefire. By accident it came into contact with Rand's OP stream, and Shai'tan in that blink seized the opportunity and made the TP going through Moridin piggy-back on the OP balefire stream and bonded the souls of Rand and Moridin. RJ always said that OP/TP interactions can have unpredictable effects. I suspect Shai'tan can take direct control at any time of the True Power he allows anyone to use, that Shai'tan's will is much greater than any human's and he can force the TP to alter its behavior and change what you meant to be doing. However, if interactions with the OP are unpredictable, perhaps Shai'tan got extremely lucky to accomplish a bonding, or earlier, to taint saidin, in the sense that he may have had no garantee he would succeed and not have another result altogether. But that's why I tend to think that attempting to use the TP against Shai'tan isn't a possibility, unless perhaps your goal is to trick Shai'tan into taking control, for some obscure reason that this would provide a window of opportunity to do something detrimental to him with something else.

There's a greater purpose for his connection to Moridin. Maybe it only has to do with soul transfer at the last second, but it could very well be that the TP provides the mechanism for success. Maybe Rand won't use it directly, but he can perhaps give Moridin/SH such a fright that he buys some time to strike with finality.

That's fairly close to the notion of using Fain/SL to create that fright. For now it's the one thing the Light has which frightens Shai'tan very badly. If as we think the sum of Creation and Shai'tan are equal, it suggests Fain would have to turn the whole of Creation into corrupted energy to be able to destroy both Creation and Shai'tan. So it would be more about destabilizing or harming him temporarily.

If it involves Rand drawing the TP however, he would get destroyed by Fain, which would make it a bit difficult for him to use the opportunity to seal the Bore.

But perhaps it's leading somewhere like this. That may be why Rand has to shed his blood tainted by SL on the rocks before striking.

The other big problem is that Jordan said it's impossible for humans to touch the True Power anywhere near the Pit of Doom, that you'd be fried instantly. If it's because it's too strong there, that's a huge problem, but Jordan rather seemed to hint it's about the DO killing you instantly if you try to use the TP or OP near him. His control over SH may be such he's excluded from this rule, but I think we can rule out any of the Forsaken being present in the Pit, or at least that they will be able to take any OP/TP action during the Pit scenes.

I've also wondered whether that dagger will return, though I think it's cheating a bit. Surprise! Not really the Dragon's style, but I guess winning is winning.

I always found that a bit lame, which is why all my theories about that dagger were centered on Mat/Elayne having to use it to hide among Shadowspawn in a specific scene, eg: to defeat the gholam. That didn't pan out. Now, that stack of OP objects is in a palace in a city under attack from the Shadow. If it turns out as many think, the city will soon be a Shadoswpawn camp. If the Light needs to retrieve an object from the stack, it won't be easy. Someone might have to sneak there and steal things. If that triggers wards, the dagger may be their only hope.

I wonder also about the purpose of Aviendha's talent. It's cute and all, but it sounds like a plot device. Perhaps its purpose was to be able to foreshadow the presence of an object in the stack. It's fairly obvious RJ put red herrings in there. There's an apparent Talisman of growing. Not very useful to the Light that we can see, but this object falling in the hands of the Shadow could be disastrous... it's that and perhaps some DF Ogier (does it even need Ogier to work, or is the refeence to the Elders merely an indication the Elders have the one the Ogier still own and authorizing its use?) they need to re open the Waygates Loial "killed". There's an i pod on which it's likely there's some Aiel Singing (LTT may know nearly everything about da'shain, it doesn't mean he can teach anyone how to use the Voice, or specific harmonies etc.), there's the dagger-shaped thing. There's an AOL library, which could be useful to LTT if he's blocked because he would need to read about some specific area of knowledge he knows someone from his Age wrote a treatise/theorical book about..

LTT's memories now make Aviendha's talent a bit redundant/useless, at least pre-TG. What she identifies by hints/clues, Rand is likely to know specifically on sight. Afterward she'd be useful for Elayne's research, I guess, but how much of that we're gonna see in the books? However, if you need to retrieve specific objects, or look in the various piles for a specific object, Aviendha's talent could be really useful, because Rand could give her a physical description and the purpose of the ter'angreal he's looking for. Aviendha could use her talent to search the stockpiles and confirm she's got the right object. Aviendha like all maidens have great sneaking skills. The dagger could be useful however once she retrieves it. The stockpiles are likely to be under guard. Some of them the Shadow won't be able to move because of nasty wards, but it doesn't mean they will let the Light get to them either.

Indeed, though making them seem haggard would be a bit strange in a book dedicated to Rand's victory.

Rand's victory, though Sanderson has said AMOL brought all the characters through hell.

I'm pretty sure Rand will personally kill some of the Forsaken,

Moridin is the most likely, perhaps Cyndane. I'm not convinced he will face any of the others himself.

I get the feeling LTT will make sure he frustrates Demandred of any face-off between them. That sounds like a good psychological strategy to force Demandred into mistakes and stray more and more from his plans because all he tries to force Rand to give him their match fails to work, and Rand lets the likes of Mat, Logain, the other generals deal with him. Somehow, I think Demandred will fall into one of Mat's traps in the end.

Nynaeve seems to be on a collision course with Graendal, and Moiraine's angreal has an obvious purpose.

It gives her her original strenght and some extra. It's purpose may not be what you want.

Nynaeve may be on a collision course with Graendal, if Graendal's role isn't done. I'm not quite convinced she'll be back as one of Moridin's pets. She did get her "ironical end" already by becoming SH's pet, perhaps Jordan intended to leave it at that. I'm convinced Brandon already increased her role by putting her in charge of the plot surrounding Perrin because of the book split, that Jordan rather intended Graendal to meet her punishement after she failed completely with Rand. I think we were not supposed to learn for now which of Cyndane or Moghedien was dealing with Perrin for Moridin. That worked when Perrin's storyline was in a "support role" while Egwene's and Rand's were taking the forefront, but to turn Perrin's story into a central storyline in a book, Brandon needed some more tangible foe, and he picked Graendal as it let him give her the same fate RJ intended.

We'll learn it's Lanfear who drove Masema insane later on, I think.

My feeling is that we'll have to make do with Lanfear, Moghedien, Demandred and Moridin for the LB. Moridin is our POV near Shai'tan/close to his plans. Demandred will be the mastermind of the War. Cyndane will be used to make this personal. Moghedien could well have a support role for the most part.

It does seem, however, that Rand will break away with the two women at some point and Travel to SG to finish it. There is something missing as you say, but Rand will tell us about that in due course.


He cannot, it must be led by a woman. I find this to be a serious reason as to why this circle may not happen. I can't believe that Rand will merely be part of a circle and that Nynaeve, or worse Moiraine, will seal the DO away.

It's what I thought about the circle, and now you confirm it I have the exact same reservations you have.

Perhaps the circle will happen, but if so I don't think it will be used for what we think it will be used.

The only way I could see Jordan pulling this off is if the crucial role is played by the Dragon and sealing the Bore becomes just a sideshow. In other words, without Rand there, and specifically Rand, what one of the women does would have simply been impossible. The only advantage of doing this is showing it's not and never was about the Dragon's glory, that this is a selfless sacrifice in the name of and out of love for humanity. It is still a very risky plot twist after such a long series, many readers would be pissed off, I think, that the key event of the final face-off is a circle lead by someone else than Rand.

He could lead the circle if he links with one of them, but then Callandor will remain unstable as it requires two women to stabilize the missing buffer.

Unless it doesn't come down to the Power at all. It may be all about trust, and Rand more than hinted at it when he asked Nynaeve. Her strength and abilities had little to do with it. Even if it does come down to the Power, their role in a circle with him will merely be to stabilize Callandor, though one of them will have to lead. Moiraine is a poor choice if it comes down to skill and ability - she's one of the weakest Aes Sedai around and noticibly poor in Earth and Fire, which strengthens the theory that one of those women is Egwene, overall the most naturally talented female channelers around.

If it requires much dexterity. I have long held the view that the endgame can't possibly center on OP skills. It's not that kind of series. Not saying it won't involve a crucial OP deed in the middle, but it will have to be about a far more personal achievement. Just like the Cleansing was about putting aside fears and prejudices. It was about Nynaeve making a leap of faith to trust Rand, it was about Rand deciding to be totally defenseless and his faith in letting Cadsuane organize the defense. It was about team work. The big OP deed was a side-show to all of that, Jordan was so succint in his explanation of what was happening that tons of readers had to wait for his elaborate vulgarization of what went on, at a Q&A, to fully understand the OP stuff in those scenes.

And yes, it may well involve something other than the OP in the end. That sounds anticlimatic, but perhaps the LB is so full of huge OP deeds that not having a huge OP deed to close the Bore won't feel like a let down at all.

I guess I won't dismiss too soon my notion that perhaps Rand comes with Callandor and two women so the Shadow believes it's how he interprets the KC prophecy, thus hiding his real plan from Shai'tan.

I personally think this is one of those visions that will be rather underwhelming. It will come down to illusion and deception that will allow Alivia to fake Rand's death.

I doubt it will be as simple as that. It's too lame thematically, like one of Mat's pratical jokes. It's hard to conceive how Rand could disguise his ta'veren influence in the Pattern from Moridin anyway, and what of their bond? That scene depicted on the Sweet cover also feels like it would push the "fake death" scenario too far, think how lame those funeral scenes would feel if we know Rand is faking? It's also underwhelming for the readers unless the writer manages to pull it off by fooling us into believing too Rand is dead, but the Jack-in-the-box he pulls later would be lame. As we know Rand will come back to be at the Bore (we'd know, even without the cover), it would also be very difficult to pull off.

Another problem is the huge blow to the Light the death of the Dragon would bring, while boosting the Shadow massively. All the hopes of the Light rest on him, all the fears of the Shadow rest on him. The "bleakness" would be nothing compared to what would happen if the world facing the Shadow thought it lost the Dragon. It might have the effect that the world just gives up.

Egwene's dream is also almost certainly connected to Rand's death, and in her dream the man was really dying and outside people were convinced he was already dead, and his funeral pyre already set up. And in that dream Egwene felt it was terribly important that man didn't die, perhaps the fate of the world itself depended on that. It doesn't sound coherent with the possibility of Rand faking his death. I think even the theory that Rand will truly die and Egwene (not Nynaeve, as everybody seems to think. Egwene is the only character with anywhere near the intuitive TAR skills to puzzle out how Moghedien did it) will manage to rip him out of TAR like Moghedien did to Birgitte is far more likely than that.

That is a kind of cheating death I could live with. It's a conquest of death that doesn't violate the cosmic principles, like Nynaeve finding a way to resurrection would be (that would give AS godly powers). It might have two additional advantages: the death of Rand would likely cut his bond to Moridin's soul, or better: it would kill Moridin. The second advantage could be that Rand returning from TAR may no longer be ta'veren. The world is already together at this point, he doesn't rule and he doesn't lead the war. All he's got left to do is go to SG. There may not be any advantage to him being ta'veren at this point, and not being ta'veren anymore would mean the Shadow won't see him coming.

On another note, I have to agree with Fionwe about Egwene.

Well, I disagree completely with you both on this issue, but I've explained my reasonning fully and nothign I'd add is likely to change any opinion.

I'll just point out you missed my point when you said this:

both started on parallel destinies centered around leadership.

I'm not saying they don't have parallel destinies, I was precisely saying that Egwene's parallel/mirror storyline with Rand's centered on his role as leader. I don't deny this in any way, I'm just saying Egwene is a parallel to LTT leader of the Aes Sedai. She isn't and never was presented as a complement to the Dragon, Champion of the Creator. Rand rose to set himself up as some kind of ruler above rulers he turned into "stewards", while Egwene in the background was rising in the position which traditionally occupied the role of figure of neutrality above the rulers. Now Egwene is set to take over a role that appeared to have been Rand's, but that Rand has announced to his inner circle he rejects this now, because it isn't his role. The world still needs a leader, and one close in line with the Dragon. That leaders is Egwene, if she rises to the occasion. LTT has tried being political leader, military leader and Champion all at once. That didn't work. His mission as champion turned into this massive political battle in the Hall of Servants, stalling everything for years. Meanwhile he almost lost the War in the end, and close the point of no return he was forced into a flawed plan that had dire consequences. I can fully understand Rand's decision that this time he will focuss everything on his role as Champion, letting others lead the war and letting others hold the Light together on the political front. A war council of rulers justn't won't work without a strong central figure. The characters whose learned to surmount divisions and lead factions with often totally opposed views and goals is Egwene. Now it's the time for her to rise and apply everything she's learned about bringing together the most contentious groups of people on the continent to all the nations. Elayne and Tenobia and Berelain and the others won't be that much easier to handle than the Sitters - RJ made sure to have Elayne grow independant and defiant of the Amyrlin's authority in the late series. It's started with "I'm Queen first, Aes Sedai second" and went downhill from there, with little demonstrations like taking on herself to strip the BA of their rings and so on. To make it worse, Elayne has made herself by a longshot the most powerful ruler of them all, the one the others are likely to envy on the one hand, and to seek on the other if they wish to oppose Egwene's will. Egwene will have her hands more than full.

I think it's quite possible she is present at some battle, the final one would be the most likely, and as the most talented of the dreamwalkers, it's certainly possible she has no choice to get involved to deal with the dreamspike for instance. But I really expect that her greatest role will be as leader, and likely our main POV character among them.
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The cover for A Memory of Light is revealed. - 03/05/2012 03:52:14 PM 5009 Views
It's pretty damn cool. - 03/05/2012 03:59:36 PM 2659 Views
Re: The cover for A Memory of Light is revealed. - 03/05/2012 04:08:09 PM 2778 Views
Re: The cover for A Memory of Light is revealed. - 03/05/2012 04:17:19 PM 2764 Views
the pit of doom is hot - 12/06/2012 01:57:18 AM 2256 Views
I think I like Callandor from TDR better.. - 03/05/2012 04:26:42 PM 2810 Views
yes. I sincerely doubt she has that kind of competency - 03/05/2012 05:52:22 PM 2672 Views
Re: I think I like Callandor from TDR better.. - 04/05/2012 11:10:49 AM 2523 Views
Heh - Cannoli-baiting *NM* - 04/05/2012 04:46:51 PM 1982 Views
*NM* - 05/05/2012 09:04:15 PM 1903 Views
Re: The cover for A Memory of Light is revealed. - 03/05/2012 05:06:19 PM 2423 Views
I really like it - 03/05/2012 05:54:51 PM 2709 Views
The sword grip is not akward or wrong - 03/05/2012 06:20:54 PM 2441 Views
something like this? - 03/05/2012 06:46:59 PM 3023 Views
Its the sword thats not a sword (its a night light!) - 04/05/2012 04:47:27 PM 2442 Views
oh no fair enough! like i said, I just think it looks a little awkward. - 04/05/2012 10:04:21 PM 2398 Views
Me, too! - 12/05/2012 01:18:06 AM 2501 Views
Well... - 03/05/2012 06:09:51 PM 2808 Views
I think it is EG and Nyn - 03/05/2012 06:24:13 PM 2498 Views
Pretty sure it's Mo and Nyn - 03/05/2012 06:40:49 PM 2539 Views
Yeah... - 03/05/2012 07:55:32 PM 2453 Views
when did Nynaeve cut her hair? - 08/05/2012 07:33:04 PM 4031 Views
It was burned off during her testing for the shawl. - 12/06/2012 02:53:43 AM 3195 Views
Egwene is a distinct possibility... - 03/05/2012 11:37:48 PM 2590 Views
She is - 04/05/2012 12:15:21 AM 2695 Views
I don't know... - 04/05/2012 12:25:53 AM 2409 Views
Re: I don't know... - 04/05/2012 02:47:02 AM 2593 Views
I'm not disagreeing with most of that... - 08/05/2012 02:58:53 AM 2294 Views
"You expect me to wise up?" "No, Egwene, I expect you to DIE!" - 11/05/2012 01:36:09 AM 2515 Views
What books have you been reading? - 11/05/2012 01:57:31 AM 2544 Views
I agree - 11/05/2012 02:51:38 PM 2643 Views
The other quotes you requested, as promised. - 13/05/2012 03:29:41 AM 2610 Views
You misinterpreting quotes is hardly worth requoting... - 13/05/2012 11:36:21 AM 2306 Views
Agreed - 13/05/2012 03:39:12 PM 2416 Views
Exactly... - 13/05/2012 05:53:17 PM 2372 Views
Never said she was evil, just wrong. Horribly and tragically wrong. - 14/05/2012 02:34:27 AM 2402 Views
- 14/05/2012 04:23:21 AM 2333 Views
Re- - 21/05/2012 02:43:49 AM 2802 Views
Principle protagonists can still experience epic falls. - 14/05/2012 02:21:42 AM 2415 Views
Then she wouldn't be a "protagonist" - 14/05/2012 04:38:34 AM 2356 Views
Again, I never said she is or will become evil. - 21/05/2012 03:03:32 AM 2518 Views
Re: Principle protagonists can still experience epic falls. - 14/05/2012 08:32:50 AM 2462 Views
Re: Principle protagonists can still experience epic falls. - 21/05/2012 03:28:48 AM 2297 Views
For the most part, very little interpretation was required. - 14/05/2012 01:58:26 AM 2494 Views
Re: For the most part, very little interpretation was required. - 14/05/2012 03:51:31 AM 2700 Views
Re: For the most part, very little interpretation was required. - 14/05/2012 06:41:32 AM 2474 Views
Yeah... - 14/05/2012 07:47:16 AM 2496 Views
Re: Yeah... - 14/05/2012 04:40:49 PM 2529 Views
Re: For the most part, very little interpretation was required. - 21/05/2012 06:21:48 AM 2429 Views
Look at their foreheads - 16/05/2012 08:38:51 AM 2541 Views
Re: I think it is EG and Nyn - 03/05/2012 07:38:36 PM 2494 Views
I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too - 03/05/2012 09:05:58 PM 2332 Views
Re: I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too - 03/05/2012 11:28:42 PM 2481 Views
Idea - 04/05/2012 10:11:05 AM 2473 Views
Re: Idea - 04/05/2012 12:09:17 PM 2460 Views
Or.... - 04/05/2012 12:19:16 PM 2350 Views
This would explain the hidden hand - 04/05/2012 08:54:00 PM 2490 Views
That's a good point. - 04/05/2012 08:59:41 PM 2618 Views
Nah... - 07/05/2012 01:56:13 PM 2540 Views
Can you draw a blade - 08/05/2012 06:00:28 AM 2471 Views
It depens on the construction of the scabbard - 10/05/2012 01:36:30 PM 2388 Views
Re: I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too - 04/05/2012 02:49:51 PM 1551 Views
Re: I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too - 04/05/2012 07:42:12 PM 2578 Views
Re: I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too - 07/05/2012 08:02:26 PM 2370 Views
Re: I vote for Nynaeve and Moiraine too - 07/05/2012 09:32:45 PM 2608 Views
Thanks! *NM* - 13/05/2012 10:56:06 AM 2339 Views
Re: The cover for A Memory of Light is revealed. - 03/05/2012 07:25:37 PM 2346 Views
Re: The cover for A Memory of Light is revealed. - 03/05/2012 07:36:09 PM 2471 Views
It's his left hand Rand lost *NM* - 03/05/2012 08:00:01 PM 1925 Views
Thanks for the imput! *NM* - 03/05/2012 08:24:59 PM 2299 Views
I does not look like Nynaeve and Moiraine - 03/05/2012 11:39:01 PM 2415 Views
Nynaeve has cut her braid and has her hair shoulder length in TOM.... - 03/05/2012 11:44:50 PM 2558 Views
Re: Nynaeve has cut her braid and has her hair shoulder length in TOM.... - 03/05/2012 11:51:02 PM 3399 Views
Am I the only one who sees the red dot in her forehead? *NM* - 09/05/2012 08:36:53 PM 1958 Views
looks *$%$%*@ great *NM* - 04/05/2012 02:47:00 AM 2034 Views
i quite like it! as far as the women go... - 04/05/2012 06:38:10 PM 2553 Views
No Maidens of the Spear - 05/05/2012 05:09:27 PM 2543 Views
Re: No Maidens of the Spear - 07/05/2012 02:02:36 PM 2648 Views
nynaeve with no braid?.... are we sure its not egwene? or did no one tell him the hairstyles? *NM* - 08/05/2012 06:48:49 PM 1839 Views
Nyn cut her braid off. *NM* - 08/05/2012 06:55:02 PM 2084 Views
I thought it was burned off during her test for Aes Sedaihood. *NM* - 08/05/2012 07:25:51 PM 944 Views
I don't remember this at all *NM* - 08/05/2012 07:51:04 PM 2074 Views
Regarding the identities of the women on the back: - 09/05/2012 08:52:47 PM 2659 Views
What the hell is on the ground close to the bottom edge of the picture? *NM* - 10/05/2012 05:55:07 AM 2012 Views
A misplaced logo? *NM* - 10/05/2012 08:24:52 AM 1947 Views
Possibly one of the Seals? - 11/05/2012 01:42:13 AM 2453 Views
agreed - 10/05/2012 07:16:39 AM 2534 Views
Partially concur - 10/05/2012 01:17:31 PM 2315 Views
She's in the Pit of F*ing Doom. Ben Stein would be excited *NM* - 12/05/2012 04:22:44 AM 897 Views
i agree with the big about how Moiraine should be depicted - 12/05/2012 11:04:53 PM 1386 Views
you can see a second weapon in Rand's belt too - 13/05/2012 08:51:34 PM 1344 Views
That looks pretty cool, better than most of the other WoT covers - 26/06/2012 07:37:29 AM 1166 Views

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