Active Users:615 Time:09/03/2025 02:09:51 PM
Re: Egwene... DomA Send a noteboard - 01/05/2012 10:51:09 PM

Thanks for all the potential ideas.

I was wondering though how big the role of TAR really will be in the Last Battle.

In the sense of whether it will or won't be relevant?

I'm quite undecided about all the theories that suggest TAR might be a key to this or that. It's possible there are unknown functions of TAR that could be put to use, and possibly there's nothing. The DO can reshape reality like skilled Dreamwalkers can achieve in TAR. It can be reversed the same way it's done in TAR. There may be something there - if we add the wolves lead by Perrin there are thousands and thousands beings with TAR skills - it's just hard to pinpoint the connection.

I think there are probably TAR "issues" still to be dealt with, though. TAR is a key feature for two main characters, for the WO, for thousands and thousands of wolves and for three out of five living Forsaken, and Slayer. That doesn't make it so likely we're "done with it", though you may well be right about "TAR action scenes" now being behind us.

The main reason for the lightsiders to use TAR a lot is gone with the reunification of the WT.

One of the main matters remaining is the dreamspike at the BT, which almost certainly will be a much bigger challenge then the one used against Perrin.

There are the Heroes as well. Nothing says the whole Horn matter will be a simple replay of what happened in TGH.

One reason for TAR to have a fairly big role would be if Rand dies before the sealing of the Bore.

I think Cyndane is planning to trap Rand there somehow, that much is clear. She dare not face him head-on, especially with all his allies and the fact that no one is a match for him. However, in TAR she may be able to destroy or capture him.

I'm 95% convinced Cyndane is acting on Moridin's orders, the remaining 5% is for the possibility Cyndane got enough of waiting and has decided to deal with Rand. I have no idea what he's trying to accomplish. Rand's epiphany marked another major failure of Moridin's plans, and we can only guess what his new strategy to deal with Rand might be. Has he decided he now has to be killed? Maybe. Is this an attempt a disinformation/false offer of help?

It's also possible that the Shadow starts using TAR more vigorously as the actual battle builds up. Cyndane and Moghedien may start to pull Rand's allies into TAR while they sleep and murder them, or drive them insane.

That sounds very plausible. The BWB alluded to how Lanfear used TAR for mass actions in the WOS. Jordan may have refrained from going there because he wanted to use this during the LB. If we look at how mere unshielded dreams affected a collectivity, it's far from a stretch to think someone like Lanfear might do far worse, actively. That would certainly justify Egwene/the WO/the wolves to hunt her and Moghedien down and try to neutralize them.

Murdering characters in their sleep is certainly a possibility. Perrin and Mat are certainly still targets. The medallion seems to protect Mat from any such attempt, though.

During the Last Battle though, I don't think there will be much of a role for TAR, or the 'dream team'. The Forsaken can't affect the real world from TAR (unless they kill people in their sleep) and its much more likely that Moridin will need their abilities in the physical world as the actual showdown commences.

Moghedien and Cyndane may be more devastating if they strike from TAR, though.

Strictly speaking, probably any TAR action from now on will happen during the LB (Brandon has long spoken of Merrilor as being the kick-off for the LB), though I understand you mean the endgame rather than the LB in general.

Like you I think the odds are there won't be tons of TAR action coming, though I remain open to the possibility there are things coming involving TAR we can't predict at this point.

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Very interesting QA with Brandon - 20/04/2012 11:19:02 PM 2959 Views
I'm sad - 21/04/2012 12:00:33 AM 1311 Views
Ha! Not even RJ could keep up with the world he created! *NM* - 21/04/2012 01:01:29 AM 521 Views
I found it painful to read - 21/04/2012 09:53:31 AM 1185 Views
Do you find that surprising? - 21/04/2012 02:52:47 PM 1033 Views
I find it disappointing - 22/04/2012 08:09:10 AM 951 Views
How would obscure crap screw up the story? - 21/04/2012 06:51:27 PM 1099 Views
He apparently amended himself the next day... - 21/04/2012 08:00:01 PM 1468 Views
"Brandon: Umm, when did Perrin meet Masema?" ughhh facepalm *NM* - 22/04/2012 02:45:45 AM 596 Views
Re: He apparently amended himself the next day... - 22/04/2012 08:34:39 AM 1120 Views
I find your pain highly amusing. *NM* - 23/04/2012 04:50:09 AM 632 Views
I'll make my pain yours *NM* - 23/04/2012 02:34:31 PM 540 Views
Sid.. Sid... Sid... *sigh*... *facepalm* *NM* - 24/04/2012 11:09:22 PM 614 Views
Re: Very interesting QA with Brandon - 22/04/2012 02:53:38 AM 1095 Views
Re: Very interesting QA with Brandon - 22/04/2012 03:10:21 PM 1161 Views
Re: Very interesting QA with Brandon - 23/04/2012 05:48:18 AM 1005 Views
This certainly makes a mockery of a lot that us 20-year long readers of Wot used to hold dear... - 23/04/2012 09:50:51 AM 1364 Views
Re: This certainly makes a mockery of a lot that us 20-year long readers of Wot used to hold dear... - 23/04/2012 02:39:30 PM 1111 Views
Agreed.. - 23/04/2012 03:22:05 PM 1066 Views
Re: Agreed.. - 24/04/2012 05:47:22 AM 1019 Views
It's just their pet subject. - 24/04/2012 06:01:24 PM 1093 Views
I think you may be giving RJ more credit than his due here - 24/04/2012 10:35:28 PM 1114 Views
Re: I think you may be giving RJ more credit than his due here - 25/04/2012 05:02:04 AM 991 Views
We are in very close alignment - 25/04/2012 01:27:37 PM 908 Views
Re: This certainly makes a mockery of a lot that us 20-year long readers of Wot used to hold dear... - 24/04/2012 05:46:03 AM 1033 Views
Re: This certainly makes a mockery of a lot that us 20-year long readers of Wot used to hold dear... - 24/04/2012 08:10:15 AM 1102 Views
You replied far more diplomatically than I would have... - 24/04/2012 10:10:57 AM 1009 Views
It's got little to do with obsession... - 25/04/2012 01:20:48 AM 1039 Views
Re: It's got little to do with obsession... - 25/04/2012 05:05:40 PM 1052 Views
Re: It's got little to do with obsession... - 27/04/2012 12:58:36 AM 974 Views
Question about TGS and ToM: - 27/04/2012 02:20:34 AM 946 Views
Very similar to you - 27/04/2012 09:50:52 PM 1040 Views
Are there plans for rewrites / reordering of the books? - 29/04/2012 01:17:48 PM 1004 Views
of course there's no plan - 30/04/2012 06:15:49 AM 1381 Views
I didn't know Harriet had such a big role in this - 30/04/2012 10:57:14 PM 906 Views
She does - 01/05/2012 03:52:40 PM 1014 Views
Egwene... - 27/04/2012 05:41:13 AM 983 Views
Re: Egwene... - 27/04/2012 09:30:32 PM 963 Views
Re: Egwene... - 28/04/2012 09:44:43 AM 951 Views
I don't find it all that surprising - 28/04/2012 03:56:41 PM 893 Views
Re: I don't find it all that surprising - 29/04/2012 08:07:55 AM 908 Views
Agreed - 29/04/2012 01:52:06 PM 883 Views
Re: I don't find it all that surprising - 30/04/2012 07:54:14 AM 815 Views
I suspect Cadsuane will die before that happens - 30/04/2012 07:06:04 PM 983 Views
Re: I suspect Cadsuane will die before that happens - 30/04/2012 08:36:44 PM 873 Views
Cadsuane shouldn't reswear the oaths - 30/04/2012 10:43:32 PM 988 Views
Apparenly not - 01/05/2012 04:26:08 PM 813 Views
Not sure Cadsuane will ever be reigned in by anyone - 01/05/2012 01:18:44 AM 857 Views
Re: Not sure Cadsuane will ever be reigned in by anyone - 01/05/2012 08:17:49 PM 1172 Views
As usual we are in pretty close alignment - 02/05/2012 04:29:20 AM 1047 Views
Re: Egwene... - 30/04/2012 07:41:11 AM 818 Views
Re: Egwene... - 01/05/2012 07:10:35 PM 936 Views
Re: Egwene... - 01/05/2012 10:51:09 PM 1155 Views
I think there is a lot of TAR coming up - 05/05/2012 05:13:18 AM 812 Views
Probably - 05/05/2012 06:52:57 PM 950 Views
Thanks! This fits nicely with my thoughts... - 28/04/2012 10:05:27 PM 1010 Views
Re: Thanks! This fits nicely with my thoughts... - 30/04/2012 03:08:57 PM 956 Views
Re: This certainly makes a mockery of a lot that us 20-year long readers of Wot used to hold dear... - 24/04/2012 10:49:54 PM 1022 Views
For me it's interesting simply because it is not all that well defined - 24/04/2012 11:16:14 PM 1031 Views
Quantifiable magic - 25/04/2012 04:41:43 PM 913 Views
the angreal part bothered me way more - 28/04/2012 10:51:46 AM 928 Views
what's MAFO? *NM* - 28/04/2012 07:01:52 PM 551 Views
Maria (Simmons) And Find Out - 29/04/2012 02:07:19 AM 861 Views

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