Active Users:618 Time:23/02/2025 11:59:31 PM
Actually you did In your above post you speak of the Tinkers as not Aiel because they have been - Edit 1

Before modification by darius_sedai at 08/04/2012 06:12:45 AM

As for what Rand and the Prophesy, why else show the creation of the Tuatha'an as part of the Aiel history to him? Seems to me that they and the Aiel will have a reconciliation of some kind for the remnant to survive. IIRC some of the Aiel who threw down their spears went in sarch of the Tuatha'an ... But I'm not sure if I recall that correctly.

No, you are quite correct.

But that's beside the point. The point is that a fraction of the group "the Aiel" will be saved, but the rest will be destroyed. The way you choose to define "the Aiel" for the sake of this prophecy doesn't matter unless it can lead to both those end results.

Aviendha's vision is not possible, because regardless of what defines that saved fraction of the Aiel, the other part of that fraction was not destroyed. The prophecy predicts both.

If you choose to define "the Aiel" in a way other than the accepted use of the term as referring to the tribal people from the Aiel Waste who share a similar culture and history, then you may attempt to do so, but it needs to be able to fulfill those two end results. For example, it must be a group of people preexisting at the time of Rand's actions as the Dragon Reborn, elsewise there is no remnant to save nor any portion to destroy, as it is impossible to divide by zero, nor to save people who don't exist, nor to destroy people who don't exist.

So for the sake of clarity, please answer these two questions:

1: Do you agree that the Rhuidean Prophecy states that He Who Comes With The Dawn will destroy "the Aiel" except for a remnant of a remnant whom he shall save?

2: How do you define "the Aiel"?

Mixing with the rest of the world too long.

1. As long as the DO doesn't destroy the Pattern i have no reason to disbelieve a stated prophesy.

2. I think it is an unclear matter on the true nature of the Aiel. Those who live in the Waste and call themselves Aiel would never have been accepted by their ancestors as they do not follow the Way. Thus the people who wrote the Prophesy could have been speaking of the ideological sense of Aiel rather than some racial sense of the Aiel. Personally I am beginning to believe the Aiel will need to embrace the Way once again to save their remnant of a remnant.

I view the Tuatha'an and Aiel split as another opportunity for reunification that seems prevalent in the series similar to the Aes Sedai and the Asha'man may well unify to rebuild the Channeling society. Why else bring up the connection between the two groups? Potentially 3, but the Amayar suicide made that moot.

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