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Aviendha, the columns, and the Seanchan DoraSedai Send a noteboard - 03/04/2012 04:29:31 PM
Aviendha - her second trip thru the columns - is this just a good possibility or can she do something to change that future? Can Rand and Mat change that future? Mat being married to Fortuone (Tuon), they should have children, hopefully, and should teach that child the proper ways of dealing with Aes Sedai and Asha'men. Tuon, being what she is, should remove all collars and let the damane go to the White tower or back to the Wise Ones or the Sea Folk. I see a different use for the a'dam. That should be used to capture and control the remaining black ajah first off, but later, used only for teaching. But doesn't Tuon need to go back to Seanchan and reclaim her homeland? Are they going to try to conquer Shara also?

If the columns are true and no possibility to change that future, then the Aiel are doomed to become the true Aiel again. The Dragon will be reborn to destroy the Seanchan and send them back across the ocean, and bind the Aiel back to him for rescuing them from the evil Seanchan invaders.
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Aviendha, the columns, and the Seanchan - 03/04/2012 04:29:31 PM 1941 Views
As far as I understand it, that future is impossible anyway. - 03/04/2012 07:30:52 PM 960 Views
Depends on how one defines Aiel - 04/04/2012 04:11:11 AM 915 Views
There are more than there were before. - 04/04/2012 07:03:27 AM 927 Views
But when the prophesy was made there many followers - 04/04/2012 10:10:54 AM 844 Views
The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 04/04/2012 06:28:47 PM 918 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 05/04/2012 01:41:23 AM 1066 Views
Well that more than covers it *NM* - 05/04/2012 04:43:53 AM 447 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 05/04/2012 07:39:04 AM 965 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 05/04/2012 02:14:37 PM 1161 Views
For the record I agree that the visions are not true either - 05/04/2012 02:25:47 PM 904 Views
Re: For the record I agree that the visions are not true either - 05/04/2012 11:36:53 PM 887 Views
Yes, I was thinking of the Aiel's suicidal traditions as well. - 05/04/2012 06:24:56 PM 832 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 06/04/2012 10:51:00 PM 872 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 06/04/2012 10:38:24 PM 1114 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 07/04/2012 06:27:27 AM 827 Views
Re: The Tuatha'an are not Aiel. - 07/04/2012 07:23:03 PM 786 Views
So what you're saying... - 07/04/2012 10:07:59 PM 732 Views
What I am saying is that it's not a "pure bloodline" that makes one an Aiel - 08/04/2012 12:16:10 AM 824 Views
I never said it was. - 08/04/2012 12:43:26 AM 899 Views
Actually you did In your above post you speak of the Tinkers as not Aiel because they have been - 08/04/2012 06:09:01 AM 838 Views
No... - 08/04/2012 07:12:22 AM 943 Views
You have no evidence that the Tuath'an are mostly comprised of runaways etc - 08/04/2012 05:16:54 PM 917 Views
Re: You have no evidence that the Tuath'an are mostly comprised of runaways etc - 08/04/2012 06:43:27 PM 943 Views
Re: You have no evidence that the Tuath'an are mostly comprised of runaways etc - 08/04/2012 07:52:10 PM 734 Views
Thanks for that. - 09/04/2012 02:38:25 AM 662 Views
Red hair is double recessive ... Doesn't take much to eliminate it from the gene pool. There could - 08/04/2012 11:22:36 PM 876 Views
You are consistently making the same mistake. - 09/04/2012 02:45:46 AM 723 Views
They are the same thing. The remnant of a remnant are Aiel - 10/04/2012 05:04:55 AM 867 Views
No. They are not. - 10/04/2012 05:42:29 AM 765 Views
Never said the remnant of the remnant was the whole of the Aiel - 10/04/2012 05:45:47 PM 783 Views
You said that redefining the Aiel would allow Aviendha's vision to be possible. - 10/04/2012 06:53:51 PM 950 Views
No , I said there were many ways to interpret the statement based on how one defines Aiel - 10/04/2012 07:36:11 PM 731 Views
All of which is entirely irrelevant. - 10/04/2012 07:38:29 PM 753 Views
Actually it states he will save a remnant of a remnant - 10/04/2012 07:47:04 PM 818 Views
Re: Actually it states he will save a remnant of a remnant - 11/04/2012 01:40:36 AM 801 Views
That is what I just said - 14/04/2012 01:41:56 AM 766 Views
What is important about that? - 14/04/2012 04:35:55 AM 739 Views
The importance is that the prophesy says that Rand - 14/04/2012 06:06:31 PM 912 Views
So what you're saying is... - 14/04/2012 09:45:36 PM 789 Views
That's exactly it - 14/04/2012 11:21:25 PM 860 Views
Good. - 15/04/2012 02:01:14 AM 882 Views
He sets it in motion, thus his actions lead to it - 15/04/2012 02:55:13 PM 746 Views
Yes, but in that case, he is responsible for everything, ever. - 15/04/2012 05:29:31 PM 849 Views
We are interpreting Prophesy here ... Direct v. Indirect actions are what we are discussing - 15/04/2012 07:21:29 PM 742 Views
Re: We are interpreting Prophesy here ... Direct v. Indirect actions are what we are discussing - 17/04/2012 04:18:32 AM 934 Views
Depends on how you look at the Prophesy - 18/04/2012 01:45:23 PM 695 Views
Of course, but the point of my example was... - 17/04/2012 06:08:09 PM 733 Views
Where are you getting this happens over thousands of years? - 18/04/2012 01:47:42 PM 734 Views
Because that was the important part of that post. - 18/04/2012 05:28:10 PM 864 Views
Don't know when this became about winning - 19/04/2012 02:08:16 AM 649 Views
Re: I never said it was. - 18/04/2012 12:37:23 AM 917 Views
Re: As far as I understand it, that future is impossible anyway. - 04/04/2012 07:16:13 AM 963 Views
Re: As far as I understand it, that future is impossible anyway. - 06/04/2012 10:33:00 PM 842 Views
Thank you for that analysis. *NM* - 17/04/2012 12:36:08 AM 425 Views

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