I was just re-reading The Gathering Storm when this jumped out at me this is after Semirage has cut off Rand’s left hand: Moridin looked down, flexing his left hand, as if it were stiff. Graendal caught a hint of pain in his expression. And then later, Rand touches the True Power to break free from the Domination collar and kill Semirage. Only Ishmael aka Moridin is permitted to touch the True Power. Rand also saw Moridin in Shadar Logoth and is the other person besides Lews Therin he sees and hears in his mind. But Moridin is also the M’hael in the black tower. Is Moridin also a part of Rand?
Rand and Moridin/Ishmael
30/03/2012 11:25:48 PM
Re: Rand and Moridin/Ishmael
31/03/2012 01:13:29 AM
Many speculation that the Balefire streams touching created a "bond" of sorts
31/03/2012 04:00:59 AM