Active Users:699 Time:28/09/2024 04:53:47 AM
Re: right... Timthetrolloc Send a noteboard - 26/09/2009 07:49:21 PM
But I still don't understand how Rand could weave Saidar without being able to see the flows. I had the thought that since linking and using an adam create a similar scenario, that perhaps it's still Nynaeve's ability with the flows that makes them work, the same way a Damane is doing the actual channeling but the flows must pass through the suldam first. But, to my knowledge, Nynaeve didn't know exactly what she would need to channel, since Rand sort of just experimented with the weave.

But when channelers link the person in control of the circle can draw on either side of the source. And they can see it as well. They can draw on all five powers of both and interweave them if they would like. A little saidin and a little saidar.
I don't think you can sense the opposite power wielded by anyone outside the circle though. Daighan didn't know arangar was holding saidin until her ashaman yelled that she was channeling even though at the time she was capable of throwing a literal mountain of saidin at whatever she wanted.
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Male/Female circles - 25/09/2009 09:33:38 PM 829 Views
Yes; somewhat. - 25/09/2009 10:57:35 PM 511 Views
Re: Yes; somewhat. - 26/09/2009 06:19:45 AM 451 Views
Why would saidar surprise him? - 26/09/2009 03:40:23 PM 485 Views
Re: Why would saidar surprise him? - 26/09/2009 06:34:04 PM 461 Views
He thought they were Aes Sedai who could not channel? - 26/09/2009 07:02:42 PM 408 Views
He did not know they were Aes Sedai until after the mixed weave struck his warding. - 26/09/2009 10:13:10 PM 402 Views
You're right. I misremembered. *NM* - 26/09/2009 10:17:22 PM 191 Views
right... - 26/09/2009 02:56:26 PM 463 Views
Re: right... - 26/09/2009 07:49:21 PM 446 Views
I think Lanfear clears this up... - 27/09/2009 05:19:37 AM 468 Views
But he did see the weaves - 29/09/2009 03:38:10 PM 414 Views
Agreed, plus some numbers ... - 28/09/2009 07:50:54 PM 420 Views
I don't agree with some of this - 28/09/2009 09:37:13 PM 415 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 02:39:46 PM 449 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 06:07:56 PM 383 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 07:00:28 PM 415 Views
Re: I don't agree with some of this - 29/09/2009 08:25:19 PM 490 Views
I understand what you're saying ... - 30/09/2009 04:04:17 PM 412 Views
Indeed - 30/09/2009 04:32:37 PM 366 Views
Re: Indeed - 30/09/2009 07:05:13 PM 443 Views
Some proof against your idea... - 01/10/2009 03:37:48 AM 418 Views
Nice, thanks ... - 01/10/2009 02:00:24 PM 383 Views
Re: Nice, thanks ... - 01/10/2009 04:58:02 PM 429 Views
That makes more sense, to me ... - 01/10/2009 06:44:44 PM 472 Views
Re: That makes more sense, to me ... - 03/10/2009 06:53:45 AM 485 Views
Re: Male/Female circles - 27/09/2009 02:19:31 PM 425 Views
Re: Male/Female circles - 28/09/2009 03:58:15 PM 414 Views

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