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Re: What we've learned about defeating the Forsaken Master Ablar Send a noteboard - 23/03/2012 11:42:10 AM
- Sammael pulling Rand to a battlefield of his choosing. Rand saved by Mashadar.

I believe it's Moridin who saved Rand. Mashadar killed Sammael, but Rand was about to balefire him.

- Lanfear pulling Rand into a direct duel with the Power. Rand saved by Moiraine.

I don't think that can really be considered a trap. Lanfear just went ballistic upon learning that Rand had slept with Aviendha, so it wasn't exactly planned. Rand's unwillingness to fight women is what would have gotten him killed.

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What we've learned about defeating the Forsaken - 22/03/2012 01:44:50 PM 1357 Views
Re: What we've learned about defeating the Forsaken - 23/03/2012 11:42:10 AM 646 Views

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