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Re: Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower? LoialT Send a noteboard - 11/02/2012 07:58:40 PM
Hell, maybe there WAS some group that retained a successive connection to the AoLers and refused to go along with the domineering plans of the White Tower alliance, and were then wiped out by the 3rd age sisters, and refused to share that weave. A major idea regarding the rediscovery of Traveling has been the determination not to share it with the untrustworthy. Had I been an idealistic Aes Sedai who was taught by a woman who had been taught by one of the last Servants of All, I might have been leary of sharing my remnants of AoL knowledge with this obstreperous group that was planning world domination (for the greater good, of course), especially once they demanded I join them or forgo my use of the title granted to my teacher by her own teacher, who held under the same authority Lews Therin and company did.

I completely agree with the idea that if ANY advanced knowledge passed down from the AOL it would have been limited to very small chains of master-apprentice that would have had little fondness for the extreme and intolerant positions of the early White Tower. And even if the current level of secrecy in the AS is a more recent development, I think we are totally ignoring the overarching theme of unintended miscommunication that underpins all of WOT. Practically no one in WOT gives up valuable knowledge just for fun, and even among friends, assumptions, secrets and misunderstandings constantly work to slow the circulation of information.

Now, imagine that you are an AOL trained warrior during the breaking. What is your job? Is it to go off on your own stealing potential channelers from the wandering bands of starving humans, trying to kill insane male channelers? Or is it to PROTECT? Traveling is great when you aren't that worried about abandoning non-channelers, but unless you knew the EXACT location of a male channeler, traveling would always risk exposing the people under your charge to violence (doesn't really matter what kind). Maybe an argument could have been made that for the greater good all the AOL channelers should have stuck together, but that ignores the contingencies of real historical perspective and the social bonds that surely dominated in a world where any future was far less certain than the present.

Finally, I haven't seen anyone ask why the Wheel may have forced Traveling (and these other advanced weaves) out of use and knowledge. By removing traveling, the Wheel indirectly forced communities to coalesce in tighter, more place-specific formations. And while AS knowledge to heal and help was lost, so were the means of horrible destruction. We have no reason to believe that female channelers were not just as likely to murder friends, masters, family than other bandits, or for AS to try to crush and dominate others like in Seanchan. Balefire was also clearly eliminated as a threat by the Pattern, but against all odds, preserved in secrecy for its inevitable need during the Trolloc Wars and the Last Battle.

Even in the few years since Traveling has been rediscovered, the hugely amplified violent geographic reach of primitive armies has thrown the continent into chaos. Chaos was exactly what the Wheel would have been trying to minimize during and after the Breaking.

-LoialT :]
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How did Travelling become a lost Talent? - 03/02/2012 09:09:39 AM 2133 Views
It is a little odd. Maybe because channelers weren't united for a while? - 03/02/2012 02:24:17 PM 1059 Views
Re: How did Travelling become a lost Talent? - 03/02/2012 02:49:02 PM 906 Views
It has always seemed unlikely. - 03/02/2012 04:53:14 PM 968 Views
i think it could be - 03/02/2012 07:56:18 PM 1099 Views
Re: i think it could be - 04/02/2012 12:56:57 PM 1025 Views
I'm really not seeing it. - 05/02/2012 04:19:38 AM 886 Views
It's always struck me as a tool of the Author more than a good hard fact - 04/02/2012 01:40:06 AM 743 Views
Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 04/02/2012 07:34:45 AM 1154 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 04/02/2012 09:48:52 AM 972 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 04/02/2012 03:04:48 PM 987 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 04/02/2012 06:58:41 PM 873 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 05/02/2012 12:00:05 AM 878 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 05/02/2012 04:05:57 AM 830 Views
I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking - 05/02/2012 05:53:32 PM 853 Views
not to mention - 05/02/2012 07:16:59 PM 810 Views
Re: not to mention - 05/02/2012 08:50:50 PM 1149 Views
Re: not to mention - 05/02/2012 09:33:40 PM 857 Views
Re: I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking - 05/02/2012 07:39:51 PM 1040 Views
Medical knowledge... - 06/02/2012 02:15:13 AM 734 Views
My point was that it's surprising only ONE Healing weave survived - 11/02/2012 08:25:02 PM 812 Views
Re: I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking - 05/02/2012 09:11:04 PM 747 Views
Rant rant rant - 11/02/2012 08:26:56 PM 884 Views
I agree. I was going to respond but you covered most of the bases. - 08/02/2012 04:13:20 PM 733 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 05/02/2012 09:52:35 PM 918 Views
You really need to read the BWB sections regarding this - 14/02/2012 01:20:20 AM 742 Views
he needs to read it just to see it for his own eyes - 14/02/2012 02:46:44 AM 704 Views
Re: he needs to read it just to see it for his own eyes - 14/02/2012 10:15:46 PM 782 Views
I would agree with you on less structured parts of the series - 15/02/2012 03:38:37 PM 666 Views
Re: I would agree with you on less structured parts of the series - 16/02/2012 09:41:29 PM 821 Views
That I can agree with - 17/02/2012 05:46:49 AM 885 Views
Re: That I can agree with - 17/02/2012 09:26:50 AM 741 Views
Seriously! The Yellow should be ashamed - 17/02/2012 01:49:07 PM 896 Views
Well to be fair to the Yellow (which generally annoy me as an Ajah)... - 17/02/2012 06:20:06 PM 777 Views
Seems reasonable - 18/02/2012 05:49:40 PM 769 Views
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions - 05/02/2012 09:02:28 PM 866 Views
98 years... - 06/02/2012 02:27:08 AM 709 Views
Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower? - 08/02/2012 03:03:49 PM 807 Views
Re: Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower? - 11/02/2012 07:58:40 PM 878 Views
The White Tower began construction in 98 AB. Go read the section in the BWB - 12/02/2012 01:48:58 AM 844 Views
Quote found - 12/02/2012 01:35:58 AM 695 Views
My thoughts - 05/02/2012 10:14:59 PM 938 Views
Re: How did Travelling become a lost Talent? - 13/02/2012 12:24:35 PM 864 Views
a few more other factors - 15/02/2012 08:22:02 PM 731 Views

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