Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 05/02/2012 12:00:05 AM
Ah, I knew about those. I assumed he was talking about the time during or just after the breaking. I don't see it as relevant, though. There were always Aes Sedai in the tower, even during the Trolloc wars, which means they could have passed on Travelling if they knew it.
Also, for the record, forgetting about the date is another thing I see as unlikely.
Ok. I'd still like the source if anyone has it, but I'm willing to accept that no Aes Sedai lived through all of the breaking. It still doesn't invalidate my point that it seems like a thing that's incredibly useful and relatively quick to learn without requiring a special Talent.
And complex, and difficult to use with the land constantly shifting. Even if the ground you were on did not change, a new mountain range 100 miles away still altered the visual references of the area. Also, as DomA points out, the AoL with their high tech and refined techniques were probably used to a much greater degree of precision. If you are used to knowing 100% and that is your standard for knowledge, adjusting to a point where you only know maybe 70% is going to feel like rushing into something blindly. Since the Power won't work if you don't believe it will, it could be that once the Breaking started rearranging the geography, the AoL Aes Sedai, used to the equvialent of GPS coordinates, could no longer use the precision with which they were accustomed to Travelling. Look at Aran'gar's scorn for Gareth Bryne, blundering along with what to her standards is complete ignorance of his surroundings, and no sophisticated command and control systems or communications with the extreme ends of his army. From her perspective, he is stumbling along in the dark, while to him and any other general, he is only operating under the conditions to which he is accustomed, and when his scouts are reporting in, feels like he has a clear view of what's going on. So in contrast, a channeler from the Third Age, despite what an AoLer would consider an appalling ignorance of his surroundings or destination, feels fully confident in opening up a gateway, that same AoL channeler, with none of her accustomed data flow or precise information, would be thinking "I don't know ANYTHING! How can I make a gateway work under these conditions?" And if you THINK you don't know enough to open a gateway, than you really DON'T know enough. That's how it works.
I'm not saying he wasn't dangerous, just that the fact that he got the mind of a child disproves Cannoli's original statement, which was
What was his first impulse? As a child, with no thought of the consequences, he was going to start tearing apart the palace! Rather than DISprove, this SUPPORTS my assertion! Even a guy who is simply reduced to an innocent child-like state, is still inclined to destruction! And he would certainly have become worse over time, and less amenable to the fortunate reason Min was able to impart to him. Even a mild and initially unnoticable form of the madness, that appears superficially benevolent, is still inclined to casual destruction. This bit isn't actually relevant to the argument, since you agree that Travelling may have been of the essentials, which would have been passed on if it was useful.
Expecting the Aes Sedai of the AB era to retain the teachings of the AoL Aes Sedai, is like assuming US Senators should all speak Latin, and recall the minor laws and regulations from their days as Roman quaestors and praetors.
This is an assumption. I agree that if it is true, it seems reasonable that Travelling got lost, but I don't agree with the assumption that the conditions would turn Travelling into "a weave that most likely would end up killing people".
All of this is also not relevant to the argument. But it makes me think I should dig out my copy of the BWB.
It seems to me that this whole discussion boils down to "Do you see it as likely that people who knew how to Travel stopped using it during the Breaking, for some reason or other?" I say no, but since we don't know it's just a matter of opinion.
And even if they had it, why would you assume that anyone who knew it had contact with all other Aes Sedai? All institutions and groups and people from the AoL were wiped out. People were knocked down to feral savagery and hunter-gatherer levels. There is no reason to believe that the AoL Aes Sedai did NOT die out without ever getting the chance to teach their knowledge or that those students they DID teach survived long enough to teach others. In the ordinary wilderness, a trigenarian is ancient - in the Breaking, people were probably fortunate to live to see their offspring walking before they themselves died. You'd think surgery a whole host of other skills would be too useful to forget or to not teach, but the civilized folks were ill-equipped to survive in the new world, and died out, while people who grabbed & ate the first rat they saw instead of studying lost techniques and lamenting the passing of civilization, were the ones who survived to pass on their genes. Channelers would have arisen within the tribes and clans and whatnot even if they never saw an Aes Sedai, and the old stories and legends would have preserved the name, like those of the Forsaken, who seem to be remembered almost like gods (rain is caused by Semirhage crying from the Dark One's beatings...
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
How did Travelling become a lost Talent?
03/02/2012 09:09:39 AM
It is a little odd. Maybe because channelers weren't united for a while?
03/02/2012 02:24:17 PM
Re: How did Travelling become a lost Talent?
03/02/2012 02:49:02 PM
Hey, why don't you reference ANY place in the series a character learns ANY weave from a book?
04/02/2012 07:42:43 AM
i think it could be
03/02/2012 07:56:18 PM
THANK YOU!!! Are we the only ones here who can see the obvious?!
04/02/2012 07:40:39 AM
Re: THANK YOU!!! Are we the only ones here who can see the obvious?!
04/02/2012 09:56:48 AM
Re: THANK YOU!!! Are we the only ones here who can see the obvious?!
04/02/2012 01:57:10 PM
Have you read the Big White Book? It details some of the events that happened during The Breaking
08/02/2012 04:27:13 PM
It's always struck me as a tool of the Author more than a good hard fact
04/02/2012 01:40:06 AM
Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 07:34:45 AM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 09:48:52 AM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 03:04:48 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 06:58:41 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 12:00:05 AM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 04:05:57 AM
I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking
05/02/2012 05:53:32 PM
Re: I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking
05/02/2012 07:39:51 PM
My point was that it's surprising only ONE Healing weave survived
11/02/2012 08:25:02 PM
Re: I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking
05/02/2012 09:11:04 PM
I agree. I was going to respond but you covered most of the bases.
08/02/2012 04:13:20 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 09:52:35 PM
You really need to read the BWB sections regarding this
14/02/2012 01:20:20 AM
he needs to read it just to see it for his own eyes
14/02/2012 02:46:44 AM
Re: he needs to read it just to see it for his own eyes
14/02/2012 10:15:46 PM
I would agree with you on less structured parts of the series
15/02/2012 03:38:37 PM
Re: I would agree with you on less structured parts of the series
16/02/2012 09:41:29 PM
That I can agree with
17/02/2012 05:46:49 AM
Re: That I can agree with
17/02/2012 09:26:50 AM
Seriously! The Yellow should be ashamed
17/02/2012 01:49:07 PM
Well to be fair to the Yellow (which generally annoy me as an Ajah)...
17/02/2012 06:20:06 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 09:02:28 PM
Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower?
08/02/2012 03:03:49 PM
Re: Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower?
09/02/2012 10:38:23 PM
Re: Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower?
11/02/2012 07:58:40 PM
The White Tower began construction in 98 AB. Go read the section in the BWB
12/02/2012 01:48:58 AM
The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills. *NM*
06/02/2012 02:38:36 AM
I wonder if it'd possible to open gateways based on the memories of a previous incarnation? *NM*
07/02/2012 09:56:25 PM
except for Rand/LTT and Birgitte, I get the impression that people don't have memories of past lives *NM*
08/02/2012 02:38:00 AM