Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 04/02/2012 07:34:45 AM
construction of the White Tower started in 98 AB. Furthermore, the breaking itself lasted something like 300 years. Hence, it seems entirely possible that at least a few Aes Sedai who were raised during the Age of Legends were still alive when the White Tower was founded.
Two things regarding all that date blather - even if someone HAD survived all that, this White Tower also lost track of the date and the year TWICE over the course of its history. Even if someone HAD lasted from the AoL to the founding of the White Tower, there is no reason they could not STILL forget the weave. Secondly, the books say NO Aes Sedai survived the Breaking. While it might have been possible for one to survive, none did. Period. And there is no reason to assume they WOULD, even if they COULD. One method used to mark the end of the Breaking is the death of the last male Aes Sedai, and female Aes Sedai could very well have been favorite targets of the madmen. Remember, these are not random nutjobs, their madness comes from the Dark One's touch and in every case we have seen, it has manifested itself as delusions which incite or inspire violence and destruction. They were not randomly wandering around doing wierd stuff, they were turned into beings bent on destruction, and quite probably perversely attracted to horror and atrocity, as in the case of LTT who specifically targeted his family.
And if not, it seems unlikely that the group of women who created the tower had grown sufficiently large and powerful if they had to start learning channeling from scratch,
Why not? On what do you base that rather large leap? Male channelers are widely feared and their untrained destructive capabilities are taken very seriously. In Rand's portal stone life, he can alter the course of battles with a little surreptitious channeling here or there, and his ability is untrained and unreliable, but it is enough to win enough battles for a country boy from the ass end of nowhere to rise rapidly in the ranks of the Queen's Guard. The Seanchan damane are not very skilled, but are sufficient to be the basis of the power of a continent-occupying Empire. The point in the gathering of Aes Sedai into a single, unified group was that when you have ALL the channelers, you will tend to win, no matter how half-assed they are. This is why they tolerate no other groups of channelers, whether or not they call themselves Aes Sedai. Also, their practice has been to claim superiority and fake what they can't do or don't know. How is anyone supposed to gainsay their abilities? The fact that they are incapable of sophisticated or complex weaves is small comfort to the men slaughtered by simple, direct and clumsy blasts of fire & lightning and moving earth!
so it's a reasonable assumption that there is an unbroken chain of women teaching other women to channel that leads from the Age of Legends to the founding of the White Tower, and from then on there has always been Aes Sedai living in the tower.
Not in the least. Your reasoning is based on a couple of faulty notions. Firstly, your assumption that due to the duration of the Breaking (and it is said more than once that these are not hard and fast numbers) some channelers MUST have survived. During the Breaking, there is every reason they would have been primary targets of their insane male counterparts, and what is more, those who were members of the Servants of All, or connected to them by tradition, would almost certainly have taken it upon themselves to confront and attempt to stop the madmen, and thus be MORE likely to fall. And even setting the rest of that aside, humanity was reduced to the Stone Age equivalent of technology and civilization. There is no reason to believe that sisters were living their full lifespans, and many reasons to believe otherwise, not least because THE BOOKS SAY THEY DID NOT. Secondly, given that we have absolutely NO knowledge of the Aes Sedai of the AB era, beyond a handful of names of faction leaders and administrators, your assumption that they MUST have had an unbroken tradition of advanced tutelage. For all we know, they were barely capable of touching the Source at will. However, even a tiny ability, when others have none, can be sufficient advantage, particularly when the rest of the nations had not yet got their act together and there would not yet have been many large armies or sophisticated infrastructures to support other forms of power. It would have been a world where brute strength ruled, and even a half-assed One Power ability, used well or effectively, can trump a lot of muscle-men. You have no basis beyond their apparent political success for assuming particular levels of skill, and even those results say nothing about about their sophistication with the Power, only their POLITICAL skills. Or maybe you know the make-up of the "Tower forming" weave? What about the "political unification" weave? Ooo! I know! The ultra-hyper-sophisticated "organization & administration" weave! Yes! Plainly these Talents could ONLY have come from the AoL!

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
How did Travelling become a lost Talent?
03/02/2012 09:09:39 AM
It is a little odd. Maybe because channelers weren't united for a while?
03/02/2012 02:24:17 PM
Re: How did Travelling become a lost Talent?
03/02/2012 02:49:02 PM
Hey, why don't you reference ANY place in the series a character learns ANY weave from a book?
04/02/2012 07:42:43 AM
i think it could be
03/02/2012 07:56:18 PM
THANK YOU!!! Are we the only ones here who can see the obvious?!
04/02/2012 07:40:39 AM
Re: THANK YOU!!! Are we the only ones here who can see the obvious?!
04/02/2012 09:56:48 AM
Re: THANK YOU!!! Are we the only ones here who can see the obvious?!
04/02/2012 01:57:10 PM
Have you read the Big White Book? It details some of the events that happened during The Breaking
08/02/2012 04:27:13 PM
It's always struck me as a tool of the Author more than a good hard fact
04/02/2012 01:40:06 AM
Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 07:34:45 AM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 09:48:52 AM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 03:04:48 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
04/02/2012 06:58:41 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 12:00:05 AM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 04:05:57 AM
I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking
05/02/2012 05:53:32 PM
Re: I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking
05/02/2012 07:39:51 PM
My point was that it's surprising only ONE Healing weave survived
11/02/2012 08:25:02 PM
Re: I don't see why people are having trouble believing Traveling was lost in the Breaking
05/02/2012 09:11:04 PM
I agree. I was going to respond but you covered most of the bases.
08/02/2012 04:13:20 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 09:52:35 PM
You really need to read the BWB sections regarding this
14/02/2012 01:20:20 AM
he needs to read it just to see it for his own eyes
14/02/2012 02:46:44 AM
Re: he needs to read it just to see it for his own eyes
14/02/2012 10:15:46 PM
I would agree with you on less structured parts of the series
15/02/2012 03:38:37 PM
Re: I would agree with you on less structured parts of the series
16/02/2012 09:41:29 PM
That I can agree with
17/02/2012 05:46:49 AM
Re: That I can agree with
17/02/2012 09:26:50 AM
Seriously! The Yellow should be ashamed
17/02/2012 01:49:07 PM
Well to be fair to the Yellow (which generally annoy me as an Ajah)...
17/02/2012 06:20:06 PM
Re: Your theory is based on rather severely flawed assumptions
05/02/2012 09:02:28 PM
Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower?
08/02/2012 03:03:49 PM
Re: Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower?
09/02/2012 10:38:23 PM
Re: Why would the AoL Servants of All build themselves a self-aggrandizing island-city-fort-tower?
11/02/2012 07:58:40 PM
The White Tower began construction in 98 AB. Go read the section in the BWB
12/02/2012 01:48:58 AM
The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills. *NM*
06/02/2012 02:38:36 AM
I wonder if it'd possible to open gateways based on the memories of a previous incarnation? *NM*
07/02/2012 09:56:25 PM
except for Rand/LTT and Birgitte, I get the impression that people don't have memories of past lives *NM*
08/02/2012 02:38:00 AM