Does anyone know where to find a general mapping of characters to their previous lives?
For instance, we know Rand is Lews Therin. It is generally accepted that Egwene is Latra Posae Dcume. Who is the modern Jearo? What about others?
For instance, we know Rand is Lews Therin. It is generally accepted that Egwene is Latra Posae Dcume. Who is the modern Jearo? What about others?
This is only accepted by people who hold similar opinions of LPD & EaV. Those who admire both are eager to equate their modern heroine with the legendary figure and thus justify her intransigence. Those who are a bit more critical of both like to equate two similarly over-rated failures. Some of us in the latter category see no reason to assume that this makes them necessarily incarnations of the same soul. The only one even remotely suggested by the books is the Birgitte-Teadra, which doesn't count, since she was not reborn in her current incarnation, but is rather an incarnate ultimate version of that soul.
EaV/LPD is actually more often, IMO, referred to as a repetition of roles vis a vis the Dragon, rather than a reincarnation. I suspect more people have subscribed to insane theories linking Elayne & Ilyena due to similarity of names & hair color, then have made a plausible case for LPD being reincarnated as Egwene.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Who is reincarnation of who?
01/02/2012 05:01:20 AM
No. We only know that Rand is LTT.
01/02/2012 07:32:48 AM
Wouldn't Elayne = Ilyena, if anyone?
06/02/2012 02:09:26 PM
It doesn't really matter.
01/02/2012 07:55:18 AM
With the obvious exception of LTT/Rand, it's completely irrelevant who people were in previous lives
01/02/2012 12:41:43 PM
Birgitte is Birgette is Birgette is Birgette is Birgette is Birgitte is Birgette is Birgitte *NM*
07/02/2012 02:24:07 AM