... but don't forget this time around they've decided to do things the "normal" way, that is Sanderson and Harriet are back to their usual work methods. Once he's finished writing, Sanderson himself will go trough passes of polishing of the whole thing (just like RJ did several before showing anything to his editor). Last we've heard (from his assistant), Sanderson was planning to deliver this polished manuscript around New Year. Harriet hasn't been editing bits and pieces as Sanderson went along, as she's done for the previous two books to speed things up. She wants to read the whole thing first, and be able to make her editing calls with the whole novel in mind (the only writer she has ever agreed to edit along the way was RJ, from book 7 to 10, and that was under pressure from Tor. After COT, RJ insisted to have back his full 6 months editing cycle with Harriet starting only after he's got a polished draft). They don't want to repeat the mistakes of TOM, or to work under the pressure and stress that book's release schedule has caused them. Peter said a while ago she's not seen a single page of AMOL and won't before Sanderson's polished draft. And Harriet has insisted to get her full creative editing cycle. The book isn't expected to be ready before late spring/early summer, and the Sanderson camp doesn't expect Tor to want to release it before fall 2012. The release date that's been circulating lately is october 2012.
Didn't Sanderson say about a month ago that he was going to finish in the next two weeks?
30/11/2011 01:05:19 AM
It is...
30/11/2011 02:34:02 AM
The answers to the questions I asked are most obviously NOT on the website.
30/11/2011 06:11:25 AM
His Twitter says he's "diving back" into it after his signing tour.
30/11/2011 03:10:15 AM
Didn't people constantly complain that he didn't take enough time the first two times? *NM*
30/11/2011 03:56:12 AM
Not me. I just want the fucking series to end. *NM*
30/11/2011 06:11:43 AM
He's close
30/11/2011 12:50:37 PM
you know, it strikes me that a lot of problem appear to steam from Harriet's editing
30/11/2011 02:22:27 PM
Re: you know, it strikes me that a lot of problem appear to steam from Harriet's editing
30/11/2011 10:28:40 PM
Maybe he forgot what a month is and Maria gave him the wrong glossary definition *NM*
30/11/2011 04:40:02 PM