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Re: Oh, is that what you think happened? DomA Send a noteboard - 21/11/2011 09:04:03 PM
I'd assumed that they denied the Seanchan because they'd long given up on actually upholding their traditions and chosen to cling to temporal power instead.

The way Verin (or was it Adeleas/Vandene, can't recall), they sounded more like a kind of sect of freaks obsessed with the Paendrags. in the vein of the Amayar.

My guess is that between the damane, the beasts that Westanders associate to Shadowspawn and the authorian ways of the Seanchan, the Watchers got totally confused. That's certainly not the kind of Return they had been expecting, especially that in the Westlands true knowledge of Hawkwing's period is dim even among scholars. Likely, the Watchers worship more legends than truths.

We also know there's a lot of lost history regarding that area, but it's really hard to connect all the dots from very tenuous hints. We know the Paendrag fleet sailed more or less from Falme, and earlier than that we know the area was tied to the Tree of Life symbolism (that's been variously connected by people to either the departure point of the future SF/Amayar during the Breaking, or others even believe the location of Falme isn't far west of the (now drowned in the Aryth?) location of Paraan Disan. It does sort of fit with the travels of the Da'shain in TSR. It was also the area in which Guaire Amalasan was born and proclaimed himself. but it's all really, really tenuous, especially since we don't even know if the Watchers were local born, or just the descendants of a group of fanatics driven to Falme where they set a watch desperately hoping for the return of Luthair, during the chaos of the War of Hundred Years.

Curiously, though, the Watchers are pretty much the sort of obscure topic we could very well learn more about in Harriet's Encyclopedia.

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Ghealdan needs a road - 04/11/2011 07:05:21 AM 1256 Views
Ghealdan does have a road to the east. - 04/11/2011 02:37:38 PM 837 Views
I think his point is that road goes through Seachan held northern Altara. *NM* - 04/11/2011 06:10:17 PM 298 Views
Only if they stay on a southern course. Altara is actually farther south. - 04/11/2011 07:43:01 PM 593 Views
Not according to the map you provided. - 04/11/2011 09:01:50 PM 634 Views
Yes it does, actually. - 09/11/2011 07:45:25 PM 599 Views
No, no it doesn't. - 10/11/2011 03:16:19 AM 720 Views
I think you are incorrect, but not b/c of map - because of what the projection of force would need - 10/11/2011 03:07:43 PM 643 Views
Re: I think you are incorrect, but not b/c of map ... - 10/11/2011 06:05:07 PM 613 Views
Yes, Andor is in a bad position. - 11/11/2011 10:05:09 PM 638 Views
Re: Yes, Andor is in a bad position. - 12/11/2011 04:08:40 AM 700 Views
The really atypical atrocity in the Seanchan's conquests... - 12/11/2011 06:55:33 AM 582 Views
Re: The really atypical atrocity in the Seanchan's conquests... - 16/11/2011 09:30:09 PM 702 Views
Oh, is that what you think happened? - 17/11/2011 06:04:12 AM 672 Views
Re: Oh, is that what you think happened? - 18/11/2011 06:57:53 PM 656 Views
Re: Oh, is that what you think happened? - 19/11/2011 12:50:19 AM 806 Views
Re: Oh, is that what you think happened? - 21/11/2011 09:04:03 PM 584 Views
Proof That a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words *NM* - 11/11/2011 04:49:21 AM 286 Views
Re: Proof That a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - 11/11/2011 10:40:43 PM 614 Views
Ability to survive - 05/11/2011 02:53:26 PM 674 Views
naw demandred will protect them *NM* - 05/11/2011 10:18:56 PM 265 Views
Ghealdan is the flyover country of Randland. No one cares. *NM* - 05/11/2011 04:26:11 AM 270 Views
A road north would be useless at this point. - 05/11/2011 04:23:11 PM 638 Views
Choices of Ghealdan - 07/11/2011 05:55:38 AM 618 Views
That might be a good long term plan - 07/11/2011 01:13:59 PM 554 Views
Re: Choices of Ghealdan - 07/11/2011 03:38:03 PM 656 Views
IIRC it has one rare mineral - 07/11/2011 06:27:12 PM 637 Views
A couple points - 08/11/2011 12:31:57 PM 661 Views
A road to the TR would not be profitable. - 08/11/2011 12:57:18 PM 574 Views
Re: A road to the TR would not be profitable. - 08/11/2011 06:33:09 PM 667 Views
They have alternatives actually - 15/11/2011 02:48:22 PM 544 Views
Re: They have alternatives actually - 18/11/2011 07:16:01 PM 542 Views

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