Active Users:533 Time:21/09/2024 03:29:54 AM
Re: I think it can be done sue Send a noteboard - 24/09/2009 06:29:28 PM
The problem is, we're in the age of the blockbuster as far as movies are concerned. That is, people expect major drama, huge special effects, etc.

The POV nature the books are written in are the biggest obstacle in my opinion. That would be difficult to get across, but it can be done, though I think you'd certainly lose certain things, like Mat's ancient memories, and the way The Forsaken recall how things used to be in the AoL.

As for the length of the books. Yes they are very long, but, how much of this is just description? We all know you can read for 3-4 pages in WoT without any actual dialogue, so the film maker would be able to speed things along to a certain extent.

Yeah, but how much of thoughs are going to be lost? Is it worth it? Would you get angry? For me, I think the expectations could ruin everything. I do get very excited about things that I like
Let the LoL rule
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Movies - 23/09/2009 08:13:21 PM 749 Views
Honestly, I'm all for a WOT film - 23/09/2009 10:32:14 PM 484 Views
Re: Honestly, I'm all for a WOT film - 24/09/2009 06:14:36 AM 470 Views
No - it would not make a good film *NM* - 23/09/2009 11:08:12 PM 204 Views
Whether I'm for or against depends on several factors - 23/09/2009 11:20:06 PM 548 Views
Re: Whether I'm for or against depends on several factors - 24/09/2009 06:05:00 AM 521 Views
Nothing - 23/09/2009 11:49:41 PM 469 Views
Re: Nothing - 24/09/2009 06:05:38 AM 457 Views
Personally, I think... - 24/09/2009 12:09:46 AM 432 Views
Re: Personally, I think... - 24/09/2009 06:06:46 AM 482 Views
Oh! - 24/09/2009 08:56:55 PM 471 Views
I used to be all for it, but I think it would translate horribly. - 24/09/2009 04:03:40 AM 549 Views
Re: I used to be all for it, but I think it would translate horribly. - 24/09/2009 06:12:11 AM 490 Views
Leaning towards Negative for one simple reason - 24/09/2009 12:20:09 PM 472 Views
Mmm, notes... - 24/09/2009 04:00:30 PM 446 Views
I think it can be done - 24/09/2009 04:53:04 PM 484 Views
Re: I think it can be done - 24/09/2009 06:29:28 PM 465 Views
Well, I think... - 25/09/2009 01:27:44 AM 435 Views
CGI!! - 25/09/2009 03:42:04 AM 4747 Views

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