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Re: Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - DomA Send a noteboard - 01/10/2011 02:49:06 AM
Okay, just wondering. How are you going to enjoy the final novel of this epic series? Questions:

1. When did you start reading WOT? Year and what were you doing in life.

Shortly before TPOD came out. No idea what year that was, so I can't really say more than I was in my thirties and working as what was called back then a CGI artist, for a major postproduction house.

2. Where is your life now and where will it be in early 2012, when aMoL comes out?

In my fourth year as a freelancer, liking it much better that way and hopefully that won't change. An oh, in the interim between starting WOT and now, we went from being called CGI artists to VFX artists and now we have to style ourselves Motion Designers. In 2013, I'll probably be called something else, doing much the same job for the same clients.

3. Will you pick up the book the first day it is out? If no, when will you?

No idea. WOT is a low priority for me these days, but I might pick it early if it comes out in a slow period or I'm not in the middle of a book or series. I doubt I'll read yet much later than three months after it's out.

4. Will you read it as quickly as possible or linger with it since it is the end of an era (why/why not)?

At some point, I would have read it in maybe 2 days.

Now, I can't tell. If it's better than I think (chances are it will be, one of my main gripes with what Sanderson did with the first two no longer applies from this point on), I might take a week or so. If it's no better than I fear, I'll soon enough read it sparsely between other books and might stretch it out for a long time (maybe don't even reach the end the first time around).

The end of an era? As it turned out after TOM came out, the end of an era for me was when Jordan died.

WOT as written by Sanderson is nowhere as fun for me. I realized it's truly WOT as written by Jordan, warts, weaknesses and all, I truly enjoyed (and yes, aside from TPOD I prefer his later works to his earlier ones. I read the first three books because I had made the "mistake" of buying the first four ones at once, but it's not until book 4 I started to really get into it. I still think to this day only TOM is worse than The Great Hunt.

I'll read the last one out of interest/curiosity for what Jordan had in mind, but the pure reading pleasure is gone. I don't like the way Sanderson writes it much at all, and I find the way they decided to split the books as they did (instead of chronologically) simply appalling. They pretty much destroyed the three act dramatic structure Jordan envisionned, and with that a great deal of my fun reading the finale.

Not that I think Sanderson was the wrong choice or anything. I respect his dedication to the work, I just think only Jordan could write like Jordan, and I refuse to be dishonest with myself and pretend I still enjoy it much, when I don't.

5. Where will you read the book, i.e., what is your go-to location?

Home, most likely. I dislike reading in transit or public places as it's usually very bad reading conditions. I prefer to do my "chores" reading then, like technical books for work, or screnplays and whatnot, freeing my leisure time for personal reading.

6. Do you think we have read the last of the WOT world or does Harriet have something up her sleeve for the future?

She does. She has long had a WOT project of her own, sold to Tor years ago before Jordan died, and by contract deliverable to Tor a year after the last WOT book of the main series is out. So yeah, we'll definitely see her WOT encyclopedia.

The rest.. we'll see (or you'll see. Personally I have no interest in those books). Sanderson is on record saying he believes Harriet shouldn't get the last two prequels or the post-TG trilogy written and released, and he told her his opinion but it's all up to her. The prequels are roughly outlined, the trilogy Jordan barely began to develop in his last year, and the story, and most of the new characters, would have to be largely developped by someone else if they were to be written. Sanderson said there was plenty of useable worldbuilding notes on Seanchan. There's the fact Jordan never intended his world to become an "open world" for other writers to play in, and unlike AMOL that's pretty much exactly what these other books would be.

Harriet gave many signs she pretty much agrees with Sanderson WOT should stop with AMOL. One reason she leaves it up in the air until she's done with AMOL (beside the fact she prefers to get the AMOL project done before sitting down, analyzing what's there and making a final decision) is that there's financial negotiations involved. Tom Doherty is very interested in releasing these books, the Mat-Tuon trilogy much more than the prequels, after the first of those didn't do that well (he said so publicly at JC, notably. At the table beside him, Harriet didn't seem very enthusiastic about the whole issue of post-AMOL WOT books). Jordan had signed contracts with Tor for all those books (plus for a few volumes of his next series), and got advances. If Harriet decides these books will never be written, as seems likely, she will have to negotiate the financial/contractual aspects with Tor, and she's waiting to be done working with Sanderson on the main series, and her encyclopedia, to get to that.

My hunch is that those books will not be released, and Harriet will find a way to incorporate some of the story material from them as Encyclopedia entries (which would be all too easy to do).

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Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - - 29/09/2011 04:02:23 PM 1854 Views
My answers..... - 29/09/2011 04:26:35 PM 1129 Views
Re: Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - *NM* - 29/09/2011 08:49:49 PM 625 Views
what is this supposed to mean???????? *NM* - 30/09/2011 04:19:37 PM 499 Views
This is a very introspective survey - 30/09/2011 12:36:58 AM 1530 Views
I'll answer this survey... - 30/09/2011 04:02:51 AM 1078 Views
Interesting comment about WoT not having any "enduring value"..... - 30/09/2011 05:42:43 AM 954 Views
It's really odd I'm replying to a post of yours on this board - 30/09/2011 10:39:53 PM 1018 Views
You always enjoy my community/political posts! - 02/10/2011 01:53:06 AM 992 Views
Here's me - 30/09/2011 10:41:59 PM 1013 Views
Re: Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - - 01/10/2011 02:49:06 AM 1271 Views
Are you f'ing with me? You like books 9-11 more than 1-3? - 04/10/2011 02:31:48 AM 947 Views
My answers... - 04/10/2011 02:57:51 AM 1094 Views
mine *NM* - 05/10/2011 03:59:31 AM 515 Views
My answers - 05/10/2011 06:46:03 PM 886 Views
Sure. - 07/10/2011 06:13:40 PM 1185 Views

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