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Re: Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - Cannoli Send a noteboard - 01/10/2011 02:37:53 AM
Okay, just wondering. How are you going to enjoy the final novel of this epic series? Questions:

1. When did you start reading WOT? Year and what were you doing in life.

1993. In the summer between school years, a friend had recommended the Belgariad by David Eddings, and my uncle loaned me his copies. In the same bag he sent a couple of trade paperbacks of a new series he thought I might be interested in, which were EotW & tGH.
2. Where is your life now and where will it be in early 2012, when aMoL comes out?
Um, here? I do not understand the question.

3. Will you pick up the book the first day it is out? If no, when will you?

4. Will you read it as quickly as possible or linger with it since it is the end of an era (why/why not)?
Read it is quickly as possible. I might be tempted to savor it if RJ was going to write it, but there is simply no pleasure in reading Sanderson's writing. I am just reading to find out what happens.

5. Where will you read the book, i.e., what is your go-to location?
The bus ride home from the bookstore.

6. Do you think we have read the last of the WOT world or does Harriet have something up her sleeve for the future?
The mind shudders to imagine her putting her oar in any further. The choice of Brandon Sanderson was more than enough from those sleeves, thank you.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - - 29/09/2011 04:02:23 PM 1855 Views
My answers..... - 29/09/2011 04:26:35 PM 1130 Views
Re: Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - *NM* - 29/09/2011 08:49:49 PM 626 Views
what is this supposed to mean???????? *NM* - 30/09/2011 04:19:37 PM 499 Views
This is a very introspective survey - 30/09/2011 12:36:58 AM 1530 Views
I'll answer this survey... - 30/09/2011 04:02:51 AM 1079 Views
Interesting comment about WoT not having any "enduring value"..... - 30/09/2011 05:42:43 AM 954 Views
I agree with that assessment of why the series will not endure. - 30/09/2011 06:18:30 AM 1000 Views
It's really odd I'm replying to a post of yours on this board - 30/09/2011 10:39:53 PM 1018 Views
You always enjoy my community/political posts! - 02/10/2011 01:53:06 AM 992 Views
Here's me - 30/09/2011 10:41:59 PM 1014 Views
Re: Now that the end of WOT is finally in sight.....a few logistical questions - - 01/10/2011 02:37:53 AM 1027 Views
My answers... - 04/10/2011 02:57:51 AM 1095 Views
mine *NM* - 05/10/2011 03:59:31 AM 516 Views
My answers - 05/10/2011 06:46:03 PM 887 Views
Sure. - 07/10/2011 06:13:40 PM 1186 Views

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