The rapists are evil, and are presented as such in the books. Go soak your head.
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 26/08/2011 05:57:21 PM
(I reread Graendal's chapter yesterday and it was very upsetting - I did not remember what happened to her)
No offence but I think Robert Jordan (and most of his fans) was a misogynist. (Or he thought WoT can't compete mainstream fantasy anymore?)
Your accusation is not offensive, but your presumption to judge on more or less zero evidence IS.No offence but I think Robert Jordan (and most of his fans) was a misogynist. (Or he thought WoT can't compete mainstream fantasy anymore?)
I talk about Shaidar Haran's "punishments". WoT is not an R rated fantasy, so it's really disturbing to read about rapes.
This is stupid on many levels.- R-ratings apply to motion pictures, not novels.
- There is no rating system for books, and no one has ever formally claimed that WoT adheres to a certain defined level of adult content.
- If there WAS an rating system, or WoT was portrayed in film exactly as it is shown in the books, the scene to which you refer would very likely not receive an R-rating, because it did not show anything. Off-camera rapes, with little or no description of the act, do not incur such ratings.
- If you only realized the Myrdraal habitually rape human women as of book 13, you are too oblivious to be passing judgement, since almost from the very beginning, allusions have been made to this practice, in as tasteful and sensitive a manner as possible, given the topic.
- Given the above point, and the fact that BRANDON SANDERSON wrote the book in question, your assertions of Jordan's misogyny are really off target.
And what makes it worst: many reader claim that these rapes are "fair and square", because they are evil people.
Yes, many readers are stupid. That twit beelaa, for example. The legions of Egwene's admirers, for another. So what? I do not let the stupidity of people who share my appreciation for this series affect my opinion of it, or deter my enjoyment.Define me this term, evil!
Anyone serving the Dark One of her own free will is evil and deserves whatever happens to her. This does not excuse any evil that is done to a Forsaken or Darkfriend, but their victimization does not change their guilt or make them worthy of pity. Graendal in particular deserves her fate, because of her oft-cited practice of using Compulsion to create live-action porn for her own enjoyment.
Rand, Egwene, Perrin etc. are evil too, they are killed many innocent people, started wars etc.
Name two. OK, let's say: they deserved it. But Shaidar Haran did not rape male Forsakens. So, where is the famous Jordan-balance?
What do you think about this?
In the first place, there are maybe two male "Forsakens" left, and most of them did not fail while he was around, so the opportunity has never arisen. Most of the males tend to die in battle and suffer their own penalty for failure that way. How many female Forsaken die in battle? Where is the famous Jordan balance NOW? Because most people would rather be raped than dead, since you can walk away from the former (if somewhat awkwardly).
What do you think about this?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
No offence! The most disgusting aspect of WoT
26/08/2011 02:12:46 PM
Yes, I hate rape and I hate how it was used in this story.
26/08/2011 03:31:16 PM
Missing the point...
26/08/2011 06:05:40 PM
No, but maybe you are missing the point of what a good villain can do.
31/08/2011 05:48:47 PM
The rapists are evil, and are presented as such in the books. Go soak your head.
26/08/2011 05:57:21 PM
I think the argument that RJ is misogynistic because Rand has 3 GFs is more tenable.
26/08/2011 06:47:26 PM
I think giving his hero 3 GFs more likely proves that RJ is a misandrist
26/08/2011 09:14:17 PM
Jordan was going to call the series "The Wheel of Rape" until Tor axed the idea. *NM*
31/08/2011 02:19:25 AM
I know and there are not any elves or fairies *NM*
01/09/2011 03:03:53 PM
No Fairies? Because there are enough of us who are reading the series! *NM*
01/09/2011 05:02:52 PM