Active Users:731 Time:07/03/2025 01:35:21 AM
Re: So are you going to be the one to enforce this? - Edit 1

Before modification by RandAllThor at 22/09/2009 12:23:36 PM

Are you willing to be the one who makes sure the poster actually has a pre-release copy? Or are you just willing to make more work for someone else? If you are actually willing to do the actual work, how pray tell will you do that? What kind of proof can the reviewers provide? Scanned copyright page? anybody can fake those. ISBN #? already published. Get real man.

I don't think any proof should be necessary at all (see my comment about how wotmania was filled with spoiler-free reviews for at least the last three books with no negative effects to speak of). No system for prooving something like this would be foolproof in today's day and age, of course.

Umm...You ever heard of Napster? All it would take would be one quote from the book and TOR would be completely within it's rights to shut RAFO down. Are YOU personally willing to be legally responsible for something that someone posts here? Sorry but I'm not. And sure, anybody at any time can post anything here. But by providing a spot for pirates to post what they want, the situation changes to "abetting and encouraging".

I'm missing the Napster connection here. RAFO has stipulated that reviews be spoiler/content-free, so noone would be allowed to post quotes from the book. One's impressions about a book, CD, movie, or any other copyrighted work are not copyrightable as far as I know. On a side note, do you really think every RAFO member would be personally liable to Tor if one member posted one quote from the book?

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