Active Users:667 Time:28/09/2024 04:53:13 AM
All of these, plus Redqueen, but really: breeding? They may be AS, but they're still human... *NM* Artsapat Send a noteboard - 22/09/2009 09:08:48 AM
First, the Tower's reputation. Unless a girl spontaneously starts throwing fireballs, most people wouldn't want to send one of their own off to that Tower.

Second, Aes Sedai don't do much recruiting. Partially because there's so much ground to cover, partially because, well, they're too busy doing other things. Verin and Alanna's trip to the Two Rivers seems to be the exception- most Aes Sedai just pick up recruits incidentally, as they're doing other tasks.

Third, which is more of a combination of the first two, Randland is the only- the ONLY- place where testing for the ability isn't mandatory. The Sea Folk, Seancean, Aiel, and Sharans ALL test for it.

Finally, and I'm not sure how much this affects things, but other countries don't discourage their channeling women from breeding. I don't know if the Seancean breed their damane (it would seem completely in character for them, though it's mentioned that men who sleep with damane are considered perverts), but it seems like the sul'dam can marry. Wise Ones and Windfinders can, certainly. The BWB says Shara has an odd system, but they do make sure the ability isn't culled out.

Aes Sedai, on the other hand, are aloof, raised away from men, and generally don't get romantically entangled with them. A few thousand years of that surely had an effect, no?
The mystery deepens... I think. *MySmiley*
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Just how bad is the White Tower at recruiting? - 22/09/2009 05:28:21 AM 741 Views
It's a few things, none of which reflect positively on the WT - 22/09/2009 05:49:26 AM 533 Views
All of these, plus Redqueen, but really: breeding? They may be AS, but they're still human... *NM* - 22/09/2009 09:08:48 AM 165 Views
Have you forgotten? They're all pillowfriends. *NM* - 22/09/2009 09:43:18 AM 170 Views
It just means that AS are discouraged from having children - 22/09/2009 02:26:59 PM 401 Views
Re: It's a few things, none of which reflect positively on the WT - 22/09/2009 02:54:50 PM 453 Views
Well, there's the training - 22/09/2009 07:51:53 AM 475 Views
I really, really want to know what happens to all of those who can channel, but fail one of the test - 22/09/2009 02:32:13 PM 426 Views
Or a Hunter for the Horn! *NM* - 22/09/2009 02:32:27 PM 143 Views
Just how bad is the White Tower at recruiting? - 22/09/2009 04:23:18 PM 423 Views
Resits are impossible - 23/09/2009 07:20:06 PM 382 Views
We already know this answer: Most of them die. - 25/09/2009 08:48:35 PM 449 Views

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