I don't know what made me think this but has anyone else tossed the idea around that multiple plot lines could be solved really fast this way: The black tower revolution succeeds but some loyal to Rand escape to find him/warn him. The black tower doing what the M'hal has always wanted to do attacks the white tower. Their attack happens at the same time as the sea'chan attack though and the two of them get into a huge battle. Rand is warned from the escaped men from the black tower (or some other means) and him, egwene and a bunch of people from the meeting they are currently having (well all those not heading off to attempt to save caemlyn) go to the white tower to find a devastated sea'chan and black tower army that is basically a push over at that point. The weakened sea'chan would be more amiable and the black tower could be defeated.
Does this sound plausible, that are your thoughts. Sorry about the spelling of the names here...
Does this sound plausible, that are your thoughts. Sorry about the spelling of the names here...
the black tower
27/06/2011 07:46:05 PM