Seeing as there have been no new topics in nearly two weeks, I feel the need to post a random survey to check if there is life left in the board.
1.) Thom or Asmo, who do think would be the better musician?
Asmo- he's had longer to practise. But he's dead now
2.) Why did the New Tongue develop and replace the old Tongue?
Because that's what happens over generations? Colloquialisms cone into common use and replace the old formal words all the time. Spoken syntax changes. Eventually the changes form a language that is distinct from the original. 3000 years is long enough for that.
3.) Am I still the only person who likes Tuon/Fortuona?
Maybe. I think she's ok, just incredibly unable to accept the worth of any other human being's opinion or value, which is a trait drummed into her by her status, upbringing and entire culture.
4.) Who is your favourite Aes Sedai?
Well, it's a relative term mostly. Nynaeve though. And out of the "real" AS, Pevara.
5.) Who is your favourite Asha'man?
Another relative term, but Flynn
6.) Who would you like tosee die in aMoL?
Rand, although I like him. The FS. Lan, for the Pathos. I don't really mind as long as it is emotive and helps the story.
7.) What do you feel when you hear the name Terry Goodkind?
Raw indifference.
8.) Which re-incarnated Forsaken do you prefer to their original selves?
All of them except Lanfear who I am reserving judgement on
9.) Why has no one been posting here?
That's all.
Thanks for the survey
Jac xx
And the answer came to her instantly: pride. Oh, you hear them say it's a sin; you hear them say it goes before a fall. the shepherd prides himself on keeping the wolf out from the flock. We pride ourselves on making a good history of our lives, a good story to be told.
Survey time.
18/06/2011 02:12:52 AM
Re: Survey time.
18/06/2011 03:24:25 AM
Die Antwort, -en
18/06/2011 02:51:53 PM
OMG, are you German?
18/06/2011 07:23:36 PM
No, I just love the place and the language is musical (fu!k French and Italian, I love German)
18/06/2011 10:23:18 PM
Re: Survey time.
21/06/2011 01:03:05 AM