Seeing as there have been no new topics in nearly two weeks, I feel the need to post a random survey to check if there is life left in the board.
1.) Thom or Asmo, who do think would be the better musician?
Thom. Asmo was a child prodigy who never actually lived up to his potential. Asmo likely has a much broader breadth of instruments given when he was living, but Thom seems to have done more with less.
2.) Why did the New Tongue develop and replace the old Tongue?
I think RJ may have addressed this at some point ... but realistically it's a natural thing for a language to change over time. New Tongue IIRC was something along the lines of short hand and eventually became the norm.
3.) Am I still the only person who likes Tuon/Fortuona?
I don't dislike her, but I'm not a fanboy either.
4.) Who is your favourite Aes Sedai?
Pevara of the non-main characters, Verin of the main (only going with women who were AS when the series began).
5.) Who is your favourite Asha'man?
6.) Who would you like to see die in aMoL?
Cadsuane of the "good guys" Cyndane of the "bad guys" ... otherwise I'm not sure I care too much about who lives/dies
7.) What do you feel when you hear the name Terry Goodkind?
I've never ready anything by this author
8.) Which re-incarnated Forsaken do you prefer to their original selves?
Well Aran'gar and Osan'gar weren't really ever characters as Aginor and Balthamel so it's hard for me to say I prefer either way. Moridin is less interesting to me than Ishamael is though and Cyndane is an insult to the already MEH Lanfear character. Guess I'd have to say Aran'gar if I had to pick.
9.) Why has no one been posting here?
Lull between books as well as these last books are answering old questions and wrapping things up so there is way less to speculate on or discuss on here. I'm pretty much just waiting for the last book to see how it all wraps up!
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
Survey time.
18/06/2011 02:12:52 AM
Re: Survey time.
18/06/2011 03:24:25 AM
Die Antwort, -en
18/06/2011 02:51:53 PM
OMG, are you German?
18/06/2011 07:23:36 PM
No, I just love the place and the language is musical (fu!k French and Italian, I love German)
18/06/2011 10:23:18 PM
Re: Survey time.
20/06/2011 11:08:41 PM