3.) Am I still the only person who likes Tuon/Fortuona?
Nope! She's nice and all, but ToM didn't do a lot to improve my opinion of her, not at all. I'm just kind of tired that some of these WoT characters don't have enough time to do more than advance the plot.
4.) Who is your favourite Aes Sedai?
Moiraine, probably. I'd say Verin, but she's passed on.
5.) Who is your favourite Asha'man?
Either Dahmer or Narishma, whichever one spends less time incongruously lapping at the hells of their AS.
6.) Who would you like tosee die in aMoL?
Isam. Demandred. Padan "don't call me gollum" Fain.
7.) What do you feel when you hear the name Terry Goodkind?
Incredulity at old english names.
8.) Which re-incarnated Forsaken do you prefer to their original selves?
Largely, Baalthamel, before he turned into a dunce in ToM.
9.) Why has no one been posting here?
I post sometimes to try to add something or try to strike up the conversations. Less responses = less reasons to post, though. Also, as Deadsy said, this is the dead period between books - I'll also add that we've collectively covered a lot already. It's hard to keep coming up with more things to say about old material...
Survey time.
18/06/2011 02:12:52 AM
Re: Survey time.
18/06/2011 03:24:25 AM
Die Antwort, -en
18/06/2011 02:51:53 PM
OMG, are you German?
18/06/2011 07:23:36 PM
No, I just love the place and the language is musical (fu!k French and Italian, I love German)
18/06/2011 10:23:18 PM
Re: Survey time.
18/06/2011 04:39:49 PM